Is there any happy endings?

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Jan 9, 2023
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Hi, I'm not really sure what to say but here goes nothing, my name's Aimee I'm turning 33 this month and I have no friends or family. I have always known I'm odd and different, I am the black sheep in life. All I've ever wanted was a friend and someone to talk to but after 33 years I'm starting to realise it must be me. I'm not expecting anyone to reply but I thought I would try and see if anyone else is lonely and scared and can't see a light at the end of the tunnel anymore. The black cloud over my head has gotten heavier and darker and I just wish I had someone to talk to.
Thanks for listening
I have no friends in real life. All my good family has died off. My remaining family and I parted ways many years ago. I have had a few friends at different parts in my life. But, they always constantly took from me. Once I stopped given they ghosted me. So, I've learned to be happy with no friends or family.

But, I think it's best for most people to try to make friends when they can. It can be really difficult now-a-days though. IMO, the best thing to do is enjoy life as much as you can without thinking about what you don't have.
Hi Aimee! It's nice to meet you.

I'm sorry things seem so gloomy for you, but you have a good chance of making friends here. My social life is also fairly limited and thankfully I do have a couple of supportive friends, but I can only tolerate being around others for a while and then I get burned out. I don't like groups or crowds and I really don't like to go out since I'm a homebody. On the flip side, I don't think others could stand to be around me for too long either. 😂😂

And yes, I have no one left of immediate family either, but I'm learning to cope with it and I do have a few extended family members. I also have my two cats. Do you like pets or do you have any?

Unfortunately, sometimes we just have to be grateful for what we have in life and sometimes life just isn't what we expected or hoped for. At times it's hard to see the good things that we have in life, but that's all we can do.

But welcome!
Hi, I'm not really sure what to say but here goes nothing, my name's Aimee I'm turning 33 this month and I have no friends or family. I have always known I'm odd and different, I am the black sheep in life. All I've ever wanted was a friend and someone to talk to but after 33 years I'm starting to realise it must be me. I'm not expecting anyone to reply but I thought I would try and see if anyone else is lonely and scared and can't see a light at the end of the tunnel anymore. The black cloud over my head has gotten heavier and darker and I just wish I had someone to talk to.
Thanks for listening
Hi there, Aimee, how nice it is to meet'cha! You did very well with your introduction. I think that you did just fine, not knowing what to say, you've already caught a bit of attention! What day this month is your birthday? Mine's in October but I've had a few more than just 33 of them.

I have to ask about your screen name though, doomed from the start? Is that how you feel? That must be some tunnel that you're in to be so dark. But no matter how dark it gets, a single candle can give off enough light to chase that darkness away. You've made a god choice, I think, by signing up on here. There are others who feel, maybe a little lost, for lack of a better term. You might like some of us and im sure that some of us like you already, not even knowing anything about you yet.

Just maybe think of this as a new, not doomed, start. I read what these other few posters have said to and about you and I personally think that you're off to a great start! Just hang in there and believe in yourself. You can do this. You're doing it already, you just need to look up every now and then so you can read our words of encouragement. It's a process though and not a quick fix. But you can feel better and people here can help you to figure it out. We can all help each other figure it out together.

Again, welcome, I hope you'll stick around and we can get to know you better. If things are bad right now, as bad as you say, then Ive got good news for ya, things can only get better! Think about it, when you get to the top of the mountain, you've no place to go but down. Nice view but for how long? On the other hand, if you find yourself in a deep, deep hole at the bottom of the mountain, the first thing to do is stop digging. Yeah, don't dig your hole deeper but climb out and climb up, to where you'd rather be. It's not easy but it is worthwhile. I hope I said something useful but other people have lots and probably even better ideas than mine. But if you ever want a candle, to chase away that darkness, I have a pretty good supply! Cheers! 🕯️🕯️🕯️
The title of your introduction, "Is there any happy endings" reminded me of this song. But hey, don't be in such a hurry to get to the ending just yet. You're on your way to a new beginning. And I don't think that it's doomed from the start either. I think that just maybe you could be on the right track here now. But enough from me, here's that song!

I'm glad you're here, doomed from the start. My social life is a lot like yours. This forum can (sometimes) be a pretty good platform to exchange witticisms, concerns and cares with other people who all have their own reasons for membership here.
Hi, I'm not really sure what to say but here goes nothing, my name's Aimee I'm turning 33 this month and I have no friends or family. I have always known I'm odd and different, I am the black sheep in life. All I've ever wanted was a friend and someone to talk to but after 33 years I'm starting to realise it must be me. I'm not expecting anyone to reply but I thought I would try and see if anyone else is lonely and scared and can't see a light at the end of the tunnel anymore. The black cloud over my head has gotten heavier and darker and I just wish I had someone to talk to.
Thanks for listening
Hi Aimee, welcome to the forum. Many of us have felt this way over the years, through different times in our lives and have found some measure of solace here. I hope you find it as well.
At least you're on a site where every other person, maybe more, have almost the exact same feelings/situations. But, to answer the thread question...pretty much any kids book, Lifetime movies, somehow, and sappy rom-coms. Real life? No clue
Welcome to the forum. There are a wide variety of people here, I'm sure you can find at least one person you mesh well with.

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