Rom-Coms make me wanna jump off a bridge! How about you?

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Mar 15, 2014
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Yo everyone, how do Rom-Coms make you feel after you watch them? They make me feel hopeful, regretful, sad, and hopeless in that order on the count of never being in a relationship.

I saw Don Jon some time ago and in my opinion it was the most sincere Rom-Com I have ever seen seeing how it sorta satirized the genre. Still it turned out so well for JGL and Julianne Moore's characters even if the relationship was sorta imperfect. I would kill to have something like that to happen to me (Julianne Moore is so **** sexy to me). I guess watching a Rom-Com supplements my sorrow by showing me a flawless idealized depiction of love.

But I digress, what say you folks?
Actually I love them. But I know they are sort of fictional. So that is as far as they go. I think they have done a lot of harm though as a think a lot of people believe that is what love should be and unfortunately it isn't. One good movie on this subject is "he is just not that into you" though they STILL had to include one smoopy rom com cliche'.
They are either.

1) Man fucks up, woman leaves him, man changes, woman forgives him, they get together, end.
2) Man is perfect, woman is messed up, man has the patience and forgiveness of a god, woman realizes her mistake, they get together, end.

Don't forget the couple must be extremely attractive.
⬆A perfect summary! I do occasionally watch them on TV though. (Wouldn't pay good money to see one it must be said).
If I am not in a really good mood I avoid them like the plague, if I am feeling ok, then some of those movies can be supportive, they are like a statement to myself: I choose to believe that love will come around, instead of smirking at the cheesiness
But, yeah, most of them are pure fiction and one needs to remember that

This said, the story of the sad loser girl who was selling tickets at the train station and always spent christmas alone with her cat (Sandra Bullock, while you were sleeping) always gets to me
all depends on the film and the actors. I like Notting Hill and The Graduate . Most romantic films are shite though. Unrealistic garbage.
I would like to see a film where some guy (or girl) goes thru the film and gets rejected all the time. Everybody else in the film, they all meet people and fall in love. But this person doesn't no matter what they do or what they try. And at the end the person is still alone.

The best thing I ever saw was this little known British comedy/ drama called 'Rodger Rodger' - there was this character and the joke was he went on these blind dates and the woman would complain of having a headache so she would leave. It happened in every episode. One date though the woman seemed to like him and they went out again. At the end of the episode though the guy saw the woman with another character, a man. He starts to cry and the episode ends there and the woman doesn't appear again in the series. That is realistic.
Tulip23 said:
ladyforsaken said:
I love em even though sometimes they don't really seem so realistic.

Me 2 I'm a sucker for a romcom. My favourite is The Lakehouse:)

Not seen all of it but I like the song at the end.
I like Serendipity, that's a good one.

There's this English drama called Love Soup, I liked that. This guy and this woman (obviously meant for each other) went the whole first series without meeting each other. And it followed their lives. I liked that idea. Maybe my soul mate is out there ? But I haven't met her yet, somebody completely ideal for me.
Triple Bogey said:
There's this English drama called Love Soup, I liked that. This guy and this woman (obviously meant for each other) went the whole first series without meeting each other. And it followed their lives. I liked that idea. Maybe my soul mate is out there ? But I haven't met her yet, somebody completely ideal for me.

I just saw a funny sitcom on this -- where the main character meets a person exactly perfect for them, where they basically are like twins, but by the end of the episode they broke up because they were too perfect for each other. :)
LadyDaria said:
Triple Bogey said:
There's this English drama called Love Soup, I liked that. This guy and this woman (obviously meant for each other) went the whole first series without meeting each other. And it followed their lives. I liked that idea. Maybe my soul mate is out there ? But I haven't met her yet, somebody completely ideal for me.

I just saw a funny sitcom on this -- where the main character meets a person exactly perfect for them, where they basically are like twins, but by the end of the episode they broke up because they were too perfect for each other. :)

my Dad always says 'opposites attract' - a bit like north and south.
Tulip23 said:
ladyforsaken said:
I love em even though sometimes they don't really seem so realistic.

Me 2 I'm a sucker for a romcom. My favourite is The Lakehouse:)

I like that too - but although it was 'rom' it wasn't especially 'com' - more a rom-time travel fantasy? (and of course a bit of hot male totty if you like em young and dumb?)

Actually speaking of male totty? Ever seen the Italian cop series, 'Inspector Montalbano.' ?

phworr phwoor and -- phworr again! Even has the occasional naked women to keep the boys happy...(sorry everyone, that was an unfortunate sexist comment. I am quite sure the men appreciate the character development, humour and magnificent Sicilian scenery).
My first thought was that romantic comedies make me throw up a little in my mouth.
But I like There's Something About Mary - is that a romantic comedy? :D. The 40 Year Old Virgin was good too.

My idea of a romantic movie with a great storyline is more along the lines of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

jaguarundi said:
Actually speaking of male totty? Ever seen the Italian cop series, 'Inspector Montalbano.' ?
phworr phwoor and -- phworr again! Even has the occasional naked women to keep the boys happy...(sorry everyone, that was an unfortunate sexist comment. I am quite sure the men appreciate the character development, humour and magnificent Sicilian scenery).

Love a bit of male totty, will definetly google the Italian cop series.
Loved Keanu Reeves in The Lakehouse
Tulip23 said:
jaguarundi said:
Actually speaking of male totty? Ever seen the Italian cop series, 'Inspector Montalbano.' ?
phworr phwoor and -- phworr again! Even has the occasional naked women to keep the boys happy...(sorry everyone, that was an unfortunate sexist comment. I am quite sure the men appreciate the character development, humour and magnificent Sicilian scenery).

Love a bit of male totty, will definetly google the Italian cop series.
Loved Keanu Reeves in The Lakehouse

I know a lot of .. ladies over the age of 21, shall we say, who like Montalbano:D All the episodes are on YouTube with English subtitles. Here is a taster....
