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Well-known member
Nov 22, 2019
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Having really been alone for the past 3 years, I was sick for 10 months and then Covid put us in lockdowns....I do somewhat like my privacy....but still need human contact...I have PTSD ..and thought this was a forum for lonely people, some with mental disorders....MY BAD!!.. I have suffered multiple traumas that I have survived through a lot of therapy and EMDR . I also do EFT Tapping which is a great help for many issues...anyone can find it on UTUBE ..I like Nick Ortner and Brad Yates the best to tap with...I thought this forum would bring some conversation into my life...but it hasn't...I get emails everyday...when I log in , I may have 5-6 answers to something I wrote but once I click on one the rest have disappeared...I have tried endlessly to get on into the chat room (Please, not another link) it only works once.......There is not friendliness I have come across...but have actually been blamed for another member never having a date...:oops: I know no one here ...and have no idea why this member has never had a date..not my problem...so I can see clearly if you try to help or befriend someone , it's a big mistake... not sure how to close my profile here , I can stop the emails.....and I think that would be my best bet....this forum is nothing as I expected it to be..again...MY BAD
It used to be different here. When it was more active and there where more positive threads with helpful advice/conversation than just the "women are evil" and "woman can get whatever they want" crap.
I've tried multiple times to bump the more positive threads, but they either just get buried again or the negative people come in and post negatively.

I would love for this forum to go back to the way it used to be, but people see it as it is now and leave, so the negative stuff stays on top. They essentially win. Because without more people here trying to take it back, it will continue to "belong" to them.
Oh and sorry about the chat room. Not really sure what happened, but I need to figure it out because several people have had that problem.
There is not friendliness I have come across...
...so I can see clearly if you try to help or befriend someone , it's a big mistake...

It might be kind of hypocritical for me to say cause I can be a downer some days...but don't let a few posts get you down. Do what you want of course, but you've only been here a short while. Maybe give it more time.
To piggyback on others...this place does seem to be a whole have patience and wait to see what transpires
It might be kind of hypocritical for me to say cause I can be a downer some days...but don't let a few posts get you down. Do what you want of course, but you've only been here a short while. Maybe give it more time.
Oh I;m sorry , I should have been clearer. It doesn't bring me down, it's boring and no fun here...I don't want to be bothered with the BS...and I don't like when I have 5-6 answers to my posts and can't find them
It used to be different here. When it was more active and there where more positive threads with helpful advice/conversation than just the "women are evil" and "woman can get whatever they want" crap.
I've tried multiple times to bump the more positive threads, but they either just get buried again or the negative people come in and post negatively.

I would love for this forum to go back to the way it used to be, but people see it as it is now and leave, so the negative stuff stays on top. They essentially win. Because without more people here trying to take it back, it will continue to "belong" to them.
Well JMO but they're winning for a reason, I see no reason why people who want to have chat friends and conversations can't ignore them, not feed into it....and form their own posts, with decent conversations...
Well, that's just really the design flaw of the website I think, Slick. For example, I'm replying to you now but since I didnt use the reply option, you won't get a notification. But if I do THIS, you'll get a like notification. But just responding goes under the radar. I think you can track threads, but I never really played with the feature.

I understand you're felings tho. But...that comes with sharing with other people. Not everyone is the same and we have to live with that, even if we don't agree with it.
Well JMO but they're winning for a reason, I see no reason why people who want to have chat friends and conversations can't ignore them, not feed into it....and form their own posts, with decent conversations...

Yes, they are winning because people don't post more positive threads and talk like they used to, the people who are vested in actually getting to know one another and not just complain have left. Sometimes, people just want conversation and when THAT is all there is, it's better than nothing.
Well, that's just really the design flaw of the website I think, Slick. For example, I'm replying to you now but since I didnt use the reply option, you won't get a notification. But if I do THIS, you'll get a like notification. But just responding goes under the radar. I think you can track threads, but I never really played with the feature.

I understand you're felings tho. But...that comes with sharing with other people. Not everyone is the same and we have to live with that, even if we don't agree with it.
Absolutely...I accept everyone as they are. Doesn't mean I want to be friends with them if we are that different...it's just the same old crap everyday...nothing interesting going on..I have made pen pals on sites many times...one not too far from me, and one across the country....but I really thought this was a PTSD forum. I guess because that's what I was looking for and this one came up and was the only one with recent activity...I thought I hit the lottery until after I joined..sooner or later I will just stop checking in, and unsubscribe to the emails I get...
Well Slick, if you really want chat time with others who can share your PTSD problems and perspective, then your disastisfaction with this site is understandable. Finding forums with interesting conversations is easy though. Even here, the MISC and UP FOR DEBATE sections provide the opportunity for interesting discussions other than loneliness and failing relationships.

I think you've given the site a fair try of time and should certainly explore other web sites for a better suiting niche. Until you find it though, please remember that some of us will alway welcome your presence here.

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