Online gaming, or just a friendly chat [:

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Hey there,

All things considered, I'm quite glad I joined this lil forum, so I thought for once, I'd extend out the branch of friendship. For a more broad overview of me as a person, feel free to check out my thread/introduction in the new members forum over here!

As a gamer, you can catch me pretty much on PC exclusively now... I play quite a few RPG, RTS, & FPS games, and lately have been spending a few hours on Team Fortress 2, but I do feel like getting back into Diablo III or Torchlight II :) Just drop me a PM if you want my Steam/Skype ID (or add me if you figure it out ;))

As far as friendly chats go... I can try be nice! I do have my downers, and I have been known to upset people, but it's never been my intention while in a clear state of mind. I'm pretty liberal, but I can also come across as a bit... Brash? I make/enjoy jokes that other people might find highly inappropriate, but that's just who I am.

If you're a bit intimidated by my apparent openness, don't be :) I'm a wreck haha. Feel free to ask me anything in the public domain, if that makes you feel better before PMing me. Would be easier for everyone to get to know... Well, everyone, that way.

Cheers :)
Hey Aihpames, you know, I've been meeting a lot of people on the forum who are gamers. Sometimes I wish I was more of a gamer so that I can join in the fun. I bet it's really nice gaming alone, but maybe even better with other people. Maybe... someday, I might be able to do more gaming.
I actually dislike being a gamer nowadays, as I feel I should be doing something more productive with my time... However, as I don't really play with anyone anymore, I guess it could help me feel a bit more relaxed and prepare for the face to face talking :)

If you have a halfway decent PC, there's a few free to play games you could try getting your teeth into!
i'm a selective gamer.
every once in a while I find one I like and get right into it. lately i've been stuck into the long-term time sponge called Eve Online.
still 46days away from getting a jump freighter so there is still no end for me in sight! ;)
I've been the same in the past :) Some days I can burn hours, others, I can't stomach a few minutes.

Eve is meant to be bloody intimidating to get started in...

Walley said:
i'm a selective gamer.
every once in a while I find one I like and get right into it. lately i've been stuck into the long-term time sponge called Eve Online.
still 46days away from getting a jump freighter so there is still no end for me in sight! ;)

There was this "Freelancer" which I loved, I gather it's anything like it, if there was a single-player, less-grind version of Eve online, I'd love to try it.

Me and my other half play D3 regularly, and he is really into Torchlight 2 (I'm more of a WoW girl myself).

Always happy to talk to other gamers :D
Hey Lady X :) I actually played D3 for a while with a couple from another forum, but they both moved onto other games (I still have them on Steam). If you pair ever fancy a game of D3 (I'm in the EU), feel free to drop me a PM, but I quit WoW last year after 15000 hours haha :eek:
I have to say.. Eve really isn't a typical "grind" type lvling system.
it's skill progressions work in real-time in the background whether you play or not, so it's more like a waiting game.. and do what you can while you wait to do what you want to do lol.
the only thing is that there isn't a whole lot you can do in a short time. if you have less than 2hrs to play then may as well not log in unless you just need to reset skills or move your ship somewhere.

but ya, I agree with the picture above describing the learning curve lol.
most don't make it past the trial period. if you do.. then you're hooked.
as they say in the eve universe.. when you start the game, they give you a ship and say F.U.! go figure it out for yourself!
the tutorials are a joke and nothing is really self explanatory or typical. you pretty much have to know someone who plays to help you figure out what to do.

I guess that's why you still see lots of players in there who have been playing for many years. just last night I passed a guy that has been with the same corp for 9yrs 9months!
Since I spend most of days behind a computer (when I'm not in school), I have plenty of time to practice my gaming skills. For me, it's usually skyrim or guild wars 2. I'm waiting for elder scrolls online. I heard it's expected to be pretty good.
Aihpames said:
I do have Guild Wars 2 (bought it at launch), but never got past level 30 :(
I think I'm at level 25 now. I haven't played it as much since I bought Skyrim.

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