You're D'Oh! Moment

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Staff member
Dec 2, 2010
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Ontario, Canada

I just had one, right here on the forums. I was quick editing a message, the quick reply window is just under that. When I was done I clicked "Post Reply" and got a message that my message was blank. I then clicked "Save Changes". - D'Oh!


Have you ever had a D'Oh! moment where you do something really dumb, like Push instead of Pull, or turn off a light when you walk into a room only to want the light on? Or maybe you wrapped a Christmas present only to realize you forgot to take the price tag off?

I once walked into a closed sliding door, I didn't realize the person behind me went out it and shut it. I was talking to someone as I turned to walk out and WHAM! D'Oh!
While walking over a bridge in the city center on a very windy day, I took my mobile phone out of my pocket and I accidentally yanked a 50 Euro bill while doing this. Now, remember that I was on a bridge and it was windy as hell. There was little time to think it over. Within a split second, I recklessly dash between the cars to get my precious bill back before a final gust blew it out of my reach forever. I did manage to grab it and I victoriously put it away and cleared the road while angry drivers spouted various curse words.

What a great day that turned out to be:D
I was working one day, in a high security area of the facility where I work. There were some Big Wigs visiting that day and they were back in my area. I was busy doing my job and being obserrved by said Big Wigs. One of them was asking me some questions about our procedure and such. I answered to the best of my knowledge. Then I asked the man talking to me, "so what do you do with the agency?" He said, "I am the Executive Director of the Agency."..........So I very quickly said.."I guess I should have known that, huh."
Do I know how to make an impression or what?
I didn't do this, but it happened to my Mom. She wrapped a Wedding Shower gift and put away the things she used. She couldn't find here scissors, but figured they'd turn up...they sure did, in the shower gift when her friend opened it!
It wasn't my doh moment, but I sent an email to our IT department asking for help. When the IT guy emailed me back, he asked me for my email address. I swear I'm not making this up.
If I took the time to remember every single D'oh! Moment that I have then I'd go insane. Or maybe destroy a forest's worth of paper trying to list them all. Seriously, I do stuff like that thrice a minute, it seems.

Good times... good times. :p
Tex Is Lost said:
I was working one day, in a high security area of the facility where I work. There were some Big Wigs visiting that day and they were back in my area. I was busy doing my job and being obserrved by said Big Wigs. One of them was asking me some questions about our procedure and such. I answered to the best of my knowledge. Then I asked the man talking to me, "so what do you do with the agency?" He said, "I am the Executive Director of the Agency."..........So I very quickly said.."I guess I should have known that, huh."
Do I know how to make an impression or what?

I did the same thing with the owner of the company!
He was stationed in Texas.
Me in California.
Nobody ever used his name in all the years I worked there.
But when I finally met him, I BLEW IT!
(hang head in shame, slink off to corner and lick wounds)
I got my ambulance stuck sideways at the opening of a driveway the other night. That was a ******* adventure. It was rain on slick ice and a nice uphill grade but I had already turned in before I realized how bad it was. They had a part of their driveway that branched to the left and went back to the road; I tried to bail off on to it but I didn't have the momentum and lost all traction and slid back in to the snow bank. Took about 45 minutes and a second ambulance crew to get me unstuck while my partner and the Paramedic took the medic's chase car up to the patient.

I had my Yak Trax on (think snow chains for car tires, except they go on your boots) to be able to walk on the ice while we were getting the ambulance unstuck. We got to the hospital and I forgot to take them off. Turns out, on a tile floor they act a lot like roller skates on greased glass.

Yeah. That whole day was a D'oh Moment. NOTHING went right and it sucked. I was beyond glad when it was over.


Also, you used the wrong form of 'Your'. Is that a D'oh Moment? :D
Brian said:
I got my ambulance stuck sideways at the opening of a driveway the other night. That was a ******* adventure. It was rain on slick ice and a nice uphill grade but I had already turned in before I realized how bad it was. They had a part of their driveway that branched to the left and went back to the road; I tried to bail off on to it but I didn't have the momentum and lost all traction and slid back in to the snow bank. Took about 45 minutes and a second ambulance crew to get me unstuck while my partner and the Paramedic took the medic's chase car up to the patient.

I had my Yak Trax on (think snow chains for car tires, except they go on your boots) to be able to walk on the ice while we were getting the ambulance unstuck. We got to the hospital and I forgot to take them off. Turns out, on a tile floor they act a lot like roller skates on greased glass.

Yeah. That whole day was a D'oh Moment. NOTHING went right and it sucked. I was beyond glad when it was over.


Also, you used the wrong form of 'Your'. Is that a D'oh Moment? :D

In the 3rd grade, I sat by the teacher's desk. So during a test, I took the answer key off her desk while she was on the other side of the room. After I turned in the test, I waited until I was sure everyone had left the room for lunch. I took out the answer key to put it on her desk, but she went back in the room because she forgot something. She saw me with the answer key. They don't take too kindly to cheating in Catholic school.

I was so scared about what would happen, that I pretended to be sick the next day. haha
Brian said:
Also, you used the wrong form of 'Your'. Is that a D'oh Moment? :D

Yes, yes it is. I'm going to fix that now.

...guess I can't, fitting I guess for this topic.
zombieslayer said:
In the 3rd grade, I sat by the teacher's desk. So during a test, I took the answer key off her desk while she was on the other side of the room. After I turned in the test, I waited until I was sure everyone had left the room for lunch. I took out the answer key to put it on her desk, but she went back in the room because she forgot something. She saw me with the answer key. They don't take too kindly to cheating in Catholic school.

I was so scared about what would happen, that I pretended to be sick the next day. haha

Every time someone mentions Catholics I think of my grade-school friend Steve. Every year his mother would ask him what he was going to give up for Lent. One year it was spinach, the next year it was mowing the lawn, or homework, or taking a bath every day. She never fell for it, and he never gave up.
I was playing with my kitten Luna, we were playing hide and seek, sort of. I hid behind an open door, Luna was on the other side of it, I looked round the door at Luna and then she suddenly went to leap at me but instead she leapt up with her little paws waving in the air and accidentally (I hope so LOL) slammed the door shut in my face with her paws, so now I have a nice bruise on my forehead. I guess it's not so bright to hide behind doors when they could easily slam shut in your face.

Absent mindedly putting things in the refridgerator that don't really belong in there today. I locked myself out of the house yesterday too.
I had 2 today actually but they go together so you can call it one big D'OH!!

Ran down to the gas station to get fuel for the skid steer, came back and went around all the UHaul trucks in my parking lot right into 2 feet of snow that hadn't been plowed. Of course my crappy work truck gets stuck in it. So I figure, oh well I'll just dig it out later. I do that, just now actually, I had to use the skid steer to push the truck in neutral a few times. Once I moved it a bit I figured I could rock the truck out, nope, had to push it some more, which isn't easy since my skid steer would spin in all the wet snow and muck. I had to take a run at it each time. So on the third try (you know what they say, third times a charm) I get the truck moving and just keep gunning it towards the building since it was moving. No I didn't hit the building (or the heating unit that sits outside which I usually park it in front of). As I'm walking back to the skid steer, that I left behind where the truck was stuck, it was now covered in a nice coating of snow and mud. That would have been pretty funny if anyone was around watching that...

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