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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. O

    Depression & Apathy

    Heh! Now I understand why places like NYC are said to possess lonely people. Look at the size of the place!
  2. O

    Do we all have a severe insecurity that we're hiding?

    You bet I do, do you actually think humans can be invulnerable 100% of the time?!
  3. O

    Depression & Apathy is definitely a hell of an idea. Thanks for recommending it! And, YES, today I actually thought about changing jobs. More than anything, I need a change of scenery. To h i, no I live in Miami, not a place you'd likely expect someone to have problems meeting people, but people, this...
  4. O

    Depression & Apathy

    (FWEH!! It's just a form of "HMPH!!" =P) Anyway, I appreciate the response. My day consists of a typical day with typical responsibilities. I live with my parents so I help them with some bills. I go to work, surf the web, sometimes draw & paint. Although, some nights I just can't sleep, I just...
  5. O

    Depression & Apathy

    Well, here's my story. I don't think this is a typical problem seen here. I've been depressed for years since 22, now I'm 24. However, it's not associated with typical low confidence or anxiety, it's just that I feel...empty. Nothing drives me, I have apathy. I'm living in a coma. The thing is...
  6. O

    How I feel. I'm not expecting answers or advice. I just wanted to expose my thoughts.

    Allow me to join, my friend. You're basically a clone of myself when I was 18, so I can unanimously relate to this. Confidence was the issue with me, but no longer, instead now it's just depression, laziness & apathy. I've made some effort during 20 with dating & enrolling in college, alas...
  7. O

    Do we all have a severe insecurity that we're hiding?

    Yes, of course. There's no such thing as perfection, every single human being on this planet has a weakness. Perfection is an idea, a fantasy, IT DOESN'T EXIST, IT NEVER DID. The beautiful face jealousy & objectification, the ugly face ridicule & shame. The mighty & ferocious lion will die...
  8. O

    Greetings all!

    I'm glad I joined this thing! I joined because I'm sick & tired of being alone & wanted to reach out to others like myself.