What's your favorite ... ?

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I love the periodic table. There's so many great elements to choose from. I'm fond of Bismuth because you can grow it into funky geometric shapes. I like Berkelium because it's got a funky name. Antimony is cool because it's the words Auntie and Money rolled into one and I love both of those! I suppose ultimately I've got to say oxygen, because it's what's enabling me to type this reply!

What's your favourite sugary snack?
Sorry, what was the question? I saw the words Reese's and cups and my eyes glazed over...

I don't like seeing any animal in captivity, but if I can choose an animal when it's in it's own habitat then probably a polar bear.

I will be your shopping companion any day of the week if you share your cups with me... that came out wrong.

What's your favourite month of the year?
^I know, right?! If I am ever on Death Row, I will request a 5-gallon bucket filled with Reese's peanut butter cups and thick cut bacon as my last meal. And, a ribeye as big as my head.

^^Offering to share my cups has afforded me many benefits in life. Would you hold my purse and bags while I try on clothes?

Birthday month - March!

What's your favorite way to spend New Year's Eve?
It's not often I say this, imma have to go with drunk. I want a new years like 2 years ago. I got really drunk and poured my drink into a fake candle so I had a glowing drink, I tied like 8 balloons to myself and I drew a face on one and called it Wilson. I ended up hitting the balloon on my friends head so many times that he ripped it off me and Wilson floated away. Willlsooonnnn!!!! Ah good memories. If people think I act childish sober they should see me drunk haha.

What is your favorite cartoon ?
Elf of the shelf ! My daughters elf Isnt naughty though. I'm so exited for jingle bells to come in december, it makes christmas so exiting for her. She talks about her elf year round.

What's your favourite way to spend yo money ?

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