Why Are Some Game Company's Graphics Better Than Others?

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
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Island Of Patmos
Hey All.:)

I've always wondered something. Why is it that some games created by one company have better graphics than another's? You would think that because they are made for the same console that the graphics would pretty much be equal. Does is just boil down to who can afford the best graphics artists? Surely the technology is available to all companies right?
depends on the game design in some cases.
a mmorpg that has huge servers with hundereds of players at a time have lower detail as copared to a first person shooter that has 16 players because it minimizes lagg. and also you dont need as much detail in a 3rd person view.
other than those considerations it can also.be down to what graphics emgine they built it on and whether they feel it adds to the gameplay.
games starwars the old republic had lower graphics than it could have but i read that lucas arts wouldnt let them because of some copyright crappola.
Innovators and money. Innovators can demand higher compensation.

All game companies want the best graphics for all of their games (who wouldn't?) It all boils down to $ imho.
Money and time. Takes time to create good-looking assets. Or I guess, more realistic and detailed-looking assets. It also depends on the lifespan of the console - the longer a console has been out, the more everybody figures out how to squeeze every ounce of power out of the hardware to get even better looking games. If, however, you have a distinctive style that looks good then it's not necessarily going to be about polygon counts or how much the artist is paid. For example the original Starcraft still looks amazing even though that game is, like, 15 years old. And having a stylized art style will allow very small indie companies to produce good looking games, for example Binding of Isaac. Whereas if you look at a game like Far Cry - which, at the time, blew everyone away - it has aged a HELL of a lot. I'm sure people would find it unplayable going back to it after playing modern games.
Budget, equipment and development kits, staff (see budget again) pretty much in that order. Also never rule out the popularity of older consoles, designing for them before upgrading the game on newer machines is easier than designing two separate products.

Ever notice how first party developers often have the best graphics? There is a reason for that.

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