Looking for new friends

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Apr 17, 2013
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I'm a middle-aged man living in London, surrounded by people but knowing no-one. I have a few friends at work and outside, but most of my friends have drifted away over the years. I work in a large firm with about 2000 other people, but spend on average about 5 minutes a day in conversation. Outside of work I am mostly on my own, only occasionally spending time with other people. A lot of the time it's fine, but sometimes it's very depressing, especially when I think about how I spend 99% of my existence in silence.

I'm reasonably intelligent and have lots of interests, I'd say I'm also kind, caring, considerate and loyal. But I'm also shy, lacking in confidence and insecure, particularly in face-to-face situations (I can be quite different online and in e-mails, but it's easier there for my real personality to come through). I suppose I have some social anxiety because I'm not physically attractive.

I like to read and listen to music, to visit art galleries, museums and other places of interest, I like to travel but don't do enough of it, and I like company but don't have enough of it. Maybe I'm just too boring! I used to go walking a lot, in Scotland, the Lake District and other places, but no longer have companions to go with so don't bother any more. I don't have any pets, but I like animals, especially cats and horses.

Despite my advanced age ;) I still like to learn new things, I go on courses and go to lectures. I often pick up new friends on courses, they seem to like my company (which I find strange), but they don't seem to stay for long and just disappear again. But I carry on going to courses and lectures because I want to learn new things!

On the whole I think I'm quite nice to other people, friendly and polite, and I'm a helpful sort of person, but all to no avail. Whatever I do, I always end up feeling lost and all alone.

I'd really like to have more friends, particularly people with similar interests, any age or location, but probably only to be friends by e-mail (certainly to begin with). E-mail doesn't break the silence, but I don't notice the silence, the loneliness or the depression so much when I'm writing e-mails to friends.

If anyone would like to get in touch, please PM me.

Thank you for reading this.

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