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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2013
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Hey guys, been awhile time since i made a thread. As the title says, the lack free mobility is just making me feel worse. Some of you may know that I've been wanting a girlfriend for quite some time now. The main problems is not being able to go out to places. therefore, I can't go to places meet up, or clubs which I'm not old enough to able to buy drinks. 'Murica.), or to and from school. Plus I don't have my license yet. A little update from me just so you guys know that I'm not dead or whatever.

More of an update.
So far: I've lost some more weight. Applied for school and started selling things on ebay and so far made three sales. My goal for that is to sale the $108 cologne, hookah, and e-cig starter kit. before I go away for some time. Doing that will basically solidify that avenue and I can start to put more expensive stuff on there. I am getting ready to buy a car right after I come back. I'll have it on a two year term and will try to negotiate the lowest term that I can get at the time then re-financed every two months or so for a lower rate. Then when I have the rate the I like, I will reduce the term to a year.

My bank, however, closed down my accounts which I was very furious about because it takes about a month for it to close down completely and ten days for me to get my money back. I felt like I was being victimized even further by that bank because some people went on a field day with me debit card and just wanted a way to get my hard earned money back.

I'm going to attempt to get a job at gamestop and reach out to a person by the name of HipHopGamer to show me the ropes of journalism so I can do freelance work in the future. My ebay store will finance all of my equipment that I will need and for a long overdue project that I needed to start from the day I got employed.

Finally, my YouTube profile is going to be put to use hopefully. The only thing that is holding me back is my camera shyness and the fact that I don't like the sound of my voice.
I know how you feel, I don't know what it is like for cars/vans elsewhere in the world but the UK, being young insurance is extremely expensive. No one in my family drives so I cant be put on their insurance, I got quoted £3500 for a £500 car last year (some companies were over £8000). Expensive & not worth it.

I keep thinking about getting a van but I cycle to work, it used to be 30 mile a day when I lived with my mother, when I moved out 2 years ago its now around 16 miles. Now, I know what your thinking, cycling... yeah... I used to use a bmx/mountain bike and it killed me by the end of the week, and if I had to work weekends it was brutal. My solution was an Electric bike, only problem is you stand out to everyone and I'm the only person with one of these bikes at this end of the country (as there isn't a dealer up here).


It gets me to and from work. I can go places on my days off, I visit my mother on it. Downside, they're expensive, but if you cycle for a year, it will pay for itself. Oh, and I'm not comfortable leaving it anywhere, it attracts too much attention xD

Edit: -
Sorry for the bad picture, its just one I had off a while ago and the workshop at work wasn't looking to presentable that day xD
cycling is definitely a good idea, I cycle everywhere, to and from work, to and from martial arts etc, its hard at first since your legs aren't used to it but eventually it doesn't bother you
MrPaul said:
I know how you feel, I don't know what it is like for cars/vans elsewhere in the world but the UK, being young insurance is extremely expensive. No one in my family drives so I cant be put on their insurance, I got quoted £3500 for a £500 car last year (some companies were over £8000). Expensive & not worth it.

I keep thinking about getting a van but I cycle to work, it used to be 30 mile a day when I lived with my mother, when I moved out 2 years ago its now around 16 miles. Now, I know what your thinking, cycling... yeah... I used to use a bmx/mountain bike and it killed me by the end of the week, and if I had to work weekends it was brutal. My solution was an Electric bike, only problem is you stand out to everyone and I'm the only person with one of these bikes at this end of the country (as there isn't a dealer up here).


It gets me to and from work. I can go places on my days off, I visit my mother on it. Downside, they're expensive, but if you cycle for a year, it will pay for itself. Oh, and I'm not comfortable leaving it anywhere, it attracts too much attention xD

Edit: -
Sorry for the bad picture, its just one I had off a while ago and the workshop at work wasn't looking to presentable that day xD

I live in America. Thanks to some people who don't need to be on the road, my insurance is high. Hopefully, the military might have something for me.

Badjedidude said:
Welcome back!

Yep. I've been away for a good while.
So due to the fact that some of my stuff that I'm selling on ebay is coming from asia I going to have to keep a stock of them which was not the plan. Plus I'll put my picture as my avi.

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