What's Your dream occupation?

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Administrator's note: Due to the originality of the question it asks this thread falls under the criteria of "Essential" and hereby shall remain as a historical landmark of aLonelyLife.com in the form of a sticky. Thank You... me! ;) :p

4th of April 2008
- Robin


In "most wanted" order; a director, composer, writer or perhaps an animator, which i don't think i got the goods for though. Conductor is also something i'm fashinated about; standing right infront of a big orchestra, aiding them to create beautiful works. =) Everything sounds better orchestrated. ;)

I'm writing a book (which surely will take a few years at minimum in this pace...) which i hope i one day will be able to make a movie of and direct myself. Imagine to be able to create the musical score as well; to create something both to see and listen to, all by Yourself. Oh i'm day-dreaming while i type this... *flying away*............. Squaack! Oops, too high there. And i'm down with You guys again. =)

Having a goal, no matter how unreal, is one of the absolutely best things You can have and always is possible as long as You keep fighting for it (and as long as it's possible ;) ). Come on, You all surely have some kind of dream occupation You want to reach! What's Yours?

I've had dreams about doing everything from being an astronaut to being a drug addict.
I don't have an addictive enough personality to be a druggie, and while I'm not bad at school I doubt I could handle all of the school necessary for the astronaut thing.

Ok to be serious...right now my life is geared toward being a computer programmer. Which is something I've always enjoyed doing when I was younger...though I might not like doing it full time for money. Maybe I will. But later on I want to possibly be a writer or an animator, just like Robin, since I randomly come up with ideas for novels and cartoons that I never follow up on.
snow said:
Ok to be serious...right now my life is geared toward being a computer programmer.

Hey, that's cool! There are times i've wanted to be a programmer as well, but then i figured out i don't like numbers and such that much. As for finding a full-time job as a programmer... well, there are alot more programmers needed in the gaming industry than anywhere else it seems. Nevertheless, programmers are increasingly becoming more and more wanted wherever i look and i think it's time those idiots who keep saying "You won't find a job as a programmer, choose something else" should get a realisation check and shut the hell up. Once You've got in to some big project, whether it's a new software or a mod for a new game, You can start climbing to the cash quite fast, i've heard. Know quite a few software and web-programmers who become very anticipated once they could show what they were made of.
Good Topic, My deram occupation is to be a lead guitarist in a international rock band. I've had this dream all my life, I am quite musical, can play the guitar and piano but I have never put enough practise into it.
Musical talent is cool. (Speaking as one who has none!) You may be surprised how many ladies really like a man who can play a piano...highly romantic.
To be a counsellor... solve other people's problems. Haha strange as it may seems, I make a good listening person and advisor but i totally suck in my own life. Bt then again, i would never be one...cause I am currently in my 2nd Yr of my Engineering (civil) undergraduate programme. Its also sucks as i hate Engineering and maths lol
Fantasy world? I'm a successful photojournalist for National Geographic Magazine.
Writer, rock star, film director, all up there.

But, my number one dream profession (if you could call it that) would be a revolutionary-type kind of guy. I would love to end up in some history books. The crazy Neo-Realist-Libertarian who takes down the tyrannical police state in a bloody coup. I'm probably romanticizing it in my head. But, it just seems so glorious.
pilot, To fly planes for a living wouled be so cool. and you wouled get paid well for seeing the world. In another life time maybe
As sad as it may sound, I'd love to be a music teacher. Unfortunately, I started playing music at a later age (18), so I'm uncertain if I will ever gain enough skill to sound decent. My only advantage is that I can play a lot of different instruments. I don't know. Being a teacher seems like an awesome job because you get to influence people and possibly change lives, and it would be an added bonus to be surrounded by music everyday. Plus, those three month summers would be an opportune time to work on my fiction writing.
Haha - Rogue Tomato - I like your thinking on the school holiday aspect, although teaching would be a very draining occupation. It would probably be easier to teach some kind of 'option' subject like music, so that generally the kids actually want to be in your class. Nice idea! :) If you have (or are getting) any degree in New Zealand, I know that you can switch to teaching after only an extra 9 months of qualifications. Not sure what it's like elsewhere though - any ideas?

lonelygirl - I like your idea too! :) I am somewhat musical but figure the rock star thing will never happen, so I certainly like the idea of photography as a different way to express yourself. The photographs in National Geographic magazines are certainly beautiful! I kind of have a desire to get out in the guts of it all, maybe be a war photographer, using black & white film. Very heart wrenching but somehow rewarding. I don't know - maybe it would be too sad for me. I see all those 'coffee table books' at people's houses & just boggle at the photography :)
Scorpio, yes! That's exactly why, even though I like math, I do not want to be a math teacher. Although, I know a lot of people just genuinely despise school, so any subject has the potential to generate students who are less willing to learn. That doesn't really matter though. I think I would be happy teaching anything because I genuinely care about helping people better themselves as human beings.

In the US, you have to go to school for an extra year after you get your degree, in order to get a teaching credential.
Hi Rogue,

I've giggled through the last couple posts. I'm a math teacher, middle school. (EEKKKK) With your attitude toward wanting to help, I wish you would become a teacher. We need so many more like yourself. Have you considered becoming a mentor at a local school, so you could get the feel of being back into a school? Oh, I like to call summer break, forced unemployment. Budget wisely!!! :)

Now, for getting your teacher certification in the US, it varies per state. Many, especially in the South, are very desperate for certified teachers. We have people coming in on probationary licenses all the time, who teach while getting their last hours for certification if they have a BS/BA. If you'd like to talk more about this, you are welcome to PM.
Hey teach - well, generally I think that being a math teacher is about one of the most difficult jobs in the world. So many kids hate math & will play up in class. That's awesome that you teach math though (I take my hat off to you!) - if only I had known then what I know now. haha! And just to prove that anyone can do it if they try: I flunked out of math my senior year (mostly because I actually didn't go to class, or actually try doing any work), but managed to pass two post-graduate college math papers with a B+ average. It was sooo hard & boy did I regret not listening to my school teachers! I hope you keep up the good work! :)
lol, thanks Scorpio. I think I hear a lot of people say that. :) It's always funny to hear previous students from my classes....always how great it was, I wasn't mean, etc, etc....while I remember how much fussing, whining, crying, etc went on with the kid...I compare the class to labor pains.....ouch while it's happening, but down the road all you remember is the good stuff.
I enjoy reading all of the off-topic banter. I think it's a better alternative to having a dead thread in which no one posts, as long as it is somewhat related to the original topic.

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