What are you thinking right now?

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Every eight seconds, huh? Looks like I can finally hand in my 'man card'...that thing just takes up valuable space in my wallet anyway.
What am I thinking right now? 8,...(Is it that time already)! :)

7,...( OMG)! :)

6,...(Food)! :)


4,...(Did I really just say that)! :)

3,...(??????????????)! :)

2,...(WOW) ! :)

1,...(*Blushing*) ! :)
gabriel20 said:
What am I thinking right now? 8,...(Is it that time already)! :)

7,...( OMG)! :)

6,...(Food)! :)


4,...(Did I really just say that)! :)

3,...(??????????????)! :)

2,...(WOW) ! :)

1,...(*Blushing*) ! :)

Man! You just saved me with this. LOL
The only people I've ever truly felt kindred to were old men long dead who left behind huge collections of books. Every one I pick up contains what I thought in my own life or have been trying to think, or things that only improve life for me though I hadn't thought them before.

At least it's evidence that these people are being born.
Tealeaf said:
The only people I've ever truly felt kindred to were old men long dead who left behind huge collections of books. Every one I pick up contains what I thought in my own life or have been trying to think, or things that only improve life for me though I hadn't thought them before.

At least it's evidence that these people are being born.

You would have loved dear Dad, then. He left me a legacy of books, some ancient which have been carefully restored, enough to fill a whole room, and they are very cherished. Dad also left me a library of LPs and 78's going right back to the 1940's. And both collections have enrichened my life no end. :)

Do you ever visit second-hand book shops? I do. :)
Makes me laugh when somebody asks for my mobile number and straight away I get a text from them.
I always reply straight away. After a few days the texts start to dry up and the person disappears. Nothing from them.
Happens all the time.
Wow 6 vials of my blood for reals? Why do I think I was feeding a vampire..
I'm probably going to give this forum another month or so and than I'm going to cancel it for good this time, I can't seem to make any friends on here anymore. It depresses me so much.
Peaches said:
I like artists, but usually they don't like me

If they're piss artists, I wouldn't worry about them. :)

- - -

I'm thinking hot chocolate right now, with a glug of rum.
I can only observe and conclude so much from being on the outside so the real motivations for people's actions will always remain a mystery to me. But maybe that's for the best...there might be some truths that even I'm unable to process.

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