The place you grew up ❤️

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Cry Baby
May 24, 2019
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I'm watching this guy drive around with his tractor. I work at a farm and seeing these things reminds me of the place I grew up. It was a place that definitely could be called rural. This big residential area with lots of houses but it was surrounded by farms with golden fields or forest. There was a local grocery store, a restaurant thingy that had only burgers and fries, lower grade school, a kindergarten, a small building right next to it that was used as "club" for kids between the ages of 13-17. 
I remember being around the age of 15 and hanging with my friends, watching this other friend drive towards us in this huge tractor. He drove around with it like a amped up car and I remember thinking to myself that this guy was so cool. 😁

I'm curious about the place you guys grew up in. Was it a city or a rural place? Any good or bad memories from that place? Any memory at all would be fun to read about. Would you change place if you could have back then? 
I always lived in the city. I lived in a nice four story house for years with a  big back yard with a deck until I was 12. I used to run around the yard and my poodle used to chase me. lol   Then my mom split from my dad. Me, my mom ,cat and dog moved into a tiny run down condo with no back yard.

I always wanted to live in the country with a whole bunch of rescued farm and domesticated animals.

lol Me and J.j.
Aww.. that’s one cute dog! 
My parents split when I was 8 years old. My mom bought my dad out of the house they had built together so we didn’t have a lot of money when I was growing up. The place was nice though. 
My favorite things to do was to be in the forest with my dog and play hide & seek. I would tell her to stay and then run off and hide. She was really good at finding me. ❤️
Loved to go on skiing trips with her too. Packed a backpack with hot chocolate, marshmallows, fruit, some wood to make a fire and then we went out! Loved that dog with everything I had. She was a wonderful friend and protector.

The whole having a small farm with animals is something I’d love too. 
Always wanted to have my own pack and go into dog breeding. ❤️

How are you holding up ashatan?
I grew up in Small Town California, USA. Mostly White town with Indian(From India not Native American) as 2nd most populated group. Lot of them are farmers out there. So it being small Town it's a mix of rural and city. Especially when it's literally only a bridge away from another city over. In the 80's 90's I was one of the few Asian kids in our school. But I got through it. Oddly our High School mascot was Indians, Native American version. For long time our family lived in shitty Apartments. YOu could hear your neighbors unfortunately. Wasn't the best place growing up.
Thanks! Yea he was very cute! lol
Awww ur dog sounds great! So cute playing hide and seek ! Sounds so fun! lol   I miss my doggie so much too! They never live long enough!
I'm not holding up too well. Everything sucks.

Anyway How are u holding up?

for misbehave and panda

oh yea my cat Dawn used to snuggle with me on the couch all the time!
I think i was half asleep!lol
PandaSwag said:
I grew up in Small Town California, USA.  Mostly White town with Indian(From India not Native American) as 2nd most populated group.  Lot of them are farmers out there.  So it being small Town it's a mix of rural and city.  Especially when it's literally only a bridge away from another city over.  In the 80's 90's I was one of the few Asian kids in our school.  But I got through it.  Oddly our High School mascot was Indians, Native American version.  For long time our family lived in shitty Apartments.  YOu could hear your neighbors unfortunately.  Wasn't the best place growing up.

So how was is growing up as one of the few Asians there? 
I kind of got it both ways I suppose. When my mom and father split, he moved to a city that was 45 mins away with train. I used to go to him every other weekend so kind of got that city exposure too.
Where I grew up everyone thought it was so cool to go to Oslo. It wasn’t too far away so I used to do that a lot. Being from this boring rural place made me crave the busyness of the city. Just going off the train and into the huge crowd of people was exiting. 😁

ahsatan said:
Thanks! Yea he was very cute! lol
Awww ur dog sounds great! So cute playing hide and seek ! Sounds so fun! lol   I miss my doggie so much too! They never live long enough!
I'm not holding up too well. Everything sucks.

Anyway How are u holding up?

for misbehave and panda

oh yea my cat Dawn used to snuggle with me on the couch all the time!
I think i was half asleep!lol

You and your cat look so cute together. ❤️ 
Yeah it’s crazy how attached you can get to animals. Always feels like your heart is gonna burst when they pass away but I have never regretted having them. They bring so much joy even if it’s only for a short time. 

