wouldnt it be better cheaper rent/bills ?

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blackdot said:
I've always said that there needs to be a maximum wage. Just won't work unless it's global. Right now the thieves, I mean the rich, just steal the money. Some are good enough to give money back but it's way less than they continue to bring in.

For an example of how this kind of idea works just look to the good old USSR ...oh wait it doesn't exist anymore. When you take from hard working people to fund others in any way it just encourages people to be lazy and wait for their hand out. Why should I work that extra hour on a new business contract if it will just mean I make too much and loose the money. Or if I'm not making much, or don't care about the latest and greatest tech I can just sit back and do as little work as possible.

the idea of making everyone equals is a nice sentiment, but when you factor in reality it falls flat on its face.
kamya said:
Any sort of meaningful innovation would most likely stall if there was a maximum income limit.

Though some of the innovation is for the "bragging right" then financial purpose... Medical field innovations may not entirely based on financial gain, though you're right... Financial reasons have a lot to do with it...
VanillaCreme said:
johnny196775 said:
We also need a maximum allowable asset level; no one needs more than a million dollars in assets. Everything else should be taken away and given to the poor. :~D

It's not feasible to limit what people can have. It's not just to claim that no one should be able to have more than a certain amount of assets or money. People have the right to make whatever they want, and if they work hard for it, I don't see why it should be taken away from them simply because there are people who don't have disposable income.

this is over the top.... everyone is off topic
johnny196775 said:
Politician Paul Ryan thinks poor people should not be feed.

Believe it or not, feeding poor people does have benefits from large corporates points of view... It's called "Tax wright off" or "Tax relief"...
All I ask is that you accept Capitalism is not without faults, and that the greed and materialism that results is the cause of many social ills. That's all I ask.
Batman55 said:
All I ask is that you accept Capitalism is not without faults, and that the greed and materialism that results is the cause of many social ills. That's all I ask.

Definitely...!!! Just about everything, or every system, has their down-falls if you look close enough & with pretty convincing arguments at that... I'm not defending the idea of capitalism... I'm just saying, honest people shouldn't suffer due to actions of few dis-honest people... Arguments can be made for just about everything... Automobiles are not without faults either... People use them to commit crimes with them, get away cars & hit & run & others... Kitchen knives can kill people... Or used to cook food that feeds poor... Ski masks keep people from getting sick during winter time, or used to rob a bank... Guns can save lives, somebody getting attacked by wild animal for example... Or it can be used to commit mass murder... Money, or love of it, call it what you want... It can be used for good or bad, like most things in life... But to have random limitations "just in case" or because "it's not fair" doesn't really feel right...

I personally didn't mean for it to be blown out of proportion... I saw an idea, or response, & I didn't quite agree with it, though obviously, everyone's entitled to their opinions... I was just voicing mine...

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