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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2010
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I'm feeling at a...loose end today. And it isn't anything to do with the day (I'm not even phased by the fact it is valentines day, to me it is just another day.)

My apparent friends aren't really my friends. I have known this for a long time, but I guess I just chose to ignore it. I have been trying to stop drinking for years now. I have abused the term "Just one more" and "I'm never drinking again!" over the past few years. It is only recently that it is starting to sink in that I need to stop, for myself. And I am doing better - I have certainly cut down. BUT it is hard to completely stop, if I did then my 'friends' wouldn't be around anymore. Or should I say I wouldn't be around them anymore. I think it is easier to try and think the latter, that way it is me making the choice rather than them.

Firstly the friends I hang around with are big drinkers, I mainly hang around with a group of guys who drink and take drugs (not heroin or crack or anything that bad) and I fit in when I participate too. I have been hanging around with these people for about 4 years and as much as I know that the only thing that ties me to them is drinking and Mat (who I'll explain about in a minute) it still hurts that I know that it wasn't/isn't really real. Or was it?
I don't attend the parties were everyone will stay up for days getting messy anymore (not unless it is a really special occasion and I feel bad for not attending)
I spend my time alone, seeing my flat mate only occasionally when he gets in from uni. Or at work (which I do love my work, I really do. It is the only time I ever feel truly happy)

I don't have family; my parents are alcoholics, my father a rapist. I left home at 15 and have been so strong over the years. I moved to a city when I was 17 on my own, with only Mat there for support. He was my first boyfriend, and though we are not together anymore, we still see one another - he hangs around with the group of friends also.
I do speak to my brother and grandparents every so often via phone, but it feels they only make me feel worse. They constantly try to convince me that my father is innocent, how if I don't get married soon I am going to end up completely alone and give me updates on how ******* happy my parents are now.

I have tried medication, which proved pointless. I've seen a number of counsellors and mental health nurses which never really helped either.
Apparently I might have developed cyclothymia - but I think that is just what the doctors are clinging onto, it is easier to say that than to tell someone that they are just broken and alone.
I'm seeing a psychologist on wednesday, for the first time, because apparently the reason I feel the way I do and why I act the way I do is something to do with my childhood (which I can only remember fragments of.) If I see one more doctor that looks at me with pity because they obviously assume I've been interfered with as a child then I swear I will just jump off a bridge.

I'm fed up of portraying a happy-go-lucky girl. At work I am fine - I even got told I am 'too enthusiastic'!!! I work in a community drug service helping socially excluded adults get into volunteering so that they can rebuild their lives and finally gain employment in the health & social care sector. I love what I do and it is the only time when I am at ease, because it isn't anything to do with me. I thrive on others. But when the working day ends...so do I.

Now I am usually the person responding to threads such as this saying "get hobbies blah blah blah keep busy, be good to yourself" and all of that other crap. I do have hobbies, I read, I write, I swim (everyday), I eat well (most of the time), I've stopped self-harming, I've stopped drinking so much, I stopped smoking, I support myself financially and I am proud of myself for still being here. But at the end of the day I still can't let go or move on with my life and it is crippling me. I feel pain, hurt, loss, anger, frustration, confusion and messed up most of the time. My 'hobbies' are only a distraction.

So what I want to know is, am I really alone? Do other people feel like this, honestly? And how on earth do I stop being like this?

I'm sorry for ranting. I had no where else to go.
kelbo said:
My apparent friends aren't really my friends.

Awwww... *hug* I'm sorry, Kelly. :(

kelbo said:
If I see one more doctor that looks at me with pity because they obviously assume I've been interfered with as a child then I swear I will just jump off a bridge.

Well for GOD'S SAKE DON'T DO THAT!!! @_@ Who the hell would I have to talk to? :p

kelbo said:
So what I want to know is, am I really alone? Do other people feel like this, honestly? And how on earth do I stop being like this?

Lol well I guess I can't tell you to get a hobby to feel better. :p

Are you alone? I think you obviously feel alone, and as you've mentioned, you don't really feel like your friends are TRULY friends...just sort of people to have out with who drink a lot (when you're trying to quit). I think it IS awesome how strong you are and how you're fighting to stop the drinking and stuff. :) Seriously...you've been through a bunch and for what your life has been in the past, I think you're doing pretty good right now.

