Would you rather..

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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I <3 jigsaw puzzles, so solve

Would you rather ride a bicycle or a horse
Walk away the blues. I find that the more sedentary your existence, the harder it is to stop your mind running away with you.

Would you rather take a photograph or be photographed?
I am rather simple that which I prefer so I guess naturally it would be long & mundane (I have been told that I am dull)

Would you rather sew an apron or carve/chip cedar
sew an apron

would you rather stand up for a friend in trouble or stand up for the truth?
Hmmm tough one, but friend as long as they hadnt done something terrible.

Would you rather work with animals or children?
Animals though children are similar :D

Would you rather live in the country or in a city
Easiest question that I've ever had to answer on here. Country. I love walking in the fields, climbing mountains, listening to waterfalls etc. I dislike pretty much everything about the city.

Would you rather sleep in or get up early?
Sleep in. I love staying up late. Early mornings are my mortal enemy.

If the world suddenly became a wierd parody of TV, would you rather live within a musical (lots of singing - see Buffy episode 'Once more with feeling') or a slapstick comedy (ala Laurel and Hardy, lots of cream pies in your face randomly)
I suppose a musical !

Would you rather be wrong or right all the time
Everyone ALWAYS says invisibility, so I'll take the teleportation. I fancy going to play in the snow today and there's none around here.

Would you rather ask a question or answer one?
What kind of question is that?

Would you rather swim in a a lake or swim in a pool?

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