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August Campbell

My ultimate dream came true.
Jan 27, 2020
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Just as the title says, I hope to garner strange oddities from Real-life current events. For starters, NBC New York reported on this real oddity from Japan.
Police in Japan have been working for months to figure out why a light pole in Suzuka suddenly snapped at its base.
Most light poles in the country last for 50 years or more, but this one was only 23 years old.
NBC New York reported that forensic scientists found 40 times more urea at the pole's base than was found on nearby poles. Yep, dog pee killed the light pole. The urea and sodium in dog urine caused the pole to erode.
The new pole is up, but dogs are already marking it with their caustic streams.
I hope to garner strange oddities from Real-life current events.
Sounds interesting, hope you find more to share here!

NBC New York reported that forensic scientists found 40 times more urea at the pole's base than was found on nearby poles. Yep, dog pee killed the light pole. The urea and sodium in dog urine caused the pole to erode.
Can you imagine the guilty doggy lineup at police station? And they bring in other dogs to identify the culprit?
About 100 hippopatami that are descendents of hippos once owned by drug-lord Pablo Escobar have been recognized by the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Ohio as legal persons, United Press International reported. The hippos live in Colombia, but nonhuman animals are allowed to go to a federal court in the U.S. to obtain testimony in defense of their interests. Colombian attorney Luis Domingo Gomez Maldonado filed a lawsuit on the animals' behalf to save them from being euthanized, arguing that sterilization would be a better option.
Young people in Norway are called to military duty to guard NATO's northern borders, and until recently, were allowed to take their military-issued underwear with them when discharged. But No more, The Guardian paper reported. COVID-19 caused supplies to dwindle, so as of Jan. 7, people leaving service are being asked to hand over their unmentionables to be "washed, cleaned, and checked," defense logistics spokesman Hans Meisingset said. "What we distribute is in good condition."
Bizarre therapist: Hasan Riza Gunay, known as Turkey's one and only stress coach, has a unique method for easing his clients' angst: He lets them hit him (and he doesn't hit back).
After a decade in the business, though, Gunay is ready to train someone to take his place. "Most of my clients suffer from depression or panic attacks," he said. "I would like to train other potentially interested people and hand over my gloves to the new generation."
Gunay said around 70% of his clients are women whose strength is equivalent to that of boys 12 to 14 years old, so he doesn't worry about getting hurt. And he wears protective gear, sometimes accompanied by a photo of the person the client is angry at.
Bizarre therapist: Hasan Riza Gunay, known as Turkey's one and only stress coach, has a unique method for easing his clients' angst: He lets them hit him (and he doesn't hit back).
After a decade in the business, though, Gunay is ready to train someone to take his place. "Most of my clients suffer from depression or panic attacks," he said. "I would like to train other potentially interested people and hand over my gloves to the new generation."
Gunay said around 70% of his clients are women whose strength is equivalent to that of boys 12 to 14 years old, so he doesn't worry about getting hurt. And he wears protective gear, sometimes accompanied by a photo of the person the client is angry at.
When I was nearing adulthood, I let my sister hit me once, lol. I told her she could hit as hard as she wanted. She looked so happy, lol, "as hard as I want!!!?" I had been working out, quite extensively, and wanted to see if my gut could take a punch.

Still, though, she knocked the wind out of me. It felt good to take a punch though, made me feel more like a man, all tough and such. And I'm sure she enjoyed it too, lol. She could be a pretty nasty one, while we were growing up, but I gave her a hard time here and there too.

I don't think society really gives people, really, any options, at all, for exploring their anger and grief. I think everyone just expects everyone else to, 'deal with it,' and then if they choose to do so by using drugs or unfortunately losing their honeysuckle, then we all gang up on them as if we are some how innocent.

