What are the small things that you do to pamper yourself?

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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2011
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When you are having a bad day or just plain feel down, what small things do you do to cheer yourself up? :)
Chemical peels, new clothes, new toiletries, watching ridiculous TV shows I don't like anyone to know I actually watch. :p
I grab a vanilla Coke, pop open that can, and inhale the wonderful fragrance inside of that lovely can. Then I take a sip and savor...

Really... I love vanilla. I'll even drink vanilla Pepsi.
Listen to nice music. Play some Total War. Drink soda. I barely drink soda.
I was thinking about this a lot lately, how I use little stuff in life to kind of soothe the problems/pain I have. Even though I don't think I am a materialist person (I don't need fancy things to be happy) some of what I do to soothe myself is buying items.

So here it is...what I do (almost everyday) to deal with life:
*Go online read about other people's problems, visit blogs I like, visit Amazon to read reviews of books or videos I might want. Visit this website. Amazing how nurturing the net can be.
*Read inspiring books.
*Do Tarot/Oracle cards (this is a very new thing).
*BUY more books.
*Buy clothes or shoes.
*take a bike ride

When I am ambitious and have the time I'll get out of town and see something new. Maybe some nature.
I think taking a nice bath is always a good treat, sometimes i just make myself a great bubble bath or use some nice bath salt and stay there for ages.
I also find cooking something for myself really therapeutic. But getting your favourite meal from a take away can do the trick too.

Sometimes i just put on some music and crawl up under my blanket and stay there
The small things I do to pamper myself is exercising, Watch NHK or TLC...Dance to my favorite songs or sing to them....sounds silly but when I'm either really happy or really mad...I clean stuff.
friendlyheart said:
Sometimes i just put on some music and crawl up under my blanket and stay there

This. It's so relaxing to be under the warm blanket and just listen good music. ^_^

I also enjoy eating chocolate or drinking hot coffee and reading some good book. Sleeping helps a lot too.
manis & pedis, a new bag or pair of shoes, facial, get my hair done, watch P.S. I Love You or An An Affair to Remember, go out with my bichiz and have copious amounts of alcohol, see a movie with my sister...oh and really, really good CHOCOLATE! :p
Eating food I'm allergic too then Take a Claritin D then run around town in a sumo wrestler outfit...lol justkidding
liquor and vicodin ... oops, don't do that anymore


a nice menthol cigarette in the crisp morning air ... oh shiiit, don't do that anymore either


I will have the good tea.. always I drink tea, but these times I have the expensive tea usually trying to save. Rose tea, jasmine tea, spiced tea are in my favorites.

Another.. I will light a candle. I chose the soy candles but those are expensive so I do not light it all the time, but I do as a treat and comfort.