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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. F

    Am I not interesting enough to make friends?

    I was reading some of your posts.. Thought about them for awhile & realized that there's a growing disconnect between "The Validated" & "the rejected" (us). HOW DID THESE PEOPLE GET VALIDATED! What is it? What makes these people so supposedly so likable? Being thoughtful & nice doesn't work. I...
  2. F

    Hezekiah's Thread Of Insanity

    I don't get that either...Although, I can barely send this reply to you. I can't even leave a message on the "contact us" section of this forum!
  3. F

    What are you thinking right now?

    How do I use this forum! It's very hard to navigate.
  4. F

    I Am Cutting Myself Off From Everyone.. The Only Way I know Now

    I kind'a get where retro.... is coming from.(just not as intensely as that.)