why men only interested young bikini models not real women

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Tiina63 said:
I know when I read in a dating profile that a man is looking for someone 'slim and attractive' I wouldn't bother writing to him. Men do seem to place more emphasis on looks than women do.

Yeah right lol

That certainly isn't the case!
I like watching bikini models to know whom to avoid in real life
unlucky in life said:
like with me i am 5ft 2" tall size 16 black hair brown eyes ok i am big boned
i am not afriad to get my hand dirty and i like sport no guy like me
i am not in clothes ,fashion make up painting my nails i hate stuff
guys hate me

yet they go model who spend in skimpy clothes painting nails reading fashion magazine size 8 in there bare 20s tall huge boobs and no hips
guys like type who no interested in nothing at all

what wrong with normal woman guys have keeping wanting these models

i don't understand men know nothing of women fashion clothes
models are only clothes racks

No hips = No way
unlucky in life said:
still doesn't answer few my questions .so if woman unattractive she is going to get passed for bimbo is that what telling me sorry i am still bit confused but men want young bikini model like the girl in photo display her like herself like she is pain .why do men mush for women like that

when i am out i don't even get asked by guy he asker more good looking girl .most act like i don't exist because what i am .said nothing to them
they just don't like me from get go

how does some one love them selves i don't understand that bit either
how does get some one like you then ?

still confusing i am still lost

i don't like shallow men who after women like that .it makes me hate them with aggression

No that's not what I'm telling you :p Why are you so convinced men only like bikini girls. If that was the case we'd be in deep honeysuckle seeing as 50% of the population are males, and 0.0001% are bikini models. (I just came up with that number.. but you know what I mean right).

Getting someone like me. Hmmz, I don't know. Getting that spark, going out on a date. Usually I tend to go out as friends first time, not an official date, but if there be flirting, and I'm liking it, I'll be flirtin' back jo. I never get crushy feelings for anyone by just looking at someone sitting at the other side of the bar. You'd have to befriend me first, or at least get well acquainted and then it sorta happens or it don't. That's me though. I'm not the hitting-on-girls-in-bars type of guy even though sometimes I wish I was :>

unlucky in life said:
because i am not athletic beauty who 5ft 9" with 24" waist with huge boobs and toned body in my bare that most men got for like this girl

i am not like her so i am not good enough that makes me very sad
i am alone becasue i am not some stunning model like her

You think she's "stunning"? lol

I don't think she's "stunning". I could find a myriad of flaws with her... not my type.

& WHO THE #*$@ wants a woman who is 5'9? Unless of course you want to shoot hoops.

OP wake up... everyone has different taste.

Some guys prefer women with curves so I've heard. :p Don't be so hard on yourself. :)
ok so bikini model are rare now i understand that much now
but what rest of it
what does loving your self ?mean guys treated me like dirt and drop me
what is flirting i am very shy and quiet i dress like nun is all that bad stuff
i have nothing against models i just wish i had there confidence and physical so some one would like me
i am below average looking very inexperience with men all i know how to do is argue with them or avoid them at all costs
i know nothing about dealing with males at all .they just tell me fresia off or i don't like you . i am not interested .i have girlfriend so on etc
i always feel like making fool my self talking to them because i know well there not interested in me point flat
i spend my whole life rejected by guys i never even got my 1st at 30 years plus of age
i am very self conscicne about my weight .
no guy would be interested in any way i never had date in my life
guy won't even look at me once don't twice
Why dont you just show us a pic of yourself? I dont think you are as ugly as you claim.
Sprint said:

unlucky in life said:
because i am not athletic beauty who 5ft 9" with 24" waist with huge boobs and toned body in my bare that most men got for like this girl

i am not like her so i am not good enough that makes me very sad
i am alone becasue i am not some stunning model like her

You think she's "stunning"? lol

I don't think she's "stunning". I could find a myriad of flaws with her... not my type.

& WHO THE #*$@ wants a woman who is 5'9? Unless of course you want to shoot hoops.

OP wake up... everyone has different taste.

I'm 5'9 thank you very much :club:
Sprint said:

unlucky in life said:
because i am not athletic beauty who 5ft 9" with 24" waist with huge boobs and toned body in my bare that most men got for like this girl

i am not like her so i am not good enough that makes me very sad
i am alone becasue i am not some stunning model like her

You think she's "stunning"? lol

I don't think she's "stunning". I could find a myriad of flaws with her... not my type.

& WHO THE #*$@ wants a woman who is 5'9? Unless of course you want to shoot hoops.

