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Lonesome Crow said:
( X = X)

(X=Y, X~Y, X<>Y)

Schizophrenia is a complex mental disorder that makes it difficult to:
  1. Tell the difference between real and unreal experiences.
  2. Think logically.
  3. Have normal emotional responses.
  4. Behave normally in social situations.
Fortunately, there is medication and treatment available; during episodes, however, it is recommended that victims remain at a hospital for their own safety.
X is M

All M is P. ( if anything is M, it is P)

Therefore, X is P

errr...a fuckin 5 yr old can figure that honeysuckle out.

Me behaving healthy would be to
tell you to stick it up your ass.. :p
Lonesome Crow said:
X is M

All M is P. ( if anything is M, it is P)

Therefore, X is P

errr...a fuckin 5 yr old can figure that honeysuckle out.

Fragmented thinking is characteristic of schizophrenia. Externally, it can be observed in the way a person speaks. People with schizophrenia tend to have trouble concentrating and maintaining a train of thought. They may respond to queries with an unrelated answer, start sentences with one topic and end somewhere completely different, speak incoherently, or say illogical things.

Common signs of disorganized speech in schizophrenia include:

  • Loose associations – Rapidly shifting from topic to topic, with no connection between one thought and the next.
  • Neologisms – Made-up words or phrases that only have meaning to the patient.
  • Perseveration – Repetition of words and statements; saying the same thing over and over.

Get help.
No ignorant and under edjamicated
life forms.....

Its just a beleifs system explain in simplicity..

I nevered said I believe in any of these beleifs....

You just have fucken poor selfesteem
trying to look good or the **** time. Most people on this forum had already figure that honeysuckle out a long time ago...G Whizzzzzzz.

Dude...you have infority complex...

U have fucken OCD of always wanna be superior or think ur ideas and beliefs
is better than everone else....

iIs from your low self esteem.

You,re giviing people instructions to treat you like honeysuckle or push you away.
Thats how the rest of the wolrd
contribute to your lonilness.

You give the wrold instructions
to treat you....

wtf dude....you actually obesses and google all that honeysuckle jut to fucken attack me???

You know I dont give a fresia what poeple say or think about me. Right?
Or your still on lagging speed?
I dont even run with half the honeysuckle my GF say to me if she not coming fron a place of love and shes the one ******* me..

N u think Im going to put any wight
on your fucken OCD, hatred, envy and aittack? YOURE NUCKEN FUTZ

Attack me some little *****.
I dont give a fresia. U aint honeysuckle...
Lonesome Crow said:
on your fucken OCD, hatred, envy and aittack? YOURE NUCKEN FUTZ

btw, its usually written the other way around. You know, the F, followed by the N?

Its okay, though. I have sympathy for the mentally disturbed and the learning impaired :)
B means A is true
Where is the proof B is true?
So then we make C, it means B is true and therefore A is as well
How do we know C is true, so now we get D
D means C,B, and A are true.
Does that solve it?
If you can solve it evidence instead of mere presumptions and guesses then I will...I don't wanna but.... i'll hug you

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