Tips On How To Quit Drinking

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
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Island Of Patmos
Tips On How To Quit Drinking

I just thought that I'd post these tips on how to quit drinking. If you follow these steps that I have learned from experience, you will should have a really good shot at succeeding. I'm not saying that these will create a 100% success rate for everyone. They are just the things that worked for me.

I hope that if any member who is suffering with this disease, reads these words and finds strength and hope within.

1. You must be willing to suffer. If you cave it only makes quitting harder and harder each time you relapse and get back on the horse. I relapsed a few times because it was too Goddamn hard to deal with the withdrawal symptoms and wasn't in any way expecting it to be so intense.

2. It's a noble thing to kick for the people that you love most, but if you are doing it solely for them and don't include yourself, it makes your work much harder and more disappointing should you fail, which often occurs.

3. Have a megaton of sweets on hand. You will be craving it like the cookie monster! It's a natural reaction of the body to crave sugar when alcohol is absent from the scene. Candy really helps.

4. Stay the fresia out of the bars.

5. For a lot of alcoholics, going to bar is more than just drinking. For me, it was a pleasant experience always having "The Guys" there to make me feel welcome and have a great time. Times that I couldn't go and was sitting at home just made me go crazy knowing that they are there having a blast and I can't be there. It's kind of feels like a superstar athlete such as Kobe Bryant who is benched with an injury, wanting nothing more in life than to be out on that court supporting his team and very frustrated not being able to. It sucks I know, but it's much better than liver failure no?

6. There is medicinal options to help, but they aren't miracle drugs. No matter what medication you take, for whatever reason, it's not a 100% cure. You have to work with the medication. Below is a link to info on a prescription called "Antabuse", but you have to take them regularly or don't bother.

7. The withdrawals I experienced were headaches, muscle tension, nausea, weight gain, constipation, aggression, bitterness, and lower back pain, and sweating. These are certainly unpleasant, but it gets a little better every day. You can take all the fuckin' Prozac and Xanax you want for depression and calmness, but if you continue to drink you may as well flush the meds down the toilet.

8. Video games were a very important factor in my recovery. They helped take my mind off drinking. Keeping active is key.

9. Disassociating yourself from people and places that come with liquor is integral. It's too much temptation. If your friends truly care about you, they will understand and support you.

10. If you are struggling with the liquor and you want to quit, your family and friends can be a strong source of sympathy and help. Know this. If you don't make a strong effort to quit, their support will turn into anger. You don't want this to happen. Trust me.

11. For those who are out there that don't have family support, you have my sincerest condolences. It makes it much harder to quit, but not impossible. If any of you members are trying to quit and are serious, by all means, please contact me and I'll help you through it with everything I have to give. Just don't fresia with me and lie.

12. You cannot rely on society to keep you sober the rest of your life. No matter where you go in life, alcohol will be everywhere and is a constant temptation. You have to summon the strength and not walk through those doors.

13. Whether you believe in God and the Devil or not, you can't blame them for your problems. They didn't force you to put that bottle to your lips. You make choices, and you must live with them.

14. Liquor is hard on your system in so many ways. Organ death, Vomiting from too much liquor over time is extremely harmful on your esophagus. Jaundice makes your skin and the whites of your eyes tinge yellow which is a sign that death is quite near because your liver is dying.
Can you afford a transplant? I can promise you that alcoholics aren't the highest priority on an organ donar waiting list.

The good things about sobriety are taking the money that you would normally blow on beer can be used to buy games, music, whatever you want. You now have things to show for your money instead of a hangover and liver disease. you will start feeling so good you won't believe it. you must have patience and drive. You will gain more confidence and self respect. In turn you will earn respect.

Anyone who isn't an addict cannot ever truly know what it's like. I don't care if you have a family member who is an addict, you still don't know the true magnitude of it unless you are the one suffering from it.

Everything I typed here is from my experience with alcoholism. Not some text book. If any of you are suffering, please contact me and I will be more than happy to help you through it.

I won't deny that you have a lot of good points here, BUT you forgot the most important one...

The first "tip" should not be about being willing to suffer. The FIRST should be that they WANT to quit. I'm not just talking about SAYING you want to quit, but HONESTLY meaning it with everything you are. Unless you are there, it won't work, nothing will. You can tell yourself a million times that you "want" to stop, make yourself think you want to, tell everyone you want to, even TRY to, but it doesn't work that way. When you can say it with your HEART, then you will be able to.

Callie said:
I won't deny that you have a lot of good points here, BUT you forgot the most important one...

The first "tip" should not be about being willing to suffer. The FIRST should be that they WANT to quit. I'm not just talking about SAYING you want to quit, but HONESTLY meaning it with everything you are. Unless you are there, it won't work, nothing will. You can tell yourself a million times that you "want" to stop, make yourself think you want to, tell everyone you want to, even TRY to, but it doesn't work that way. When you can say it with your HEART, then you will be able to.
Well put.

