Some questions

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Heya! :)

I was wondering a couple of things, i have that alot, so instead of making seperate threads for all of them, i figured i'd put them in here. The little things anyway.

Okay, so if there was one virtue you valued most, what would that be?

And if you could create your own city, what would it look like?
My most valued virtue would be wisdom. My city would probably be an ecological city at the coast with tons of beaches and trees everywhere because I love beaches and not killing the planet.
If I valued one virtue the most it would be selflessness

My city would have as much large trees as possible to encourage wildlife, create shade and reduce flooding. No cars except for specific jobs when necessary. Just buses and bikes so animals can walk about without being crushed!

How bout you?
Ditto, ditto, ditto everything Shrimp said. I knew instantly what my answer would be and there it was already written for me!
Jently said:
Ditto, ditto, ditto everything Shrimp said. I knew instantly what my answer would be and there it was already written for me!

:D Great minds think alike :cool:
my city would be a very small village on the coast. A golf course, small shop, a few houses, nothing else.
I wouldn't live in a city for any amount of money. I just don't enjoy them. I enjoy nature: flora, fauna, rivers, mountains, waterfalls etc. I don't mind a few people being around, but the hustle and bustle of big cities just ends up driving me mad inside a few weeks.

I guess I value loyalty more than any other virtue - those people that stay true to themselves, their friends and their principles without ever wavering.
Shrimp said:
How bout you?

It would probably be some sort of giant open-topped library.

Another question! If you could eat one thing right now, out of everything there is in this world, what would it be and why?

Virtue... Selflessness, I think greed is the worlds biggest problem.

City, I imagine something like this, a sci-fi city on a small island:

Rosebolt said:
Another question! If you could eat one thing right now, out of everything there is in this world, what would it be and why?

It would be a chicken and bacon pizza with a portion of doner meat on the top. I realise that probably sounds revolting to the majority of people here... and it contains many thousands of calories and a large amount of artery clogging saturated fats, but it's all I want.
user 130057 said:
Rosebolt said:
Another question! If you could eat one thing right now, out of everything there is in this world, what would it be and why?

It would be a chicken and bacon pizza with a portion of doner meat on the top. I realise that probably sounds revolting to the majority of people here... and it contains many thousands of calories and a large amount of artery clogging saturated fats, but it's all I want.

That sounds glorious to me.
Rosebolt said:
Okay, so if there was one virtue you valued most, what would that be?

And if you could create your own city, what would it look like?
It would look a small northwestern town with plenty of events, conventions, shows going on and plenty of places to go driving.
hazel_flagg said:
user 130057 said:
Rosebolt said:
Another question! If you could eat one thing right now, out of everything there is in this world, what would it be and why?

It would be a chicken and bacon pizza with a portion of doner meat on the top. I realise that probably sounds revolting to the majority of people here... and it contains many thousands of calories and a large amount of artery clogging saturated fats, but it's all I want.

That sounds glorious to me.

Well, there had to be someone else here with taste as impeccable as mine ;)
Rosebolt said:
user 130057 said:
Well, there had to be someone else here with taste as impeccable as mine ;)

Oh my lord, why are you awake?!

But the pizza is nice, yes. :D

I badly suffer from insomnia, so you'll find that a lot of my messages are posted at ridiculous hours. Still dreaming of my pizza...
Rosebolt said:
^ You aren't dreaming if you're awake all day and night!

If you're awake long enough, it all just becomes a waking dream in which nothing is real and there are no consequences and butterflies are jello pudding red venison hot-plate studio decision.
Perseverance is the virtue.

My city would be Asheville, NC but with a 1/3 the population, and the city would be the size and location of Los Angeles.
Badjedidude said:
Rosebolt said:
^ You aren't dreaming if you're awake all day and night!

If you're awake long enough, it all just becomes a waking dream in which nothing is real and there are no consequences and butterflies are jello pudding red venison hot-plate studio decision.

Ahhhh... now this man understands the joys of insomnia!
Badjedidude said:
Rosebolt said:
^ You aren't dreaming if you're awake all day and night!

If you're awake long enough, it all just becomes a waking dream in which nothing is real and there are no consequences and butterflies are jello pudding red venison hot-plate studio decision.

I must experience this.

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