Teaching myself to draw

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Jedi Guardian
Feb 3, 2014
Reaction score
The Land of Wind and Ghosts
I decided to teach myself to draw. I've been wanting to do this for a while now but was afraid of the initial period of not being very good at something at first. But I've got up the gumption and dove right in. I'm not great yet, but I can still see myself improving, and have just had fun challenging myself. It reminds me of when I was a kid and I used to draw all the time. Here's how I'm doing so far:

Wow nice drawings! Better than mine, haha. =)

Don't give up on drawling either. Overtime you'll become a pro at it.
the frog looks badass :D very nice
I like that you gave emotional expressions to all of them
Wow that's really nice for a beginner, Ska. Well done! Keep it up and you'd be awesome in no time. :)
I come from a family of artists. I used to be really good at drawing, even went to art school briefly but totally lost my skill afters years of not using it :( I want to learn to draw really well again because I want to be one of those cool people who draw in the park or libraries and everyone wants to know what their drawing lol
You wouldn't be able to play a piano concerto after learning for a couple of weeks, same with drawing. Keep at it, you are doing well and if you like doing it that's the main thing.

If you havent already done so, get yourself some decent paper and a tin of art pencils from hard to very soft, and maybe buy a book about drawing with different exercises to try out. It doesn't hurt to start off properly.

I expect to see a drawing of a skafish avatar soon!
WOW!! Skafish.
I love the first and last one the best too.
I can't belive your only a beginner. Keep up the good work and you'll become an amazing artist in no time :):)
SF, trace over the crocodile and then make the snout shorter and a little blunt and - voila!- you've got Mr. alligator. You're welcome ;)

BTW, I do like the frog as well, since I'm partial to reptiles and amphibians. Show us more of your stuff as you go along. Have a good one.
I hope I haven't been misleading you guys because I did all of those drawings from looking at pictures in books. I didn't trace, I did truly draw those pictures. But I drew them using step-by-step instructions in this book that I'm using. It's a fun little drawing book for kids but I'm learning accuracy, proportions, and shading from it, as well as just enjoying it. The only exception is the crocodile - I drew it by looking at a picture in an animal book, but there were no instructions.

Thanks for the encouraging words everyone, and I'll keep you posted on any new drawings I come up with. Stay tuned :)

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