Why do Christians condemn LGBTQ as Evil?

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August Campbell

My ultimate dream came true.
Jan 27, 2020
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Not all Christians but mostly the Fundamentalist-Christians condemn LGBTQ as Evil. Is this just a recent development or has it always been this way? Because I hear it much more often nowadays than back in the day. Maybe it's because Gay Marriages have been legalized in several states, which is why the Fundies are in such an uproar. Is that the reason?
In the first place, why do Fundies consider it Evil? Sometimes standing on the curb outside Walmart are some Fundies who loudly insist that Gays will be sent to Hellfire, there to be tortured for Eternity. That goes beyond the pale for me.
Even though I myself am Hetero, I still find this condemnation very disturbing. And wonder how many feel this way. Because there are some self-proclaimed Christians on this very forum, so I wonder what they believe in this issue. Hopefully,somebody can put my mind at ease.
i used to have neighbors and now ex-"friends" lesbian couple. they are moderately religious but never go to church. only for special events, not religious holidays. i was surprised. i know church generally doesn't approve of lgbt. they wanted to be my friend because i was one of few who could tolerate their obnoxious behavior and they needed allies in the area. the more friends they get on their side the more their enemies neighbors would keep away from them. i guess i was a convenient friend. for convenience. it sort of worked.
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Same reason most Muslims and most Jews do it's written in their scriptures. Or maybe they were inspired by Buddhist scripture and the code of monks.

Different types of LGBTQ (pandakas) are listed who should not be ordained as monks. These include hermaphrodites, transsexuals, eunuchs, cross-dressers, and effeminate gay men. This is done following stories of monks being seduced, or courted, by pandakas, and also because keepers of a nearby elephant stable mocks a monastery because one of its members is a pandaka, who constantly courts them sexually.

Female hermaphrodites, women who dress like men, or those of deviant sexuality or simply those who do not look like women and are “man-like” women cannot be ordained as nuns.

Organised religion, the gift that never stops giving aye?
I consider myself a Christian, but I chose to live by the one scripture "the greatest of these is love". I am not here to judge, nor do I want to be judged. We are all sinners, in our own way. Especially those "Christians" who don't "love as Christ taught us to love". So, yeah, I stay away from organized religion for exactly that reason. I don't need an entity putting their spin on the bible and judging me or friends of mine. It'll all come out in the wash... I reckon'.
Just my 2 cents.... LOL
I was christened and confirmed but haven't been to church in Years now thing the last time I went and did anything church like was when I was a kid before teens even. But I've never really cared about what sexuality people are or identify with, people are people *shrugs*
I consider myself a Christian, but I chose to live by the one scripture "the greatest of these is love". I am not here to judge, nor do I want to be judged. We are all sinners, in our own way. Especially those "Christians" who don't "love as Christ taught us to love". So, yeah, I stay away from organized religion for exactly that reason. I don't need an entity putting their spin on the bible and judging me or friends of mine. It'll all come out in the wash... I reckon'.
Just my 2 cents.... LOL
I'm not religious but it seems to me that:
If you do not follow the teachings of Jesus Christ then you are not a Christian.
Seems simple.
Things like Leviticus 18:22 and Romans 1:27 sure seem to say so but if anyone has a less condemning interpretation, I would sure like to know.
Thank you for your response. Let me also add Leviticus 20:13 which states that Gay-offenders will be put to death. Their heads were chopped off and mounted on posts for public display. But nowadays the death-penalty is not practiced, although the gay condemnation remains.
Thank you for your response. Let me also add Leviticus 20:13 which states that Gay-offenders will be put to death. Their heads were chopped off and mounted on posts for public display. But nowadays the death-penalty is not practiced, although the gay condemnation remains.
As does the intolerance, misogyny, the lies, and the begging for Money.


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As does the intolerance, misogyny, the lies, and the begging for Money.
Point well-taken with your 2 attachments. I agree 100%. When it's Fundamentalist-Christians, the Only problem I have is when they insist that their belief is the Only True one. That's the Only problem I have with them. If they were accepting and tolerant of Other religions, then Christianity is a very good religion because they do a lot of charity work. But they spoil it all when they insist that Buddhists go to Hell, lgbtq go to Hell, Hinduists go to Hell, etc.
There even used to be a support-group called Fundamentalists Anonymous, applying the same principles of Alcoholics Anonymous--people who used to be Fundies but came to their senses. Sometimes I watch the updated YouTube videos of The Atheist Experience, and notice that while many want to become Atheists but what makes them hesitate is their Christian fear of Hell. If not for the fear of an eternal Hell, they would become Atheists in an eyeblink. But that fear is so overwhelming that they hesitate. I have that fear too, so I would appreciate any suggestions that can put my mind at ease.
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