What are you feeling, hoping, thinking, or remembering right now?

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I feel like such a putz at times. I have to stop shying away from difficult things and get serious about changing my life. I need to stop half-assing it. Yes, there are cheaters, hustlers, and bullshit artists that seem to get handed everything - jobs and money, relationships, etc. - for little to no effort in life, and in spite of not having that much going for them. But it's clear by now that that isn't going to be me. I'm the kind of person that has to try very hard if they want something.

I feel like it has definitely helped for me to introspect and look back over everything and really understand how and why things turned out like this, but at the same time I just have to figure out what to do next and follow through.
TheSkaFish said:
I feel like such a putz at times.  I have to stop shying away from difficult things and get serious about changing my life.  I need to stop half-assing it.  Yes, there are cheaters, hustlers, and bullshit artists that seem to get handed everything - jobs and money, relationships, etc. - for little to no effort in life, and in spite of not having that much going for them.  But it's clear by now that that isn't going to be me.  I'm the kind of person that has to try very hard if they want something.

Can I ask how many people you know have have everything handed to them?  I'm sure there are some out there that are actually handed everything, but are you sure you just don't notice how hard they work for what they have?  If you don't know them or only know them on an acquaintance level, you can't see what happens behind closed doors to know whether or not they struggled or how much effort they put in to get where they are.
TheRealCallie said:
Can I ask how many people you know have have everything handed to them?  I'm sure there are some out there that are actually handed everything, but are you sure you just don't notice how hard they work for what they have?  If you don't know them or only know them on an acquaintance level, you can't see what happens behind closed doors to know whether or not they struggled or how much effort they put in to get where they are.

I see what you're saying , but it's one of those things you're just going to have to take my word for. It wouldn't be healthy for me to get into it more than that.

I was just trying to tell myself not to focus on it cause it only makes me mad, only makes me lose the plot of life even more.

I almost/kind of messed up an opportunity recently and it has me thinking that I only have so much "care" to go around, so I have to make sure I'm not throwing good energy after bad. Cause I know I've done that for most of my life.
useless and hopeless.
I used to think that I had to learn "this small thing and in a few months" and I'd be able to change jobs. Just few months... Years passed but I'm still not good enough.
And it's about everything. May be I just should accept it's not going to happen, my improoving is just a Sisyphus task... May be I'd better just play video-games instead.
Feeling empty, blank. Uninterested in anything. Not having anything to say to anyone. I get like this sometimes, and sometimes it's for long stretches of time. Nothing seems to "hook" me. Everything just feels "meh", "whatever". I have a hard time getting into anything because I don't see anything working out, or making me feel much of anything.

Maybe it's stress, maybe the time of year, I don't know.
I've just realized I'm still hoping to get a relationship. I really shouldn't waste my resourses hoping for the things that are not going to happen. Easy to say than to do. And I've felt in love, once again, unreqited of course. So stupid, why I still do this? There's almost no biological sence in it, my brain plays the cruel games. It's so strange I do realize how some things there(in my head)) work but can do nothing about them.
Why my conscious mind can't get over uncoscious one?

Allso I'm feeling quite irritable. I don't know why but I feel anger for almost no reason, I use offensice language too often, at least when I'm alone, escpecially while driving. Probably I'm tired or I don't know why it happens.
Hoping to actually sleep tonight... It's the weekend, I should be able to get 6-7 hours easy. Not: sleep for two hours and then wake up wired, or lay awake all **** night... 🤬😴

Ugh, erratic sleep is driving me nuts.😭
It's definitely a good feeling when you haven't paid much attention to music in a while and you notice that favorite bands of yours have released an album recently.
Rodent said:
It's definitely a good feeling when you haven't paid much attention to music in a while and you notice that favorite bands of yours have released an album recently.

What bands are you referring to?
Forgottendanfan said:
Rodent said:
It's definitely a good feeling when you haven't paid much attention to music in a while and you notice that favorite bands of yours have released an album recently.

What bands are you referring to?

Sons of Otis and Lowrider. Both Stoner Rock bands, broadly speaking.
I am feeling slightly broken, hoping it won't last too long, thinking that I should have listened to the little voice in my head and remembering a time when I was just happy being me.
Feeling grateful, hoping to get to move forward and do what I planned for 2021, thinking I can do this, remembering all the people I've lost and reminding myself what I should do to make this all worthwhile.

user 130057 said:
I am feeling slightly broken, hoping it won't last too long, thinking that I should have listened to the little voice in my head and remembering a time when I was just happy being me.

TheSkaFish said:
Feeling stunned and sad. I don't think I'm going to feel like doing much of anything for a while.

Hugs, you both.
Today's hypothesis: hell is not other people. Hell is expecting too much of them instead of believing in yourself.

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