Panicking Over School

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Maybe the key is not to let yourself get behind in your studies. It really messes you up when you need to play "catch-up" and that's when the anxiety sets in. At least, that was the case for me. I let myself slack off by spending too much time procrastinating. You don't need to make elaborate lists. Just make sure the work gets done - seeing a tutor regularly might help you to do that, especially if you have questions on the material.

Perhaps incentives for getting your work done early can be that you can allow yourself more time on the computer during weekends, or see a movie with your mom and enjoy a night out.

I agree with Eve. You are very smart and resourceful. Have faith in yourself! You really are capable of accomplishing it. I know it =)
I just had a honeysuckle-fresia day.

Mom made me go to some academic advisor at a local college and it turned into what felt like a three-way confrontation of me. I told my mom I didnt want to go, she didnt listen.

I broke down in tears in front of the advisor. She asked me very personal questions and then repeated them to my mother. my privacy has officially been taken away from me. I have none.

honeysuckle fresia. I knew this would happen. I knew i would just be utterly humiliated in front of the woman. I didnt want to talk to her about anything. But mom made me. This is like the most humiliating thing that's ever happened to me. I hate opening up to people. I really really REALLY hate it in real life.

And now my mom wont leave me alone thinking that if i am more active and busy I wont be depressed.

I feel like i'm some defective little piece of honeysuckle right now.

I had this whole "issue" sorted out on my own and i had to be drug to someone and humiliated. I feel like i've been stabbed multiple times and had my wounds doused in grime.


I'm just really upset right now. I'm probably wrong about everything and have nothing right.
I just needed to write that down. feel better now. Thanks for listening everyone.
*HUG* I'm sorry that happened, SophiaGrace...and I hope tomorrow goes better for ya!

Are you in college? Or highschool..? I don't know how old you are, but that seriously seems like your mom went over the line. You need to tell her to fresia off.

I love my own momma, but I made it very clear to her during my first year of college that my business was my OWN. I cut off my parents' access to my grades, funding, academic records, school health records, etc. I told them straight off that if I thought I needed their input I would come ask for it.

All I'm saying is: Don't let the fact that she's your mom cause you to feel obligated to include her in your life outside the house (academic, romantic, etc). At some point you're going to have to tell her to leave you the hell alone...and it'll probably be a nasty scene, but you'll feel tons better once you're in control. Just make sure she knows you still love her (if you do, lol).

That does sound pretty shitty and I'm sorry it happened. -_-

If I may ask, how did your mom "make" you go to the academic advisor?

Went to another person today. Mom took me. I was resistant at first but I talked to them and theyre trying to help me with school. Mom didnt attend that meeting unlike the one yesterday.

Still wish that yesterday's meeting hadnt happened. Was pretty embarassing.

HOpefully I'll do better this semester at school though...
Everyone is probably tired of this thread but as of this moment I am compiling a little book of goals for COLLEGE, in the exact same format as I've done for my reading goals.

Hopefully this'll help me to actually SEE what i've done and what I still need to do.

First day of school. Anxious.

Still need to go get tutors but my other three classes arent until tomorrow.

I still have an imcomplete to finish up from last semester.

Wish me luck :D
Here's a list for a class that I've created modled after the format of my book goal binder. It clearly states what I need to do for the course. The alignment has been screwed up so sorry about that :(. There were supposed to be TWO collums. One for lecture readings/tests and one for Laboratory readings/tests :

Human Biology


Chapter 2 Laboratory 6
-notes -notes
Chapter 3 Laboratory 5
-notes -notes
Chapter 4 Laboratory 19
-notes -notes
Chapter 16 Laboratory 22
-notes -notes
Chapter 17 Laboratory 3
-notes -notes
Chapter 5 Laboratory 14
-notes -notes
Chapter 6 Laboratory 17
-notes -notes
Chapter 7 Laboratory 21
-notes -notes
Chapter 8 Laboratory 20
-notes -notes
Chapter 9 Laboratory 23
-notes -notes
Chapter 10 Laboratory 24
-notes -notes
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15

Test 1 (chapters 2-4) Laboratory Quiz # 1
Test 2 (Chapters 16-17) Laboratory Quiz # 2
Test 3 (Chapters 5-7) Laboratory Quiz #3
Test 4 ( Chapters 8-10) Laboratory Quiz #5
Test 5 ( Chapters 11-13) Final Report Due
Final Exam Powerpoint Presentation
Update if anyone cares lol:

Link to Post:

I've always wanted to be one of those people who are very super dedicated to their job and get very good grades in school...

