This seems strange...

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Okay, so I'm a bit confused as to why she's gone from totally cold and uninterested (we're talking extremely emotionally distant) to the complete opposite (we're talking like... bit by the horny bug... to the freak degree) almost overnight.

I was basically emotionally seperated and okay with it, and now this... I just don't know if I want to cave in to her "oh, if I don't pay attention to him he might leave" attitude, when I know it'll go sour again anyway.

So, do I be a good bf and accept her advances, or just say "no thanks" and keep planning an escape?
mmmm, a relationship is give and take.
In and out of love.:p
You chase her then she chase you.
Breath in , breath out
Night then DAY.

Love is a powerful emotion.
Roll with it Dude...:p (If you want to)

Do you trust her ?....
More important....Do you trust yourself ?
You can't stay in her forever, otherwise you'll lose yourself. Something about balance.
Hormonal swings can affect how you feel.
Ask her if shes ok and, well, just pamper her a bit instead of jumpin right in with the old horn dog thing.
I'd say if she's so wishy-washy, tell her flat out to make up her mind. I don't know why people play games like that. Either you do or you don't. Either you are, or you aren't. There is no in between. And if she's confused about the situation, then she needs to sit you down and talk to you about it.
Yeah, we have a big communiation problem. We don't talk... except for functional things like, "did you get the milk?" or "I'm going to stay late at work; you're on your own for dinner." But, after nearly 7 years, things sort've get stagnate. I know there are two ways long relationships can go: storybook mormon family with a white picket fence, or a couple who just exist like roommates and, while neither are ready to leave, are never exactly fulfilled or completely happy.

I get it... there isn't any sort of "ideal" relationship; they're all different. No one finds true love that grows each and every day for eternity. I've heard the analogy of having to water and nurture your love as if it's a flower... it makes sense, but as bad as it sounds, the way things are right now makes me wonder whether or not I really want to play gardner yet again and try to bring a dried out, dying plant back to life. I just don't like settling.

Other than that, I had a good day. I even got a nice little run in... not super far distance, but a good pace and it got my heart pumping.
You really ought to talk to her. Just act like it was the way it was before all that crap started happening, and post how it goes so we can further help.

Maybe she misses you?


I'm not sure why she is all horny all of a sudden. Do you think she's doing it to manipulate you out of a fear you might leave?
How does that manipulate someone? If she's acting horny, they have sex, and he could leave anyway. The more I think about it now, maybe she figured herself that the relationship was going sour, and she's just trying to bring new freshness into it. I don't know, I would just ask her what she wanted to do, and what her thoughts were about it.
LonelyDragon said:
I have a couple of theories based on past and current experience, but I'd like to hear what some of the ladies say first.

I have one or two as well, Dragon, and like you, I want to wait to reply. I'd put my two cents worth in, but recently giving advice aobut relationships has come back to bite me in the ass.
Wow... so here's what happened today. I tried talking to her this morning over coffee. We get to a coffee shop, I start with some small talk, and then say something along the lines of "you know, these enormous shifts in the way you express or dont express your feelings can be confusing, especially in regard to the last couple of nights."

She said "up yours" and I haven't heard from her since...

Women. Seriously. Can't figure it out.
Ok..... That didn't go so well.

She sounds very much like mine. That's who makes me think along this line.

Now ladies, please don't get upset when I mention this. I am not generalizing all women or saying they are all like this. I know that you're all different and maybe the ones who act this way may be the minority. But after seeing that reaction it fits this.

In the case of my current s/o, just before she gets her "monthly visit" she gets very horny. That usually lasts for a few days and is then followed by the stereo-typical moodiness and my wanting to check into a motel for a week. And the degree that any of those moods - good or bad - are displayed varies greatly from one time to the next without any real pattern that I've ever noticed.

Guess #2 was wondering if there was a chance she was seeing someone else. Maybe that fell apart on her and now she was trying to "fall back" to you. Not a pleasant thought I know.

My last idea was the same as what VannillaCreme suggested. But today's reaction would either rule that out or just mean she wasn't trying very hard to rekindle anything.
Looks like your relationship is falling apart it needs a good dose of medicine but really depends if you want to do that. I've had my times where the relationship wasn't that good but never to the point where we weren't talking to each other.

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