It sounds like you feel something missing in your life...do you know exactly what it is that you're missing? Maybe it could be a TRUE friend, or a family, or a lover...or a child? :p lol I don't know. But maybe if you found out what you're "missing" then you'd be able to rectify the problem, or at least start to move toward a larger goal of some sort. So...yeah, it dounds dumb, but I think you should take an afternoon to sit and write a list of a few things you feel that you're missing in your life. Sort of like brain-storming, I guess...and then use that list as a starting point or share it with us (or me) and we can talk about it!

I think it's good that you're seeing a psychologist. Maybe you'll be able to more deeply explore some of the things that are bothering you.

*hug* I honestly don't know that anyone can solve this FOR you...but I think you know that. At any rate, this is a good place to start. And don't you dare apologize for ranting! :D That's what we're here for Missy! ;) Have a good evening/day, and feel free to PM me anytime you want to talk about anything!

You're not alone at feeling alone.

I went through that before I got clean and sober ...and stayed sober.
My father is an alcoholic. Being raised in that type of enviorment kind of messed me up.
I ran away from home when I was a child serveral times.
I was attending college and working full time but nothing I did was good enough for my father.
It just seems like he wants to throw a fucken monkey wrench in everything I do.
At that piont in time in my life I knew nothing of alcoholism, dysfunctional and all the other stuff.

Plus my best friend messed my girl friend....I felt very alone and empty.
Those were the two closest poeple I could turn to aside from my family that I couldn't talk to about anything.

So i moved thousands of miles away from home. First I relocated near Vancuver.
It was very beautiful and being away from my father helped a lot. But deep inside I felt bad.
I had mental and emotional baggages...I didn't know what the heck that was either.
I pretty much went to work, chased girls and partied. I worked on a fishing dock for the summer.
Not much work was avaliable. I was young without work experince or a higher educations...
So I join the Air Force...luckily I was some what intelligent. I scored high enough to be accepted.
I wasn't a trouble maker. My records was clean. Bascailly what I did was smoked pot and attended
cagger parties all the time...

Anywho...after I join the military...No drugs but drinking age was 19. So bascailly I went to work,
chased girls and partied all the time. It was the normal thing to do. Then I fell in love and got married.
Well that went to honeysuckle. Out of all the places I got stationed at was fucken red neck country. The woman's
parents and family hated my ass...just becuase. Total fucken biggots. But hell.. my father hated my ass so it wasn't
anything new to me. I didn't really drank that much when I was married. My ex-wf probably saw my drunk only a couple of times.
I felt like I was going against all odds. I love Chelle very much. She was like a beautiful rose in the myst of all the fucken
hatered that surrounded me. Plus i really wanted to love and trust again. Chelle took my walls down.
I fought tooth and nail to keep our marriage together. Our divorced devestate me.

Anywho...I moved back to Cal. Got a great paying job. I had money to burn. It didn't feel any differnt
than when I was single when I was in the military. I had my own home, 2cars....bascailly all the material sucess.
Yet it seem all really fucken retarded to me. I'd hang out at local clubs or bars attending happy hours until
whenever...Every so often another woman would come into my life...one night stands and all that stuff.
Yet on the surface all of my friends or drinking buddies thought I was okay..I was a happy drunk.
Then I started smoke weed again and someone at work turned my on to meth...
You know how it is...I worked all day and party all night...My ass was draging at work.
But after a while it got retarded...managing my buzzz or a state of ectacy.
Not sure if I got high so I could drink more...then I smoke weed to chill the fresia out..:p

Anywho...I started attending AA becuase I couldn't do it alone.
At first it was really retarded. I was very young..bunch of old farts attending.
After a month I started meeting people my own age...very few.
Then I was intruduce to NA...that was cool. More people my own age that I can relate to.
The fellowships are world wide..There's meetings in San Deigo with hunreds of young people attending.
It's like hanging out with clean and sober people and having a good time.
It's like a replacement of that crazy life style so that we don't isolate or feel so alone....
Plus there's probably a lot of people that can relate to you if you wish to talk and discuss about deep personal matters.
Or simply just someone to listen to you.....not giving you advice or telling you what to do.
You feel what you feel and it's okay.
Plenty of openminded people there too.

Stopping drinking and using is not the easist thing in the world...You don't have to do it alone.
Alot of drugs and alcohol conuselors are ex-drinker and users themselve...so, I guess you're exactly where your suppose to be.
You can speak from your own experince and from the heart...understand and have compassion for them.
well...can you allow yourself to have love, understanding, patience and compassion for yourself...you deserve it ya know.