Right now I'm working on my schoolwork all the time which is a vast difference from where I was last semester (which was doing nothign and being stuck on SL)

I hated myself back then. LIterally. I hated myself.

And now I cant stop working on schoolwork. I Have set a goal to be on the Dean's List...

It's funny..every time I read something for school I feel like I dont understand it and I go back and read it...then I underline it...then I type it all out...and I make flashcards

and I feel like I"m working all the time ...and am a bit tired

But I see the tiredness as a good thing...that it doesnt hurt me to get 6 hours of sleep a night...because hey people in the military do that...and residents in hospitals dont sleep much either...obama didnt sleep much during his presidential campaign...

I mean I feel productive...

Am i on the way to being a successful person or...burning out?

I dont mind being a workaholic i just...dont want to lose my motivation...ever.

I cant afford it.


I want to be one of those people who succeed beyond everyone's wildest expectations. And it'd mean even more to me because I have a disability and people would say "wow...she did it...I'm really impressed"

I want that more than anything in the world because I've learned that people are unreliable, they breakup with you, break your hearts, let you down...

But if you constantly work on schoolwork? what happens? you get good grades.


And I've been learning to work through hunger pangs, tiredness and depressed moods.

i've learned that even if I am depressed I have to keep working...

Am I on the right track?
Am I on the right track?

Sounds like it. :)

Haha people in the military can get less than 4 hours a night, and have to do a crapload of work and even fighting, besides. So I think you're in the safe zone as far as sleep is concerned.

I think that if you're working hard and you truly enjoy your work/studying, then you're not in danger of burning out. When I was in highschool I had an art teacher who worked ALL THE TIME. Seriously, I'm not sure he even went home at night! :p He was so busy and positive all the time, and I could tell that he loved his work...and as far as I know, he's still at it!

So I think you're not in danger of burning're in danger of catching on fire for real! ;)

Try not to overwhelem yourself with too much work. Trust me, it took me 8 years to graduate college. I am proud of myself for finishing, and for doing well...but I had to learn a whole lot about myself, before I was ready to jump in with 2 feet and really focus. You need time for yourself, whether it be sleeping, spending time with need to take a break from only school work.
I am all for doing well in school, but one thing that is so important to know is that you will not "fail", if you do your best. But doing your best, also means having time for *YOU*. To gather your thoughts, to become the person you want to be and most importantly, to relax and enjoy yourself.
I am proud of you for your hard work, but please do not get yourself burnt out. You have the rest of your life to finish school...there is no rush... take less classes each semester if you need to.
Please remember to eat, sleep, and still find a way to do the things you enjoy. As i said before, it took me 8 years to graduate college, but I am not in anyway ashamed of that. I was 28 when i graduated, I took my time, I took less classes, I didn't let my self become overwhelemed, and I graduated with excellent grades, and I am now a behavioral therapist at 32 years old. I will be going back to school, and I don't care how long it takes me to get a higher degree...what is most important is that I learned what *I* need to make school work for me, and I couldn't be happier with my decsions.
again, I am proud of you. Let yourself enjoy learning, when you do will be a breeze....well...relativly speaking of course! :) ((HUGS))) to you!
2 speedbumps that are arising:

- I went to class late this morning because...either I was on the computer in the morning or i've been staying up too late. I'll go with the computer in the morning thing. No computer until I get ready in the morning :p

- I forgot to do a quiz in one of my classes because I didnt write it down in an assignment book

New Developments: I created a countdown in my signature and I did well on the tests/quizzes I did today and I think I"m gradually learning how good it feels to be able to overcome things you're resistant to. :)
I do believe I just aced my biology test today. :)

Can I get a Boo Yah? :D

"Discipline is the wind beneath our wings."

:D awesome! Heh I always found biology to be interesting...but I was never actually good at it! :p YOU ROCKS, SOPHIA! Good job!


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