Top 5 Favorite TV Shows

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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2010
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Mine are in no specific order. Ok, here we go:

The Kids In The Hall
Arrested Development
Dr. Katz Professional Therapist
Home Movies
The west Wing

I just realized they've all been off the air for years :p
Hmm no specific order either...

Big Bang Theory
The Simpsons
Family Guy
Hercules(Sam Raimi ones)
Happy Days
Twilight Zone
Mary Tyler Moore Show
1. Tom and Jerry
2. I love Lucy
3. Smallville
4. Family Guy
5. Really hard to think of a 5th. Might get back on this one later.
Rescue Me
Big Bang Theory
Anything with Gordon Ramsay in it

However, I feel compelled to mention that my favorite show of all time is Six Feet Under.
PoWer2tHePeOpLE said:
ah.. i'll go again :p

Believe Nothing

props to all Losties out there (power2the and cheaptrickfan! Lost Fans unite! rock!)and extra love to power2the for the dexter meantion too!
my turn......

Flash Forward
Breaking Bad ( so frigging kewl!!)

Honorable Mention:
Mad Men
The Office (American Version)
and i really wanna start watching 30 rock....

Breaking Bad
Curb Your Enthusiasm
Mad Men

All time? hmmmm

Kids in the Hall
Twin Peaks

I really need to make some time to start watching The Wire. I heard nothing but good things and I am pretty sure it can make a spot on at least one list.
1 Will and Grace
2 buffy the vampire slayer
3. scrubs
4. chuck
5. the big bang theory
mintymint said:
Mine are in no specific order. Ok, here we go:

The Kids In The Hall
Arrested Development
Dr. Katz Professional Therapist
Home Movies
The west Wing

I just realized they've all been off the air for years :p

ooohhh... good stuff everyone. Add robot chicken and 30 Rock to my list :) Liz Lemon!!!!

1. V- I can't even believe they put this on the air. It's so blatantly anti-Obama. I love it! On the first episode they had the evil alien overlord promising people universal healthcare. I got that Chris Matthews tingle. I was in love. I could write pages on how much I love this show, and maybe I will one day, but that day is not now.
2. Fringe- X Files is one of my favorite shows ever. Fringe is the modern version of the X Files (albeit not as good)
3. Parks and Recreation- Ron Swanson is my current fictional hero.
4. The Office- Not as good as it used to be, but still enjoyable enough to watch every week
5. Hmm I liked Happy Town a lot, but that got cancelled and I haven't seen the most recent episodes of Doctor Who, so I'll go with Criminal Minds because it's the only other current show I watch semi-regularly.

All Time

1. Seinfeld
2. The Simpsons
Numbers 3 through 5 vary depending on the day
evanescencefan91 said:
2 buffy the vampire slayer


Mine: (from best to least)

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Americas Next Top Model
Tim and Eric Awesome Show Great Job
Aqua Teen hunger Force
I don't watch tv that much, so 3 Current and 2 All-Time:
1. Big Bang Theory
2. Fringe
3. Breaking Bad
4. X-Files
5. The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1984)
Jesse said:
1. Tom and Jerry
2. I love Lucy
3. Smallville
4. Family Guy
5. Really hard to think of a 5th. Might get back on this one later.

how about dragonball z? that was an AWESOME show!