Anyway..I care very much about you Kelbo...
I hope you find peace love and happiness.
You don't have to carry the world on your shoulders any more Kelbo...
Your'e an amazing person. You have accomplished so much.
We all need to be loved in returned. I understand about the self love stuff...but it makes a big difference knowing people love and care for you.

Maybe you can try AA/NA or ACOA in your area.

Well...that's pretty much how I've been able to staty clean and sober throughout the years and fcound sometype if peace , hope. love and serenity.
I met people in the fellowship that really cares and love me. Accept me for who i am...sometimes a shoulder to cry on. Sometimes to just listen to me.
other times call me on my bullshit...sometimes to just hang out.
They been giving a hard time lately becuase I've turned off my cell phone.:p
They reach out to me...just to be my friend. Just to let me know I'm loved and they care very much about me.
They'er consern if I'm might drift back into isolation again. Then I get to a place of feeling like I'm lost and alone...it's not healthy for me...becuase i don't
have to be alone or do it alone.
One of these nights I'm going to call my freinds in the middle of the night...hahahaaaaa
Just to see if they really mean what they say...they said call anytime if you need someone to talk to...:p
I've done it in the past when I really needed someone to talk to...people actaully answer their phone past midnight...mostly just listen or talk to me.

Yes..some of the stuff is from our childhood...a lot of mental and emotional scars or wacked out programing.
Or we had to learn how to surive at a very young age being raised in a dysfucntional home. We developed behavior patterns on a subconsious level.
The patterns vary from person to person...Some patterns takes years to complete, other patterns might occure from week to week.
Self sabatage...is one of those pattern. From some unknow reason (subconsiously) we feel like just ******* out our lives on purpose.
Something retriggered it..It can be as subtle as hearing a child screaming in the back ground or something that someone said.
One the most common triats of an ACOA is being an over achiever...becuase we felt like we were never good enough.

The 12 steps program is a process of releasing our mental and emotional baggages or healing...

Chelle calls me past midnight, now. hahahaaaaaa
Just to let me know..she loves me and cares for me very much.
I love her very much. It's been healing for the both of us.

Our divorces re triggered a lot of adandonment issues I had. I was abandent as a child.
My best friend having sex with my gf...left me feeling very adandent
when my high school GF died..I felt very abandment.
The break up with my ex-gf left me feeling very adandent...it retriggered lots and lots of adadonment feelings. It felt very overwhelming.
When Jenni died 2 years ago...it retriggered a lot of emotions I burried inside...I actaully never grieved over my HS GF. I bascailly got high all the time
to numb out to cope. So when I was greiving for Jenni...I was also grieving for Andrea. It felt very , very overwhelming..but I knew I couldn't run from that
anymore or numb out anymore. Jenni and Andrea were very simular people. They were the 2 people that love me very much unconditionally.
I felt very abandment and angery . The 2 people in my life that actaully loves me for who I am actaully had to died and taken out of my life. And of course
I'll go crazy asking GOD why????? Which will lead me back to drinking and using again...if I try to figure it out. All I know is that it hurts like hell. Life on life's terms
can be a son of a ***** but I'm not drinking over it.

Consiously or subconsiously at the moment...I'm kind of afriad of loving someone or getting really involved with a woman again.
I'm afraid if i allow a person to love me...they'll fucken die. I can't think like that....
And hopefully I don't subconsiously get involve with a waman that dosn't really love me or get involve in an abusive relationship again.
It's kind of like I feel if thou god dosn't love me enough and will throw a fucken monkey wrench into my life if I get too fucken happy...i hope that make sence.
I can't do the god thing at the moment...even thou the 12 steps is base of a god or HP. Never the less ,with god or no god...I'm not drinking over it today.

Be well.
Badjedidude said:
It sounds like you feel something missing in your life...do you know exactly what it is that you're missing? Maybe it could be a TRUE friend, or a family, or a lover...or a child? :p lol I don't know. But maybe if you found out what you're "missing" then you'd be able to rectify the problem, or at least start to move toward a larger goal of some sort. So...yeah, it dounds dumb, but I think you should take an afternoon to sit and write a list of a few things you feel that you're missing in your life. Sort of like brain-storming, I guess...and then use that list as a starting point or share it with us (or me) and we can talk about it!

