Things that make you think

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Abandon your fear. Look forward.
Aug 3, 2022
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My Inner World
I often search the web, or you tube for topics (for research purposes) to make me think in new ways, for me it allows growth and possibility, though sometimes also it could be for humor and for entertainment, there is so much to learn and experience in this life about why limit yourself on experience so am asking you guys as well what someone of the things are that make you think, what are some of the topics that you have researched? (Without religious ties) I would like to explore other possibilities and point of views of others. I am very open minded, so I ask you the read what are some of the things that make you think?

again disclaimer (not religious research purposes)
How about the stories told of Ayahuasca tripping?:alien:
if you research Ayahuasca there are many times people who are in a ceremony experience the same trip as one another though they are in separate (altered states of consciousness) it's very interesting they can describe in detail the same thing another person was experiencing while on a different trip.

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