*hugs panda and ashatan* 
You are getting lucky panda 😛
lol Thanks!  I was pretty happy back then!Animals are so special! She used to play with my barbies! Then they smelled like fishy cat breath!lol
Yes omg it's so painful when animal friends pass but they bring so much joy when they alive and well! 

Well growing up Asian in mostly white and hispanic and Indian kids. There were few other Asians but we were all different ones. I never really interacted with them. They all had their own clicks. So I never really explored or fully embraced my Asian side till I got older well into my adult years. Like 30's and now 40. So to fit in I guess I denied that part of me for long time. Although there were people who always reminded me Im not one of them. So didn't matter I guess I that tried to fit in as best I could.
Quiet on the other hand had the opposite experience. She grew up in an enclave of Asians and hardly interacted with white or otherwise. So she didn't really learn to hangout with any group of people. Which is ironic since the city she hails from is the pillar of this Accept everyone diversity idea. So she developed this unhealthy view of other people. And some of you saw it played out here on ALL.

So I guess I'm neither here or there so to speak. Grew up in both worlds and neither one fully accepted me. Now as an adult I don't care and just live. But it does shape a bit of my world view.

MissBehave said:
PandaSwag said:
I grew up in Small Town California, USA.  Mostly White town with Indian(From India not Native American) as 2nd most populated group.  Lot of them are farmers out there.  So it being small Town it's a mix of rural and city.  Especially when it's literally only a bridge away from another city over.  In the 80's 90's I was one of the few Asian kids in our school.  But I got through it.  Oddly our High School mascot was Indians, Native American version.  For long time our family lived in shitty Apartments.  YOu could hear your neighbors unfortunately.  Wasn't the best place growing up.

So how was is growing up as one of the few Asians there? 
I kind of got it both ways I suppose. When my mom and father split, he moved to a city that was 45 mins away with train. I used to go to him every other weekend so kind of got that city exposure too.
Where I grew up everyone thought it was so cool to go to Oslo. It wasn’t too far away so I used to do that a lot. Being from this boring rural place made me crave the busyness of the city. Just going off the train and into the huge crowd of people was exiting. 😁

ahsatan said:
Thanks! Yea he was very cute! lol
Awww ur dog sounds great! So cute playing hide and seek ! Sounds so fun! lol   I miss my doggie so much too! They never live long enough!
I'm not holding up too well. Everything sucks.

Anyway How are u holding up?

for misbehave and panda

oh yea my cat Dawn used to snuggle with me on the couch all the time!
I think i was half asleep!lol

You and your cat look so cute together. ❤️ 
Yeah it’s crazy how attached you can get to animals. Always feels like your heart is gonna burst when they pass away but I have never regretted having them. They bring so much joy even if it’s only for a short time. 

*hugs panda and ashatan* 
You are getting lucky panda 😛

Why am I getting lucky?
Got reminded of a memory some days ago.
Me bathing with some friends in this little lake deep in the forest. The kind of lake that looks like a place where old troll and mythical creatures would live.
John Bauer made a painting that's called Tuvstarr and he captures the kind of feel a place like that has.
The water was brownish dark and when you were in it I couldn't see what was down there at all.
When I got up I had leeches on my legs and had to take them off. It was kind of gross. Lol 😊
That same day I found a fox scull. Teeth and all still intact. It had been long dead since the scull was pure white.
Council estate.....dirt poor with hard working Dad confined to house because of criminal neighbours in and out of prison.Gangs throwing rocks at each other then just getting up to all sorts in local park.If a car parked in our street kids would all crowd round it lol it was that bad.Loved it wouldn't change a thing. :D
Just Games said:
Council estate.....dirt poor with hard working Dad confined to house because of criminal neighbours in and out of prison.Gangs throwing rocks at each other then just getting up to all sorts in local park.If a car parked in our street kids would all crowd round it lol it was that bad.Loved it wouldn't change a thing. :D

My family was poor when I grew up too. 
Norwegian standard poor though. Lol. 
Couldn't go to any of the school trips. Remember my mom would juggle what bill to pay this month and what she could delay to the next month in order to make it all go up. Never enough money for something extra. 
If I wanted money I had to get it myself. 💸

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