It's good to see people thinking positive. But the statement that majority of people in their twenties feel lonely is not true in my life. Most of the people around me are NOT, they are all in relationships. I'll be 27 in two months and I feel like an odd-one-out. I'm so lonely I can't express that. I have friends and family, but I live in a different country than my family. It's so true what was said above, that friendship (all relationships for that matter) are different when you're a grown-up. The lucky ones get together, marry, have kids, and do not the less lucky ones so much as they did in high school. I tried everything, I think I'm an interesting and attractive person, but I feel I will always be alone. I feel not everyone is destined to meet their special someone. I'm getting older and I think I need to get used to this idea. No point dreaming of sth that will never come true.