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user 188685

sunflower lover
May 29, 2022
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What is it about music that you just love about it?I think for me it is the rhythm and the beat to it,I love music,you could just get lost in the music,and some songs can take you back in time.
The energy, passion, sincere thoughts and feelings. The outlet, I guess you could say. The expression. It kind of becomes an expression of our own individuality in a way, like the clothes we wear. It's part of our overall style, vibe, and character/identity.

I wish I got more into bands and stuff when most other people did, in the teen years. But it didn't speak to me at the time. My friends weren't big listeners back then either, and I guess you do what your friends do, a lot of the time. My attention was more on stuff like toys and fandoms.

And to be honest, I (wrongly, naively, immaturely) wrote music off as something for stoners and dark, mean, "bad", attention-seeking, rebellious people - people that just wanted to, like, be seen and heard swearing and being mean, which I wasn't at the time. I guess, a lot of the people who WERE that way, and DID like those things, were mean, not welcoming, cold. And I didn't fit into their world or want to be like them.

I also didn't want to be like people I thought were "dumb hippies" that were "going to be broke forever". What can I say, I was naive. I look back and a lot of my views didn't make much sense.

Now I listen to punk rock all the time, lol. Lots of other stuff too.

Also the Internet played a huge role in finding bands I liked. Without it, all I really knew was what was on the radio, and what the people around me liked. But once I found I liked some songs by a band, I'd go on Wikipedia, and then YouTube and go through their whole discography. I got into a lot of bands and bought a lot of albums that way.
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The energy, passion, sincere thoughts and feelings. The outlet, I guess you could say. The expression. It kind of becomes an expression of our own individuality in a way, like the clothes we wear. It's part of our overall style, vibe, and character/identity.

I wish I got more into bands and stuff when most other people did, in the teen years. But it didn't speak to me at the time. My friends weren't big listeners back then either, and I guess you do what your friends do, a lot of the time. My attention was more on stuff like toys and fandoms.

And to be honest, I (wrongly, naively, immaturely) wrote music off as something for stoners and dark, mean, "bad", attention-seeking, rebellious people - people that just wanted to, like, be seen and heard swearing and being mean, which I wasn't at the time. I guess, a lot of the people who WERE that way, and DID like those things, were mean, not welcoming, cold. And I didn't want to be like them or fit in in their world.

Now I listen to punk rock all the time, lol. Lots of other stuff too.

Also the Internet played a huge role in finding bands I liked. Without it, all I really knew was what was on the radio, and what the people around me liked. But once I found I liked some songs by a band, I'd go on Wikipedia, and then YouTube and go through their whole discography. I got into a lot of bands and bought a lot of albums that way.
very nice,what songs do you like the best?
So many reasons:

1. The way it can instantly improve my mood - I can be in the foulest headspace, but if I pop my headphones on and put on some music I love, that mindset changes almost immediately. I also love how it effects my emotions - even on a physical level. Certain songs, certain notes, a particular vocal cadence will often bring me to tears or induce a full-body reaction in me - delightful little shivers all up and down my body and spine, and goosebumps.
2. The way it can energize you and give you a pop of energy when you need it.
3. Nostalgia/a link to happy (and sometimes sad) memories. Listening to an old song you haven't heard in ages can bring back so many memories - of people you haven't thought, of places and things you've done in the past.
4. Escapism. Good music and headphones let me escape into my head for a while and tune out the world. One of the reasons I much prefer listening to music alone with good quality headphones - some people love live concerts, but I guess I'm a little more snobby in a way. I want my music all to myself - I want to hear every note as the musician intended. I don't want to get distracted by people screaming over the music, or poor quality acoustics or a voice that sounds inferior live. On the other hand, nothing quite beats the energy at a live concert, especially if you're seeing a band you love and sharing that love with a ton of other fans - that's kinda cool. But I do find that kind of environment really draining.
5. The healing power of music. When my mum was dying of dementia and was essentially lost to us, music was the only thing that helped her to remember. On one particular visit at the care home before she passed away, I bought a bunch of her favourite music on my iPod and played it for her - Queen, Pink Floyd, Supertramp, Led Zeppelin. It was like she came alive - truly awe-inspiring. I have really happy memories of her sitting there in her wheelchair, just grooving away to the music, big honeysuckle-eating grin on her face, imploring my stepfather to "TURN IT UP!!!", haha.

Also, as Ska has mentioned above, the internet is wonderful for discovering new music - I'm forever discovering new bands I've never heard of.
Because music is magic, I think I've said this before but I'll say it again, to create something out of nothing is the ultimate act of magic.

I picked up a guitar to get rich, get famous and get laid, I stuck with it because I found with a few chords I can say things that I can't say any other way, things I have no words for.
Since I play the drums and bass guitar; or at least I use to, I tend to like bass guitar dominant songs (Korn for example) or songs with a lot of rhythm (rap). You never know what you get from me because I like a lot of different genres especially grundge, 80s college underground, jazz ( played trumpet) etc. I was only good enough to play for the college or bar scenes in the 80s & 90s. And oddly, I tune out other instruments and lyrics.

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