OP wake up... everyone has different taste.

a lot men like her at 5ft9"she quiet toned and tall even guy 5ft8" like her
she has lot more then to me offer she has blonde hair and boobs and she 24 years old younger then me .i have nothing to offer i know nothing about make up and flirting and clothes or how to get guy interested in me
men like sexy women that clear to me now it took a long time
i don't know what sexy mean like i said very self conscine and shy
reserved like nun.i am very frustration about it i don't know any thing
i have been rejected ally life i lost confidence even will try any more because i get cut up by them because i am not what there want
i have no boobs and big arse i hate and wide hips i hate
face i can't stand to look at . i am treated like joke by men i like
i know guys are shallow buts extreme they are .i have zero
not exactly miss world or sport illustrated
just short joke to men
unlucky in life said:
like with me i am 5ft 2" tall size 16 black hair brown eyes ok i am big boned
i am not afriad to get my hand dirty and i like sport no guy like me
i am not in clothes ,fashion make up painting my nails i hate stuff
guys hate me

yet they go model who spend in skimpy clothes painting nails reading fashion magazine size 8 in there bare 20s tall huge boobs and no hips
guys like type who no interested in nothing at all

what wrong with normal woman guys have keeping wanting these models

i don't understand men know nothing of women fashion clothes
models are only clothes racks

Umm, just a guess, but I think it's probably your negative outlook on everything and the way you make baseless assumptions about what guys like that puts them off?

Anyway, yeah, that model you linked is physically attractive, but that doesn't mean I'd go out with her just like that. She could be a horrible person. And I really don't care whether a girl is 5'2" or 6', it's all good.

I will say though, have you ever considered improving your physique? It's okay saying "I'm big boned", but guys don't find excess weight attractive.

I was a pretty overweight guy, I've been turning that around over the process of 7-8 months and now I'm much more attractive body-wise I think. I'm still not a hunk or the Hulk, I have a little more weight to lose for sure. My body doesn't induce frowns, however.

If you want to get people's attention, you have to work to improve yourself. Simply saying "I'm X bodytype, I'm not going to try" will not help you and you can't blame other people for not liking that.

In fact, I'd go as far as to say "hot" bodies are hot because it shows the person who possesses that goes to effort to maintain it.
maybe it's not your physical appareance and more of your attitude and confidence issue. "models are only clothes racks", what a narrow minded thing to say..you seem to look at a girl just as deeply as these men you complain about.

-Every ordinary guy wants a hot girl
-Every ordinary girl wants a hot guy
But odds are they won't get their dream date!

Will a guy with an ok physical shape get a big boob, curve, fit girl? Most likely no.
Will a girl with an ok physical shape get a hot and fit body guy? Most likely no.

Will an ok physical shape guy, get an ok physical shape girl? Yes!
Will an ok physical shape girl, get an ok physical shape guy? Yes!

The majority of us are normal physique, only a few have the dedication to get the "perfect" body (which the "perfect" body type varies person to person).

If you have weight problems, fix them, it's as easy as that.
TheSolitaryMan said:
unlucky in life said:
like with me i am 5ft 2" tall size 16 black hair brown eyes ok i am big boned
i am not afriad to get my hand dirty and i like sport no guy like me
i am not in clothes ,fashion make up painting my nails i hate stuff
guys hate me

yet they go model who spend in skimpy clothes painting nails reading fashion magazine size 8 in there bare 20s tall huge boobs and no hips
guys like type who no interested in nothing at all

what wrong with normal woman guys have keeping wanting these models

i don't understand men know nothing of women fashion clothes
models are only clothes racks

Umm, just a guess, but I think it's probably your negative outlook on everything and the way you make baseless assumptions about what guys like that puts them off?

Anyway, yeah, that model you linked is physically attractive, but that doesn't mean I'd go out with her just like that. She could be a horrible person. And I really don't care whether a girl is 5'2" or 6', it's all good.

I will say though, have you ever considered improving your physique? It's okay saying "I'm big boned", but guys don't find excess weight attractive.

I was a pretty overweight guy, I've been turning that around over the process of 7-8 months and now I'm much more attractive body-wise I think. I'm still not a hunk or the Hulk, I have a little more weight to lose for sure. My body doesn't induce frowns, however.

If you want to get people's attention, you have to work to improve yourself. Simply saying "I'm X bodytype, I'm not going to try" will not help you and you can't blame other people for not liking that.

