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ladyforsaken said:
I need to hear some good news this week. Please..

Gladly it's only Tuesday :D Jokes aside, hang in there and stay strong.

As for me...

I wish I had more energy to clean my room. It's just filthy but I never manage have energy enough to do anything besides nap and browse the internet.
ladyforsaken said:
I need to hear some good news this week. Please..

I hope so too.

Ymir said:
I wish I had more energy to clean my room. It's just filthy but I never manage have energy enough to do anything besides nap and browse the internet.

Just get started and hopefully the momentum will keep you going. Today I went to have a quick tidy up of my daughters room, just grab a some trash initially and ended up doing a major tidy up instead! I just got into a rhythm and wanted to get it all done.
This whole 'being a d*ckhead just for shits and giggles' thing must be an inside joke...but I don't find it entertaining at all.
WildernessWildChild said:
Soooo sleepy....

Your eyes are getting heavy and you are falling into a deeep sleeep.

3... 2... 1... You're asleep.

Now, when you wake up you you will think you are a chicken!

3... 2... 1...


Wake up

I don't hug enough people - I want to be one of those people whose hug gives you that warm fuzzy feeling, I want to be a hugger.

Perhaps I should attend a course by Amma or something
Well well...one of the first things I see this morning is a thread just for me. Oh joy.

I'm not really upset about it though. What I'm upset that I have to be the kind of person who has such problems with this. I wish I was one of the ones who got by easily here, but that is not the case. Maybe it's because I was too nice growing up. When I was a kid I went around thinking everything was fun, nice, great. Have any of you seen the LEGO movie? My view was like that song, "everything is awesome". I wasn't one of those that went around mocking everything and acting like I was "too cool for school". I just didn't feel the need to be that way, it seemed cliche and forced and tiresome to be so negative all the time. I never felt the need to mock, bully or exclude people, to be trendy, to suck up to the "cool crowd", to show off, or break the law - I could have a good time without doing any of that, and it didn't even look like fun anyway. But it seems like those are the ones who grow up to be in positions of power in life.

I still don't want to be like them. They are negative ********. But I don't want to be like me either because I'm just not effective. Eh....I'm just tired of not knowing what to do to get better results.
Edward W said:
WildernessWildChild said:
Soooo sleepy....

Your eyes are getting heavy and you are falling into a deeep sleeep.

3... 2... 1... You're asleep.

Now, when you wake up you you will think you are a chicken!

3... 2... 1...


Wake up


Ahem- it might have been believable if you said Rooster Eddie, Rooster....as in Cock of the walk (lol).
Sometimes I really want to be a part of a group, but when an opportunity arises I avoid it like the plague, maybe in fear of... who knows what. Does that make me a hypocrite?

**** my confusing mind.
What the hell... Seriously? Three different ladles you had to use for one pot? I've made whole Thanksgiving meals and used less utensils... Get the fresia out of here...
I would love for Rockstar to do a GTA on the Harwood Butcher. It would be interesting to see because it would be the only one set in the 70's. But they would have to bring back Ray Liotta to voice Vercetti again. Make amends with him. Pay him a couple mil... I don't care. If they ever did another game with Tommy, and had anyone else voice him, I'd hate Rockstar for the rest of my life.
Edward W said:
ladyforsaken said:
I need to hear some good news this week. Please..

I hope so too.

Thanks Eddy :)

TheSkaFish said:
Well well...one of the first things I see this morning is a thread just for me. Oh joy.

I'm not really upset about it though. What I'm upset that I have to be the kind of person who has such problems with this. I wish I was one of the ones who got by easily here, but that is not the case. Maybe it's because I was too nice growing up. When I was a kid I went around thinking everything was fun, nice, great. Have any of you seen the LEGO movie? My view was like that song, "everything is awesome". I wasn't one of those that went around mocking everything and acting like I was "too cool for school". I just didn't feel the need to be that way, it seemed cliche and forced and tiresome to be so negative all the time. I never felt the need to mock, bully or exclude people, to be trendy, to suck up to the "cool crowd", to show off, or break the law - I could have a good time without doing any of that, and it didn't even look like fun anyway. But it seems like those are the ones who grow up to be in positions of power in life.

I still don't want to be like them. They are negative ********. But I don't want to be like me either because I'm just not effective. Eh....I'm just tired of not knowing what to do to get better results.

Well I think Ymir meant well with the thread for you - hope you didn't take it negatively. :\

Anyway, as I said, none of us have it easy either. You're not the only one. Even those people you think of who have it better than you. Who got the girl. Who got it all. They have some part in their lives that's shitty too. You just don't see it. Sometimes it's really a whole lot worse than what we know or see for ourselves. We just have good things happening to us at different pace and time in life. Stop comparing yourself to other people.. that would be a start.. I suppose. You keep saying you don't want to be like them - you don't have to be. As we keep saying to you, just be yourself and you will attract the right people. But it's that attitude and mindset that needs some tweaking so that it would attract the right people. That's what you should start working on to be a better you, a more effective you.

**** if I were thinking like you a lot.. like why do I have to go through honeysuckle and not others, why can't I get the better of life like all my friends do, my illness would probably have gotten worse and this goddamn thing called cancer would be the death of me by now.
I can never really socialize in a group setting. This isn't gonna last.

honey combs big.
ladyforsaken said:
Well I think Ymir meant well with the thread for you - hope you didn't take it negatively. :\

No, it didn't bother me.

ladyforsaken said:
**** if I were thinking like you a lot.. like why do I have to go through honeysuckle and not others, why can't I get the better of life like all my friends do, my illness would probably have gotten worse and this goddamn thing called cancer would be the death of me by now.

Wow....if I had known you were sick, I probably would not have been so vocal and angry about my problems, which are small in comparison. I'm sorry to hear that.

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