Official "Lonely Life Recent Game Happenings Thread"

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I played a bit of The Evil Within and found that I actually prefer it with the borders and the film grain. Go figure. I couldn't stand the 30FPS frame rate, so I got rid of that. It's not a great game, but it's fine for frittering away a few hours.
user 130057 said:
I played a bit of The Evil Within and found that I actually prefer it with the borders and the film grain. Go figure. I couldn't stand the 30FPS frame rate, so I got rid of that. It's not a great game, but it's fine for frittering away a few hours.

I was thinking about buying it, especially with the major discounts lately. But I was still afraid of the possible technical difficulties. And it's neither a Silent Hill 2 nor a Resident Evil I guess I'll wait a bit longer then.

Back to switching back and forth between Sleeping Dogs, Fallout 3, Skyrim and many more...
Rodent said:
user 130057 said:
I played a bit of The Evil Within and found that I actually prefer it with the borders and the film grain. Go figure. I couldn't stand the 30FPS frame rate, so I got rid of that. It's not a great game, but it's fine for frittering away a few hours.

I was thinking about buying it, especially with the major discounts lately. But I was still afraid of the possible technical difficulties. And it's neither a Silent Hill 2 nor a Resident Evil I guess I'll wait a bit longer then.

Back to switching back and forth between Sleeping Dogs, Fallout 3, Skyrim and many more...

It really is neither Silent Hill2 nor Resident Evil 4. The storyline and atmosphere are not a patch on those two titles and the basic gameplay has more in common with Hitman since you spend 90% of your time sneaking, avoiding enemies and performing stealth kills.

It doesn't really have any technical difficulties any longer. They provided extra options allowing you to remove the 30FPS lock, the black borders and the film grain. The only thing left is that you cannot go above 60FPS, so if you've got a 120/144Hz monitor, you'll still have to use the command line or in-built console.

If you're not in any hurry, I'd wait for it to drop a few more pounds/euros.
user 130057 said:
It really is neither Silent Hill2 nor Resident Evil 4. The storyline and atmosphere are not a patch on those two titles and the basic gameplay has more in common with Hitman since you spend 90% of your time sneaking, avoiding enemies and performing stealth kills.

It doesn't really have any technical difficulties any longer. They provided extra options allowing you to remove the 30FPS lock, the black borders and the film grain. The only thing left is that you cannot go above 60FPS, so if you've got a 120/144Hz monitor, you'll still have to use the command line or in-built console.

If you're not in any hurry, I'd wait for it to drop a few more pounds/euros.

Nice to hear that the technical issues are fixed. But yeah, I'm really not in a hurry. Suppose the prime time of quality survival horror is over anyway, but The Evil Within seemed promising at least. Except for Outlast, I didn't have anything in that department lately.
Rodent said:
user 130057 said:
It really is neither Silent Hill2 nor Resident Evil 4. The storyline and atmosphere are not a patch on those two titles and the basic gameplay has more in common with Hitman since you spend 90% of your time sneaking, avoiding enemies and performing stealth kills.

It doesn't really have any technical difficulties any longer. They provided extra options allowing you to remove the 30FPS lock, the black borders and the film grain. The only thing left is that you cannot go above 60FPS, so if you've got a 120/144Hz monitor, you'll still have to use the command line or in-built console.

If you're not in any hurry, I'd wait for it to drop a few more pounds/euros.

Nice to hear that the technical issues are fixed. But yeah, I'm really not in a hurry. Suppose the prime time of quality survival horror is over anyway, but The Evil Within seemed promising at least. Except for Outlast, I didn't have anything in that department lately.

I don't want to give you the wrong idea - it's not a bad game. It's decent looking. It runs well enough. It's basic mechanics are sound. It manages to build a reasonably foreboding atmosphere... It's story is ridiculous, but then aren't all survival horror type games?

If you like games like Silent Hill, Resident Evil, Outlast etc, then I can't see you disliking this game - just don't go into it expecting a classic.
I appear to have downloaded a bit much for MUGEN. Then again, a fighting game with 34 characters and many more to download is pretty nice.
I've been playing the odd game of Counter Strike: Global Offensive - I am the worst player ever. I don't have the patience to stand around, so I just go charging in like Leroy Jenkins and get 'AWPed' in the face.
user 130057 said:
I've been playing the odd game of Counter Strike: Global Offensive - I am the worst player ever. I don't have the patience to stand around, so I just go charging in like Leroy Jenkins and get 'AWPed' in the face.

Still, the Leroy Jenkins style is kinda fun. ;)
Mr Seal The Albatros said:
user 130057 said:
I've been playing the odd game of Counter Strike: Global Offensive - I am the worst player ever. I don't have the patience to stand around, so I just go charging in like Leroy Jenkins and get 'AWPed' in the face.

Still, the Leroy Jenkins style is kinda fun. ;)

I take it to new and exciting extremes. I witnessed an amusing conversation in the chatbox debating whether I had been born without thumbs or had lost my hands at some point. :p
Mr Seal The Albatros said:
Looking into Kingdoms of Amalur. I heard it was sort of like an MMO-style game that's single player.

It was originally intended to be an MMO. You can still see it's MMO roots in the quest system, but the combat has been massively reworked. I enjoyed the feel of the game and I found the skill trees to be hugely satisfying, but the quests are mediocre at best and the storyline is lacking. It can be picked up for pennies these days, so it's still worth it.
I remember that I couldn't get into Hitman: Contracts when I played it years I put the whole series to rest. But now I'm really enjoying Hitman: Absolution. If only I could get Blood Money to launch as well...
Most recent would be Portal...tried teaching my 10 yr old nephew how to think with Portals over the weekend.

For myself it would be Tomb Raider....and Lego the movie.... something so satisfying as being batman in cloud cuckoo land.
Started playing Mount and Blade: Warband, and I already have a grudge against one of the nations called Swadia.
Tremble in fear Swadians, for you will know the name, Fythus Pradd!

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