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    • kaetic
      kaetic reacted to Jeanine's post in the thread Do you like... with Like Like.
      A few songs, but it's not my favorite. Do you like root beer? (I have a memory about root beer. When I was a kid, some men were doing...
    • kaetic
      kaetic reacted to randomguy's post in the thread Do you like... with Haha Haha.
      Never had a go on an Olive, I've known a couple of Tasha's, they were fun. Do you like delta blues?
    • kaetic
      kaetic reacted to Draven's post in the thread Would you rather.. with Like Like.
      Alone Same question. First watched it last night and I've wanted to see it since it came out. Just one of those things that never...
    • kaetic
      kaetic reacted to Minus's post in the thread Would you rather.. with Like Like.
      Same meal. I think I am already doing that. Would you rather drink from a can or a glass bottle.
    • kaetic
      kaetic reacted to Draven's post in the thread Would you rather.. with Wow Wow.
      Watch a movie of course. I haven't read a book in years. Would you rather be the victim of a demon that will walk to you wherever you...
    • kaetic
      kaetic reacted to Jeanine's post in the thread Would you rather.. with Like Like.
      Oh my God, what choices Draven, lol. How about I pick the first one but turn the tables and rape the demon to death : ) Just when you...
    • kaetic
      kaetic replied to the thread Would you rather...
      I think I saw that movie... So many things/screens that produce light these days... so light bulbs. Would you rather have the same...
    • kaetic
      kaetic reacted to Minus's post in the thread Would you rather.. with Like Like.
      Green Would you rather read a book or watch a movie?
    • kaetic
      kaetic reacted to Jeanine's post in the thread Would you rather.. with Like Like.
      Hmm, I guess the rude and witty one : ) Have the ability to read people's minds, or the ability to move objects with your mind?
    • kaetic
      kaetic reacted to Draven's post in the thread Would you rather.. with Like Like.
      If I had to chose I'd pick Olympic gymnast. Both seem super challenging, but I feel like doing flips will be more fun than spins. Okay...
    • kaetic
      kaetic reacted to Jeanine's post in the thread Would you rather.. with Like Like.
      Climb the tree! I don't have much in the way of muscles, so if I swung from a vine, I'd probably land in the creek : ) Would you rather...
    • kaetic
      kaetic reacted to Jeanine's post in the thread Would you rather.. with Like Like.
      Fire rounds out of the big gun, as long as my target was not living : ) Would you rather eat a plate full of moving bugs (your choice...
    • kaetic
      kaetic reacted to Magalie's post in the thread Count to a Million with Like Like.
    • kaetic
      kaetic replied to the thread Count to a Million.
    • kaetic
      kaetic reacted to okidoke's post in the thread Taking A Break with Like Like.
      I’m going to take a break from the forum for a while. I don’t know how long, but I need to for various reasons.
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