What Was the Greatest Insult You Ever Received?

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I'm probably lucky not to have had that many insults thrown at me, though of course not been totally unscathed. Had a few when I was growing up, which oddly enough I often took as terms of affection sometimes (such as being called names for wearing glasses which I just found kind of funny!). Some of the things my family said to me in tense moments were very hurtful.

These days the thing I find most insulting of all is being ignored. Like last year I met someone off OKcupid, she had every chance to decide she didn't like me, but when I suggested we go somewhere else, she tagged along, then she even suggested we go for some food and we seemed to get on like a house on fire. Then she gave me a hug when we left. So I left it a few hours, texted her to say it was good to meet her, she didn't reply, messaged her again on Okcupid, no reply. Feeling like I'm not even worth a "sorry, but didn't think we clicked" I found very insulting - like what was I, some chump just to play a game with?!

Then there was the friend I've known for over 4 years, we meet up occasionally, usually at her place or out somewhere. A few weeks ago we had a nice evening as usual, so later on I texted to say it would be nice if she visited my place for a change sometime, so I could cook instead, and also sent her some big news I just had.

3 weeks later I still haven't had a reply to the 2 messages I sent. Before that she said she didn't text much as the keys on her phone were failing, but last time I saw her she had a brand new phone...

I guess it's that kind of thing I find more insulting than anything these, for some reason, as I believe I deserve to be treated so much better than that!
Greatest insult. hmmm, that's a toughie, since I've gotten so many, but it's likely something someone said to me here. lol (some of them were very creative.)
it's a cantonese swear word, I can't say it here :ROFLMAO:
let's just say I have stolen that to use it when the time is right.
Gee, there's been so many. Many I've since forgotten. The one that cost me the biggest was an allegation that ruined my career and integrity, strained my marriage and family to breaking point and left me almost totally friendless. I was devastated. It took me years to overcome my bitterness and take control of my emotions again.
Today? "Why don't you check eBay and see if they have a life for sale you narcissistic poof", gotta love my old lady, she keeps it real 😇 ;) 💥
There's been so many, I can barely remember any single one of them.
Just recently however, I was told I had the IQ of sand. It IS original, even though not overly so.
I really dislike being called a psycho b itch. It’s not necessarily the worst insult because there have been plenty far worse but it makes me the maddest.
I really dislike being called a psycho b itch. It’s not necessarily the worst insult because there have been plenty far worse but it makes me the maddest.
My ex used to call me the c word when he wanted to push me over the edge. The greatest moment was the look on his face when it didn't work anymore. Lol
But yeah, I get it, we all have those little words that some don't think are a big deal, but darn it if it just doesn't make you irate. (Was going to say psycho, but that might be a little much here.) 😛
My ex used to call me the c word when he wanted to push me over the edge. The greatest moment was the look on his face when it didn't work anymore. Lol
But yeah, I get it, we all have those little words that some don't think are a big deal, but darn it if it just doesn't make you irate. (Was going to say psycho, but that might be a little much here.) 😛
It’s silly isn’t it? I don’t mind be called a b**** with any other adjective but psycho is my don’t go there word.
Good for you for overcoming that and not letting him have that.

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