You can always go to

I know how to stop drinking and stay stopped.
As far as me being happy and have peace with myself when Im sober...that's fucken another story.

Honestly....I almost drank myself to death after Sassy and I split up 22 yrs ago.
Just too much pains for me to bare. I never thought i love someone so much.

I remember that turning piont. That especific conversation. That especific
moment....I begged her and begged her not to give Kimi up for adoption
and just come back to me.

She was so fucken angery at me for leaving her. I had to..
I had to find work. it didnt matter to her, I should had stay NO MATTER WHAT.
She never forgave . She hated me...

From that moment on. I CHECKED THE fresia OUT.
Reality bites !!!!!!
It was a wild crazy mother fucken ride.
Run after run. Drinking binge after binge.

A slow suiecide. Of course my life became unmanageable.
I had everything going for me...a great career making the bucks.
A beaurtiful house, 2 sports cars, all the material things for a family.
Everyting that Sassy wanted....

I couldnt bare to walk into that empty fucken house.

I purposely wreacked my life. Put myself in harms way on purpose.
Hangout with a lot of shaddy charector that I would never other wise.
Drugs and alcohol were just a mean to an end.
Of course there were plenty of other women willing to hook up
with me...Fanacial security in style. I didnt love them..They didnt understand
and would try to convience me other wise to stop loving Sassy or
try to love me back to life. I party fucken hard for day to
weeks sometimes...The only time I'll get rest or sleep is when
my body just gives out....NUMB!!!!!
I wouldnt even go to my house after a while.
The women, drugs, alcohol, partying life style...were all banages.
After a while some of that stopped working...
The booze and drugs got stronger and stronger.
The women got more pyscho....

I used to just carry a pint in my back pocket of wisky at work..
I didnt give a fresia!!!! My co-workers gave me drugs....
Work was also my play ground and triggers.

The general manager of office manager would even offer to
send me into treatment...I had insurance.
I didnt give a fresia.

Do you know were the term going on a run came from???
You can run but you can never hide....
I ran and ran and ran from that fucken pain.

Being sober or getting sober in itself wasnt that hard after
the withdraws....
It the fucken day in and day out of living with the mother fucken pains. know Sassy and I got back together after all these years.
Its like reliving a god **** nightmair again.
Its just a little more complicate now too..
Kimi wanna know...FUCKEN WHY??????
She's angery at me..she's angery at her mother. she's angery for be alive!

Drugs and alcohol abuse are just symtoms of our most inner problems.

Yes, Ive relapsed. I had almost 16 years clean and sober.
I can make up excuses and Ive given my reasons ( reasons and excuses are the
Since I came back to CA my AA sponsor had ask me to attend meetings again. I havnt.
The girls at the bars are prettier than him. They smell better than him. and they make me smile.
Just for a little while...I know it's a banage.
I know...I know..I have too much recovery under my belt. I know better.
I dont drink everyday. I dont hang out every.
There's just a lot of honeysuckle I cant or dont wanna deal with...

1, Alcholism is a family disease.
2, Sassy and I both had alcoholic as parents.
3, Kimi hit the mother fucken jackpot on alocholism.
4, I cant stop anyone from drinking...not even my own child.
5, Im a fine example for Kimi...

I can say with my heart that I love Sassy very, very much. I can honestly say that.
There's no cure for this jadded heart. There's no cure for alcoholism.

You simply stop drinking no matter what...5 mins at a time, 1 day at a time.
No matter if you have a good day or shittie day. No matter if your family falls apart or the world falls
apart. No matter if you believe in god or not. No matter how you feel.
No matter if your broke or rich. No matter if you're loved or hated.
No matter if you go to meetings or not.
No matter if sassy comes back to me or not.
AA/NA covers all the basis of excuses to drink.

As AA human power can releave me of alcoholism.
As some would is only the grace of god that would heal my broken heart, Kimmi's heart and Sassy's heart.
And it would take an act of god and love of god to save Sassy and kimi...
The first step...Im powerless over alcoholism.
Sometimes that's all that's holding me together at the seams.
The grace of god...

Ive driven to the end of the earth to save Sassy.
And i would go to hell and back for Kimi...
This is where...I dont understand or have a hard time accepting. And most people dont either.
Not until they've done everything within thier powers and it still dosnt work.
Ive done more than Ive had ever done. Ive gone way way beyound my means...
Thats why..when you hear people say they want to, they're tried and tired. They need to...
Some people cant get sober no matter how much will power they have.
I'd say also don't just quit straight away (cold turkey) if you ease off it slowly over time maybe that would be better for you. Being an ex addict to skunk weed myself, going cold turkey off it caused all kinds of problems, so it's possible doing it with alcohol is the same. If I had eased off it I would probs not have become unwell for years after.

But LoneKiller covers everything really well :cool:
I have never drank anything with alcohol so I don't have any advice for that part.
On the other hand I used to drink a lot of carbonated drinks. One day I decided to stop spending money on then and just quit. I didn't have any side effects or withdrawals. I just drank water.

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