What's your favorite time of day and why?

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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
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Sweet, sweet, U S of A.
I enjoy nights myself. The hustle and bustle dies down, I get time alone, with the stars and the moon. It can get lonesome though.. And the weird ones tend to come out at night; though that's not always a bad thing, but often it can be. And near the end of second shift, at some places, is usually always nice. Things slow down, and you know you get go home soon...

Breakfast is probably my favorite time of the morning, if I'm obliged to face that life long foe, the sun...
I'm a night owl, but I really enjoy High Noon.
Maybe it's because it's the time I was born, but the Sun is shining at it's peak and there's still time to decide what to make of your day...

The night is good for winding down. Reading, playing a fun game....etc. Lately I've been enjoying playing games. Wheel Of Fortune and Family Feud, hah.
Sunset. But sunrise is also magnificent.
And I like watching the stars in the night. And for walking somewhere in a forest I prefer day.
Difficult choice... let it be sunrise. It's more calm and quite and promising a new day.
4 something in the morning until sunrise. I like to ride my motorcycle during those hours. There’s virtually no traffic, especially on a Sunday morning. I often see wildlife, and at dawn there’s lots of birds fluttering about. It’s a good way to start the day.
I prefer late night to sunrise but I'm more productive the next day if I don't enjoy the quiet and stillness of those hours. Early morning to midday I'm most likely to get things done if I start early enough. So, like everything else about me it varies from day to day I guess.
I like 2 to 3 am. Where I stay the criminals come out. They go about checking gates and cars and I'm always inspired by their perseverance. My neighbor across the street is breaking bad and cooking meth at this time too. He likes to dump some of the chemicals at about 2:30 am on Saturday mornings. Sometimes the chemicals spontaniously combust and send millions of fireflies scattering into the night sky. It always makes me smile because they seem so free.
Between 3:00 and 6:00 A.M.
It's actually, when I usually wake up. 😅
And the closer to 3:00 A.M. the better.
It's the only uninterrupted time I get alone when I have energy still.
Dawn. To quote an old game, "The morning sun has vanquished the horrible night"

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