We are all, so, awful to each other some times...
In the United Kingdom, as of Jan. 29, flouting a new highway code rule will cost you up to 1,000 pounds, the newspaper The Mirror reported. The rule requires someone inside a car to open the door with the hand farthest from the door, employing a technique known as the Dutch Reach.
In other words, if you're driving (on the right side of the car), you would use your left hand to reach around and open the car door. (The technique is borrowed from the Netherlands, thus the name.) Rule 239 reads: "This will make you turn your head to look over your shoulder. You are then more likely to avoid causing injury to cyclists or motorcyclists passing you on the road, or to people on the pavement."
If a person in a car injures someone by opening with the wrong hand, a fine will be levied. Cycling UK estimates that more than 500 people are injured every year by car doors.
(Strange news report from the New York Post) Cameron Newsom, 42, of Colorado Springs, Colorado, was treated for stage 4 squamous cell carcinoma on her tongue in 2013, the New York Times reported. Removing the tumor meant also removing part of her tongue, which doctors replaced with skin and muscle taken from her thigh. Through all of her experiences in treating the cancer, she said,"The weirdest part was when I felt a rough texture on the thigh-part of my tongue--and when I looked in the mirror, it had started growing hair!"
Newsome had to learn to speak again and still finds eating a challenge.
Although this collectible came to light on Feb. 27, it began on Oct. 26, 1984 when Northwestern University student Michael Cole attended a basketball game alone, having been unable to find a friend to use the extra ticket he had purchased for $8.50. Thirty-eight years later, on Feb. 27, Cole, now 55, watched that spare ticket, which he had held onto as a keepsake, sell for for $468,000 at auction!
What was so special about that ticket? It just happens to be the only known intact ticket from Michael Jordan's debut game with the Chicago Bulls.
From Tennessee-news comes this macabre snippet:
Jerry McDonald of Chattanooga, Tennessee, was with an acquaintance when he passed out from drinking. His friend, trying to help out, took McDonald's phone to text his boss that he wouldn't be in to work that afternoon.
But instead,the friend found alarming texts in which McDonald detailed a plan to kill an unnamed woman and take her money: "Please kill her, please. I'm begging you. There's over a million in her dad's safe. I'm saying I won't get caught." McDonald had texted, according to NewsChannel 9-TV.
But of course he was caught, and is currently being held in the Hamilton Court jail on $75,000 bond.
In Aksaray, Turkey, one family has been raising cattle for three generations. Izzet Kocak believes their success is linked to their willingness to keep up with modern technology. To that end, the farmer is testing virtual reality goggles that make his cows think they're standing in a green field of grass in the summer.
Kocak says the average yield per day from his cows is 22 liters, but,"We had two of our cows wear virtual reality glasses and watch vast green pasture all day, and the daily milk production increased up to 27 liters.
He said milk quality also increased. He ordered 10 more pairs of VR goggles, and if results are similar, he plans to order them for all his 180 cows.
In the United Kingdom, as of Jan. 29, flouting a new highway code rule will cost you up to 1,000 pounds, the Mirror reported. The rule requires someone inside a car to open the door with the hand farthest from the door, employing a technique known as the Dutch Reach.
In other words, if you're driving on (on the right side of the car), you would use your left hand to reach around and open the car door. (The technique is borrowed from the Netherlands, thus the name.) Rule 239 reads: "This will make you turn your head to look over your shoulder. You are then more likely to avoid causing injury to cyclists or motorcyclists passing you on the road, or to people on the pavement."
If a person in a car injures someone by opening with the wrong hand, a fine will be levied. Cycling UK estimates that more than 500 people are injured every year by car doors.
In the United Kingdom, as of Jan. 29, flouting a new highway code rule will cost you up to 1,000 pounds, the Mirror reported. The rule requires someone inside a car to open the door with the hand farthest from the door, employing a technique known as the Dutch Reach.
In other words, if you're driving on (on the right side of the car), you would use your left hand to reach around and open the car door. (The technique is borrowed from the Netherlands, thus the name.) Rule 239 reads: "This will make you turn your head to look over your shoulder. You are then more likely to avoid causing injury to cyclists or motorcyclists passing you on the road, or to people on the pavement."
If a person in a car injures someone by opening with the wrong hand, a fine will be levied. Cycling UK estimates that more than 500 people are injured every year by car doors.
Always do your own research instead of blindly believing everything you read

Rule 239​

Use off-street parking areas, or bays marked out with white lines on the road as parking places, wherever possible. If you have to stop on the roadside:

  • do not park facing against the traffic flow
  • stop as close as you can to the side
  • do not stop too close to a vehicle displaying a Blue Badge: remember, the occupant may need more room to get in or out
  • you MUST switch off the engine, headlights and fog lights
  • you MUST apply the handbrake before leaving the vehicle
  • you MUST ensure you do not hit anyone when you open your door. Check for cyclists or other traffic by looking all around and using your mirrors
  • where you are able to do so, you should open the door using your hand on the opposite side to the door you are opening; for example, use your left hand to open a door on your right-hand side. This will make you turn your head to look over your shoulder. You are then more likely to avoid causing injury to cyclists or motorcyclists passing you on the road, or to people on the pavement
  • it is safer for your passengers (especially children) to get out of the vehicle on the side next to the kerb
  • put all valuables out of sight and make sure your vehicle is secure
  • lock your vehicle.
Before using a hand-held device to help you to park, you MUST make sure it is safe to do so. Then, you should move the vehicle into the parking space in the safest way, and by the shortest route possible.

When you use a hand-held device to help you to park, you MUST remain in control of the vehicle at all times. Do not use the hand-held device for anything else while you are using it to help you park, and do not put anyone in danger. Use the hand-held device according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

When using an electric vehicle charge point, you should park close to the charge point and avoid creating a trip hazard for pedestrians from trailing cables. Display a warning sign if you can. After using the charge point, you should return charging cables and connectors neatly to minimise the danger to pedestrians and avoid creating an obstacle for other road users.

Is the Highway Code actually law?​

No, taken alone the Highway Code is not the law. But many of its instructions are backed up by law and so have legal muscle behind them.

Those points supported by the law are clearly identified in the document by wording like ‘MUST’, ‘MUST NOT’, rather than ‘should’ or ‘should not’.

