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evanescencefan91 said:
you can leave your computer and keep downloading, while you shower

hmm friday night what to do what to gawd this is so lame, kinda sucks when you just kinda conntect with other hermits,

i could take a showeer,
buteeh those showers are so germy and and clasustraphbic like, i took one last night, but if i want to go out and be socail tomorow and go to the game wwith out having to get up earlier to take a shower, ehh i can maybe just take one later,

( i don't like public (or semipublic whaever) showers, i'm such a germaphobe)

ya another riviting friday night here at college with me

you need to be exposed to some germs. How else can your body build up your immune system.
*cries* i hate germs and it doesn't work,

and all these stupid tailgaters, waking me up at 5am it's 5am why the fresia are you yelling


and i has a cold now i haven't had a cold in a year

my nose is stuffy and my throat hurts

and argg i feel so just uggh

that stupid gardenia meanie security guard stole my water botel and it was a really nice allumin one, i'm juys like well can i just pour my water out no
i mean what the hell

it's not for secirity reasons it's just so that you have to buy water for 3 botle
ohh i just feel so aggrivated


so of course i did the rational college thing to do, eat a bunch of desert, i had a brownie and a big bowl of frozen yogourt with strawberries

ehh if i get the freshman 15 then i'll finally weigh enough to sell my plasma

and i just really wish people would just call me


sorry for the tired woe is me teenage angst

just 2 more years and it will be just regula angst

thanks for letting me vent
caesium_ said:
Feeling extremely anxious. Afraid. Worried.

I'm thinking.... Holy crap man! You registered again? Welcome back
I`m thinking... how far can forgiveness go, without turning out being a complete idiot in doing so. Hm.
ehh being sick sucks my sympathies takumi

and ohh afi is comming out with a new album


and god why did i eat that wntire box of smores poptarts

oh ya cause they were delicious

oi they don't feel delicious now
About how f****** sexually frustrated I am right now ARGGGH LOL.

So many cute guys in my area, but my shyness puts them off. And probably some other things too lol. D:
I don't want to think about it anymore.
It's just crap going around in my head.
Yes life sucks sometimes and unfortunately I fell in love and care for messed up people.
Yes that would be facts in my life.

Though I wish life is different...it is not. It's fustrating as fresia.
Someday maybe someday I will be able to forget.
I hate feeling and thinking this this way.
I have a headache the size of texas

Oh...I fucken know why...duh.
Just freaken triggers of aniversary of fresia up events...So I hope.
But..but..but.. I like you Evfan :( *Hugs Evfan* :)

I'm thinking it still feels like a huge task, and I feel bad for not getting it done :(

i am thinking the piece of ghost gum i swiped from the national park on my hike yesterday (it was chainsawed and left to rot) is not turning into the extraodinary work of modern art i imagined i could create out of it. but i have managed to further destroy my carpet with paint splatters.
ahh well thanks guys i really appreciate it

i just really wish i'd get healthy the pst 2 and a half days i've just been downing gaterade juice and water, but my cold is still here

god i hope it'll be gopne by tomorrow

being sick during school is the worsst,

man there are germs everywhere

*hugs back*


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