Recipe for those who can't stand Nutella

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This rich, smooth chocolate spread is perfect on toast, croissants, or fruit, or use it as a topping for cakes or cupcakes.

Ingredients (1.5 cups)

1/4 cup water
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa powder
pinch salt
1 teaspoon real vanilla extract
4 ounces bittersweet chocolate, finely chopped (about 2/3 cup) At least 60% cocoa solids is best
5 ounces unsalted butter, softened and cubed


In a small saucepan, combine the water, granulated sugar, unsweetened cocoa powder, and salt. Place the pan over medium heat and stir until the sugar and cocoa powder dissolve. Continue to heat the pan, stirring frequently, just until it reaches a simmer.

Once simmering, remove the pan from the heat and add the vanilla extract, chopped chocolate, and cubed butter. Whisk until the chocolate and butter melt and the mixture is completely smooth. When it is freshly made, this spread will have the consistency of hot fudge sauce.

Pour the spread into a jar or other container with a lid. Press a layer of plastic wrap on top of the chocolate to prevent a skin from forming, and refrigerate it until it thickens. If it is too cold to spread easily, let it sit at room temperature for a short while before serving.

Store it in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. If it will last that long. ;)
Hah. It's not just Nutella - It's all chocolate spread, but Nutella in particular. It all started when I ate an entire 24 box of Ferrero Rocher in one go on the same day I got Norovirus. I won't go into details, but I can still taste them in my memory. It's put me off any kind of chocolate spread...

I still might give it a go, I'm sure my nieces would enjoy it even if I didn't.
A 24 pigging box of Ferrero Rocher? 0_o Gawd no wonder you had the shizers.

Sorry it was the Noro, though.
Mouse said:
A 24 pigging box of Ferrero Rocher? 0_o Gawd no wonder you had the shizers.

Sorry it was the Noro, though.

Oh yeah. 24 is nothing. I used to be very fat and I'd eat anything that wasn't nailed down. I'm completely different now. I threw the entire 24 back up again and they tasted the same... now it's a taste I never want to sample again!
user 130057 said:
Mouse said:
A 24 pigging box of Ferrero Rocher? 0_o Gawd no wonder you had the shizers.

Sorry it was the Noro, though.

Oh yeah. 24 is nothing. I used to be very fat and I'd eat anything that wasn't nailed down. I'm completely different now. I threw the entire 24 back up again and they tasted the same... now it's a taste I never want to sample again!

I think I read somewhere that its a biological protection thing. If you eat or drink something and violently throw it back up, you can't bring yourself to eat it again. It could be poisonous so the caveman part of the body rejects the smell, taste etc. Even if the throwing up bit wasn't caused by the substance itself, but by a bug.
So here's another winner: Anna Mouse's chocolate sammich. :p


Bread slices – 6
Chocolate bar – 4
Butter – 1/2 cup - use unsalted as it enhances the chocolate
Chopped dry fruits – 1/4 cup

Cut the borders of the bread slices. Chop the dry fruits into small pieces.
Heat two tsp of butter in a pan and add chopped chocolate bar. When it melts and becomes like sauce, remove from heat.
Apply butter to a slice thinly and also chocolate sauce.
Sprinkle finely chopped dry fruits and cover it with another buttered slice and press it a little. Prepare all the slices in the same way.
Now apply little butter on both sides and fry on non stick pan till its golden brown. You can also grill this in sandwich toaster or microwave oven.
Chill this in refrigerator and serve. Yummy chocolate sandwich is ready to be eaten ..and in my house will vanish in minutes.

Might have some more... ;)
Mouse said:
So here's another winner: Anna Mouse's chocolate sammich. :p


Bread slices – 6
Chocolate bar – 4
Butter – 1/2 cup - use unsalted as it enhances the chocolate
Chopped dry fruits – 1/4 cup

Cut the borders of the bread slices. Chop the dry fruits into small pieces.
Heat two tsp of butter in a pan and add chopped chocolate bar. When it melts and becomes like sauce, remove from heat.
Apply butter to a slice thinly and also chocolate sauce.
Sprinkle finely chopped dry fruits and cover it with another buttered slice and press it a little. Prepare all the slices in the same way.
Now apply little butter on both sides and fry on non stick pan till its golden brown. You can also grill this in sandwich toaster or microwave oven.
Chill this in refrigerator and serve. Yummy chocolate sandwich is ready to be eaten ..and in my house will vanish in minutes.

Might have some more... ;)

That looks ridiculously unhealthy aka tasty :D Yum!
It's also ridiculously fatty, Katerina. But utterly scrummy! :D

ETA, but I found chopped walnuts, or pecans, or macadamia nuts or - a mix of all three nuts to be delicious. Dry fruit is really a matter of personal choice. Being diabetic I have to be careful, so have always used plain chocolate instead of milk as it contains less sugar. Lindt, Valrhona if you can get it, or Van Houten's plain chocolate is the stuff to try. But never use hazlenuts as these detract from the taste.

Lastly, throwing this out, but has anyone ever tried making any creations by chef Marcel Desaulniers? The word "making" in this context is rather understated. Try "Building" and you will get the gist of this when reading Desaulniers' recipe, though I cannot verify it's 100% correct.

Death By Chocolate A La Trellis

Best to be on the safe side and buy the book: Death by Chocolate: The Last Word on a Consuming Passion from

Marcel Desaulniers cake took me a couple of days to build. It's time consuming, its AWESOME - but not for the fainthearted to make. You guys have been warned! :p

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