Lost My Swag

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Feb 1, 2012
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In a nutshell I don't have much of a family aside from my mom. She was sick and I've had to take care of her through my teen years, dropping out in high school, missing out on the social experience.
After I had a good grasp on everything. I enrolled into college when I turned 21, learned how to become pretty normal and be comfortable in the lime light, getting confidence/girls. Eventually after being very very picky with my choosing I found a girl worth my time to experience my first relationship with at 22. She was very understanding of my situation with my mother, and even moved in with us. I helped her enroll into school along with teaching her on how to establish independence since she came from a very unsupportive family background.
Life was perfect for the next 2 years, but I guess that must have been a glitch and fate had to change this after it audited me and discovered I was happy.
Not getting into detail with it, but my mother is no longer in the picture which was hard. Shortly after My girl took what I taught her to the next level and wanted to be single claiming that I was a wonderful boyfriend to her thanking me for everything I've done for her. Months later she wanted to come back but that's just not my style...if I've been there for you in your absolute worst, then I shouldn't expect to feel like I must climb out of hell inch by inch by myself..but after going ahead and doing this on my own, I realized I dont need her company. ..So nonetheless..never settle, right?
Optomism, faith, and never allowing myself to quit has been keeping me to excell and I've reached new feats such as landing an amazing job that is usually unheard of for a college student of my age/experience. I was able to by a new car. And most importantly I feel like i've mentally scraped myself together after splattering all over the place from taking such a nasty fall.
It's only a few months shy from being an ENTIRE YEAR from when my only family member and girl have left the picture... So WHAT THE F#^K IS WRONG WITH ME? I have such a hard time talking to others. ...I'm not as articulate as I use to be..But I'm improving..and when I DO have moments where I am articulate I feel that many people (usually females) are uninterested in conversing with me. It's almost as if I have forgotten how to win people over into friendship or companionship.
I'm not ugly, I'm not a jerk, I'm going somewhere in life because I'm determined to, Did the game change? Am I doing something wrong?...Is it an age thing where now at 24 people are just disinterested in making new friendships? I don't get it. If anyone has this answer I will buy you a freaking cake.
FaTe and glitches....thats about sums up my life.

I dont think theres anything wrong with you.
Maybe youre still grieving.

I dont really have an answer myself.
Its not im not knowledge able or withoit experincesi.

I go through strange phase....
I feel dis connected from life in general sometimes.

I have social skills. I get alone with poeple
I can make friends.
Sometimes i wish to be alone
I went through a weird phase after a death of
Someone very close to ne.

Im in a relationship now.
Wuth ny Exfianceee...whuch coukdnt concieve
Fath and glitches.....
Sip some purple and listen to weezy. Your swag will be back in no time!
First off their actually isn't anything wrong with you. Your part of the human race and were a big family of imperfection. Your not alone with your problems and you need to look on the bright side and capitolise on your strengths. Just do no harm and basically anything goes. Your life is a success in one area apply your knowledge of how to succeed in the other. We all don't know things but if we learn those things we don't know we can then use our abilitys to go forward unto them. So what you want will at first take time and understanding. Gain this and then you can fix apply it by joining groups of your interests like the ones on meetup.com go to their get togethers. You will meet others thats the point of it and from there you can form new bonds. For from new company new friends come forward and surprised you will be to their calibur of interest to yours.

Your reasults with vary and its deicided by the choices you make right now. Just as you made the choice to succeed and have its now your choice to go forward to get what you want back in your life. Leave the past behind you live in the present and don't worry about the future for it has yet to happen. If you operate on this mentality you will elimanate your fear and worry. I hope this can help you give you a general guideline on somethings. Expand upon them and you will see alot of things you had never seen before in life.

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