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He considered going into the something math related, but I talked him out of it. It would bore him senseless to have to sit behind a desk all day, every day. lol
Made me think of my dad. He was excellent at Maths. His Mum pushed him into being an accountant which he did do and ended up with a well paid job.

But, it wasn't what he really wanted to do stuck in an office, also many there complained even if he opened the window. He mentioned his unhappiness to his mum, she was not happy with him at all.

Eventually my dad resigned from that job and joined the Merchant Navy he enjoyed all his time with them.
No argument there, on the same cruse ship you are on! Thats why I am here. a peaceful quieter life, Well but not too quite, still lots to see and do here! Great food and views to die for; with a great area for travelling. probem is I lost my partner ! trashed my hopes and plans. HOW nice. NOT!
I don't know anymore. That hopeful, cheerful little boy in me died on a spike. Dulled and jaded to my surroundings. Think like "one" by Metallica always playing on loop in the back of my mind. There must be fundamentally wrong with me. I just live to live at this point. I don't feel suicidal by any means but I don't feel like I'd have a problem if I wasn't going to wake up if I went to bed. Loneliness and depression calcified I guess. No motivation to do anything. Times I do feel great and normal, but those times are few and hard to come by. But I'll keep trudging along not exactly hoping I'll find anything or anyone but fresia it I guess it beats taking a dirt nap
I don't know anymore. That hopeful, cheerful little boy in me died on a spike. Dulled and jaded to my surroundings. Think like "one" by Metallica always playing on loop in the back of my mind. There must be fundamentally wrong with me. I just live to live at this point. I don't feel suicidal by any means but I don't feel like I'd have a problem if I wasn't going to wake up if I went to bed. Loneliness and depression calcified I guess. No motivation to do anything. Times I do feel great and normal, but those times are few and hard to come by. But I'll keep trudging along not exactly hoping I'll find anything or anyone but fresia it I guess it beats taking a dirt nap
Its not always you thats the problem, the world it not a nice place, we are in this honeysuckle hole, so its understandable you can feel this way. So your am not so dif from me in some ways. don't just blame yourself, we are all victims of our social environemnt
Made me think of my dad. He was excellent at Maths. His Mum pushed him into being an accountant which he did do and ended up with a well paid job.

But, it wasn't what he really wanted to do stuck in an office, also many there complained even if he opened the window. He mentioned his unhappiness to his mum, she was not happy with him at all.

Eventually my dad resigned from that job and joined the Merchant Navy he enjoyed all his time with them.
yep great, life is not a practice run, its one shot stop!
HAh good luck with that one1
He has a wide variety of interests. Science and politics are the two biggest.
Also, he'll have a bachelor's degree in both fields by the end of this year. He doubled majored. Not sure if it's the same where you are, but most people just do a major and a minor within the same field.
I'd much rather be there than here, about to leave for work.


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I'm thinking about my life's direction in general, and how some jobs looks like leeches rather than actual jobs, and how I hate those said leeches jobs...

Otherwise I'm thinking about how to move back with my mother... going to be weird at first but I actually can't wait ^^ !
Season 4 Love GIF by NBC
Just thinking about how starting a family, talking about dreams and goals with someone is so strange ✨

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