Failure to comply with the other rules of the Code can’t directly cause you to be fined, prosecuted or disqualified – but the advice it offers can be used as evidence in any court, to establish liability.
Always do your own research instead of blindly believing everything you read

Rule 239​

Use off-street parking areas, or bays marked out with white lines on the road as parking places, wherever possible. If you have to stop on the roadside:

  • do not park facing against the traffic flow
  • stop as close as you can to the side
  • do not stop too close to a vehicle displaying a Blue Badge: remember, the occupant may need more room to get in or out
  • you MUST switch off the engine, headlights and fog lights
  • you MUST apply the handbrake before leaving the vehicle
  • you MUST ensure you do not hit anyone when you open your door. Check for cyclists or other traffic by looking all around and using your mirrors
  • where you are able to do so, you should open the door using your hand on the opposite side to the door you are opening; for example, use your left hand to open a door on your right-hand side. This will make you turn your head to look over your shoulder. You are then more likely to avoid causing injury to cyclists or motorcyclists passing you on the road, or to people on the pavement
  • it is safer for your passengers (especially children) to get out of the vehicle on the side next to the kerb
  • put all valuables out of sight and make sure your vehicle is secure
  • lock your vehicle.
Before using a hand-held device to help you to park, you MUST make sure it is safe to do so. Then, you should move the vehicle into the parking space in the safest way, and by the shortest route possible.

When you use a hand-held device to help you to park, you MUST remain in control of the vehicle at all times. Do not use the hand-held device for anything else while you are using it to help you park, and do not put anyone in danger. Use the hand-held device according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

When using an electric vehicle charge point, you should park close to the charge point and avoid creating a trip hazard for pedestrians from trailing cables. Display a warning sign if you can. After using the charge point, you should return charging cables and connectors neatly to minimise the danger to pedestrians and avoid creating an obstacle for other road users.

Is the Highway Code actually law?​

No, taken alone the Highway Code is not the law. But many of its instructions are backed up by law and so have legal muscle behind them.

Those points supported by the law are clearly identified in the document by wording like ‘MUST’, ‘MUST NOT’, rather than ‘should’ or ‘should not’.

Failure to comply with the other rules of the Code can’t directly cause you to be fined, prosecuted or disqualified – but the advice it offers can be used as evidence in any court, to establish liability.
No. Actually the law has been updated to include the fine, as seen in the following link:
No. Actually the law has been updated to include the fine, as seen in the following link:
Ah yea sorry, I forgot that if you want to know about any new legislation in the UK for pedestrians, motorists and cyclists the best source is Yahoo News and not the Highway Code ( the document in question, in which the British Government's Department of Transport sets out the laws, rules and guidance ) .

It's far easier to believe fake news than take less than a minute to check facts.
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  • stop as close as you can to the side
  • do not stop too close to a vehicle displaying a Blue Badge: remember, the occupant may need more room to get in or out
  • you MUST switch off the engine, headlights and fog lights
  • you MUST apply the handbrake before leaving the vehicle
  • you MUST ensure you do not hit anyone when you open your door. Check for cyclists or other traffic by looking all around and using your mirrors
  • where you are able to do so, you should open the door using your hand on the opposite side to the door you are opening; for example, use your left hand to open a door on your right-hand side. This will make you turn your head to look over your shoulder. You are then more likely to avoid causing injury to cyclists or motorcyclists passing you on the road, or to people on the pavement
  • it is safer for your passengers (especially children) to get out of the vehicle on the side next to the kerb
  • put all valuables out of sight and make sure your vehicle is secure
  • lock your vehicle.
Before using a hand-held device to help you to park, you MUST make sure it is safe to do so. Then, you should move the vehicle into the parking space in the safest way, and by the shortest route possible.

When you use a hand-held device to help you to park, you MUST remain in control of the vehicle at all times. Do not use the hand-held device for anything else while you are using it to help you park, and do not put anyone in danger. Use the hand-held device according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

When using an electric vehicle charge point, you should park close to the charge point and avoid creating a trip hazard for pedestrians from trailing cables. Display a warning sign if you can. After using the charge point, you should return charging cables and connectors neatly to minimise the danger to pedestrians and avoid creating an obstacle for other road users.

Is the Highway Code actually law?​

No, taken alone the Highway Code is not the law. But many of its instructions are backed up by law and so have legal muscle behind them.

Those points supported by the law are clearly identified in the document by wording like ‘MUST’, ‘MUST NOT’, rather than ‘should’ or ‘should not’.

Failure to comply with the other rules of the Code can’t directly cause you to be fined, prosecuted or disqualified – but the advice it offers can be used as evidence in any court, to establish liability.
Okay, thanks for your feedback. What confuses me is your name of random guy--because I've seen posts alternately between Random guy with a capital "R" and random guy with small "r." Are they the same person at different times? Or are they different persons? If so, then who is the original? Can you clarify?
Okay, thanks for your feedback. What confuses me is your name of random guy--because I've seen posts alternately between Random guy with a capital "R" and random guy with small "r." Are they the same person at different times? Or are they different persons? If so, then who is the original? Can you clarify?
I'm like Coca Cola, often imitated but never bettered, I'm not perfect but I am original. 🎸

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