In fact, I'd go as far as to say "hot" bodies are hot because it shows the person who possesses that goes to effort to maintain it.

weight less hard ok guys like sexy movement attractive looks how does that help me exactly
here the girl from the photo this guy like who 5ft8"
this is what i mean this what guys are looking for and i can't compete with that at all. no way in hell .that men like younger women too
i think you like al men do

i am not type of female to do that kind of stuff or dress that way men love those type of women
not plain jane unsexy jane like me
its make sad why guys go out of there way to like specific one does that mean he interested in her specifically.
i am very sad i am like one of them i end up the opposite what men like these type so much for looks age confident physical no personalty

men know exactly what looking for specific requirements i am none of those requirements

why is away young blonde in her bare 20s guys of 30 + like women like that
unlucky in life said:
weight less hard ok guys like sexy movement attractive looks how does that help me exactly
here the girl from the photo this guy like who 5ft8"
this is what i mean this what guys are looking for and i can't compete with that at all. no way in hell .that men like younger women too
i think you like al men do

i am not type of female to do that kind of stuff or dress that way men love those type of women
not plain jane unsexy jane like me

I don't find her that hot in the video, actually. It's so fake. Also, I bet they edited that FHM pic a lot.

Regardless, you think guys will only settle for a girl like that? Because that's rubbish.

By your logic, as a guy I will remain single forever unless I grow to 7 feet tall, develop huge biceps and abs and enlarge my downstairs organs to rhinocerine proportions. It's silly.

Guys don't expect their girlfriend to look like one of these fake supermodels, or anything like that. We all have different ideas of what we find attractive.

Some guys don't like tall girls, for example, whereas I love tall girls with long legs. Some guys don't like angular facial features, I do. And so on.

There are countless things a girl can do to make herself attractive and hot, regardless of her looks or insecurities.

The long and short of it: who gives a honeysuckle about these "perfect" models (who are usually made up, edited and totally fake) when real people exist? You don't have to be fake like these "celebs" to get a guy or girl.

You can improve your image yourself, work to be fit and healthy, be happy and look your best. That in itself is far more attractive than what any plastic-faced girl gyrating in some crappy pop vid can achieve.

Hell, can I kiss that celebrity "ideal"? No. Any girl who kisses these neglected lips of mine is going to be a million times more special to me than any concept society deems "perfect".
unlucky in life said:
like with me i am 5ft 2" tall size 16 black hair brown eyes ok i am big boned
i am not afriad to get my hand dirty and i like sport no guy like me
i am not in clothes ,fashion make up painting my nails i hate stuff
guys hate me

yet they go model who spend in skimpy clothes painting nails reading fashion magazine size 8 in there bare 20s tall huge boobs and no hips
guys like type who no interested in nothing at all

what wrong with normal woman guys have keeping wanting these models

i don't understand men know nothing of women fashion clothes
models are only clothes racks

Haha, classic.

IgnoredOne said:
We like pretty girls.

you no help!

TheSolitaryMan said:
unlucky in life said:
weight less hard ok guys like sexy movement attractive looks how does that help me exactly
here the girl from the photo this guy like who 5ft8"
this is what i mean this what guys are looking for and i can't compete with that at all. no way in hell .that men like younger women too
i think you like al men do

i am not type of female to do that kind of stuff or dress that way men love those type of women
not plain jane unsexy jane like me

I don't find her that hot in the video, actually. It's so fake. Also, I bet they edited that FHM pic a lot.

Regardless, you think guys will only settle for a girl like that? Because that's rubbish.

By your logic, as a guy I will remain single forever unless I grow to 7 feet tall, develop huge biceps and abs and enlarge my downstairs organs to rhinocerine proportions. It's silly.

Guys don't expect their girlfriend to look like one of these fake supermodels, or anything like that. We all have different ideas of what we find attractive.

Some guys don't like tall girls, for example, whereas I love tall girls with long legs. Some guys don't like angular facial features, I do. And so on.

There are countless things a girl can do to make herself attractive and hot, regardless of her looks or insecurities.

The long and short of it: who gives a honeysuckle about these "perfect" models (who are usually made up, edited and totally fake) when real people exist? You don't have to be fake like these "celebs" to get a guy or girl.

You can improve your image yourself, work to be fit and healthy, be happy and look your best. That in itself is far more attractive than what any plastic-faced girl gyrating in some crappy pop vid can achieve.

Hell, can I kiss that celebrity "ideal"? No. Any girl who kisses these neglected lips of mine is going to be a million times more special to me than any concept society deems "perfect".

you saying to nice to make feel better the face still men fancy these kind of women not the likes poor me
men love a good looking woman not old ugly women .
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