Thanks for replying you. :p

What I am missing is a big question to ask. I don't and never have had a family that I have felt a part of. I don't have a 'foundation' or a safe space to fall back on if things go wrong. If I fresia up then I fresia up alone. I don't have parents to give me guidance or make me feel safe and secure in myself. I was brought into this life then just thrown away. And I guess that is my big problem, because I can't let go of that.

I find it hard to be with someone - relationship wise. I'm pretty self-destructive at times. I can't have sex at all, I flinch a lot and freak out a lot. Though the majority of the time I fling myself at men (not physically) just in general. I am stupidly honest and blunt and after a few drinks I don't mind saying to a guy 'do you want to take me out then, or what?'
I am always going on 'dates' - I've been out with 6 different guys in the past 6 months. (some even more than once) But I never do anything with those guys, I'm not a massive slut anymore, I just think I am trying to fix myself by getting a man - or having someone who shows an interest in me must mean I'm not the worthless person I think deep down I believe myself to be. Does this make sense?
Each one of those guys just didn't seem right though. I don't know if anybody ever will be right though, because I don't have a clue what I want or am even looking for.

As for a child, I am only 21. I am scared of kids in general. From afar they are as cute as hell, but near me? Noooo! I think I will be a mother who gets post-natal depression and kills them. It is just what I can imagine happening. So no way would I ever want to tempt fate by contemplating having one. There are too many unwanted children on this planet anyhow, would rather help one of those out one day (if I'm sane and stable enough)

Lonesome Crow said:
Anyway..I care very much about you Kelbo...
I hope you find peace love and happiness.
You don't have to carry the world on your shoulders any more Kelbo...
Your'e an amazing person. You have accomplished so much.
We all need to be loved in returned. I understand about the self love stuff...but it makes a big difference knowing people love and care for you.

Maybe you can try AA/NA or ACOA in your area.

Thanks for replying Lonesome Crow, I appreciate it. :)

I did used to see an alcohol counsellor, but it seemed totally pointless - each week keeping a drink diary - so she could see that I was intaking 156 units a week instead of the measly 14 a woman should be having. It was stupid. It didn't make me drink less, it made me drink more if anything - because I felt bad afterwards.
Or to add up how much money I was pissing down the drain on alcohol and drugs, wasn't very nice at all. It didn't make me stop though, it just made me feel sick. And I have always put alcohol/drugs before food, so it didn't even matter how much I was spending on beer, I could always just grab a packet of super-noodles a day and be happy as larry with my beers.
Or to come up with silly ideas of 'every time you want a beer think of something else...like for example a silly word' - eh? It never worked at all.
Needless to say I couldn't keep going to that, I went back to work and quit.

I can't imagine even going to AA or any of those groups. It is based on the 12 steps which I find so annoying. It'd probably drive to me drink, not the other way around. I'm not religious. So I doubt it'd help me. But I'm happy to hear it has helped you :)

Thanks for your kind words.
Hey Kelbo.

i seem to have missed the thread when you posted first.. but wow, sounds like you have been through alot in your life :(
i don't have good advice. yes, i do think others feel this way. but i don't know if it really changes. it seems to, i think :)

so just...


and i hope that you feel feel better soon. you sound like an awesome, strong and interesting person :)
kelbo said:
I just think I am trying to fix myself by getting a man - or having someone who shows an interest in me must mean I'm not the worthless person I think deep down I believe myself to be. Does this make sense?
Each one of those guys just didn't seem right though. I don't know if anybody ever will be right though, because I don't have a clue what I want or am even looking for.

Yeah...what you're saying makes sense. But I'm not so sure it's a good idea to measure your self worth by how others percieve you! :( *hug* I don't think you're ever going to be happy with a guy if that's why you're looking for him...because NO MAN will ever be able to judge you as fit to exist. Not because you aren't, but because other people don't have that power over you. Utlimately you have to be the one to square things with yourself, without outside perceptions or judgements.

Haha 6 guys in 6 months isn't that bad at all. In fact, it's probably a good ratio...even too few, perhaps. :p Nothing wrong with trying out different ppl....as long as you realize that no guy is ever going to magically fix everything for ya. But I think you already know that....it's just hard sometimes to tell one's heart what one's head is saying, and act on it.

I don't know how much advice or help I can give you about anything or whatever...because honestly I'm not quite perfectly sane myself. ;) But I can (and will) again offer my shoulder, should you ever need support or friendship. ^_^

packyourbags: AAAAAUGH...emo hug!!! GET THEM AWAAAAYYYY!!!!! XD


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