Who thinks this is true?

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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2018
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I just read this on Chora.... who thinks it's true?

What was the best relationship advice you ever got?

The best relationship advice I ever got came from married female friend about a week after I got married. She went to her fridge and said, “gee I am out of milk.” Then she turned to me and said, “what just went through your head when I said that?” I responded, “I considered how I could get you some milk.”

She said to me, “that’s right. You thought that because you are a woman. A man won’t think that way. He will hear it as a fact. FACT: NO MILK. He will not read more into it than that. If you want to have a happy marriage, never assume that he knew what you were hinting.” She told me that I should be sure to clearly and kindly say, “honey we are out of milk, and it would make me very happy if you could grab some on the way home.”

Her advice has proved very wise. It was a good basic foundation upon which to build our life, and we have been happily married for over 25 years.
That's true for any relationship, whether it's a romantic one or not. You should never assume that people know what you were hinting at or thinking or doing. Just like you can't know it from them, they can't know it from you.

Do I think all men are like that in terms of thinking? No, I don't. Sometimes, they will take the hint, but so would anyone else.

Also, I would not think of how I could get my friend more milk. She can get her own **** milk, I don't live there.
Also, I would not think of how I could get my friend more milk. She can get her own **** milk, I don't live there.

He will hear it as a fact. FACT: NO MILK. He will not read more into it than that.
That's a huge generalisation, I'm lacto intolerant so don't take milk but I'd take the hint and pick up some milk no worries. 🥛
Most guys I know will go to the store happily. They may forget what they are there for, but the intent is in place.
I mean if it's a relationship I would say hey lets go get some milk and anything else we need. If it was a friend's I'd porbably ask for a dif drink.
I just read this on Chora.... who thinks it's true?

What was the best relationship advice you ever got?
The best relationship advice I ever got came from married female friend about a week after I got married. She went to her fridge and said, “gee I am out of milk.” Then she turned to me and said, “what just went through your head when I said that?” I responded, “I considered how I could get you some milk.”

She said to me, “that’s right. You thought that because you are a woman. A man won’t think that way. He will hear it as a fact. FACT: NO MILK. He will not read more into it than that. If you want to have a happy marriage, never assume that he knew what you were hinting.” She told me that I should be sure to clearly and kindly say, “honey we are out of milk, and it would make me very happy if you could grab some on the way home.”

Her advice has proved very wise. It was a good basic foundation upon which to build our life, and we have been happily married for over 25 years.

We call it "plain talk". No hints ever.

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