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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. U

    Do you like...

    I like The Smiths and Morrissey, they are from the 80's. Mostly everything else is like a dead body being buried in a poorly constructed coffin, now we have a zombie apocalypse. The 80's died a long time ago, time to take them out again, else they will spread. Do you like walking alone?
  2. U

    Alcohol problems

    Counselors are tricky, not all are good, in fact all the ones I have seen haven't been that great and most are short lived, moving to new practices, or what not. I have found it hard to have a steady counselor for more than a few months, so with frustration, I gave up on that approach. Bar...
  3. U

    Alcohol problems

    Its hard because I have become so reclusive, plus fears and insecurities just make everything worse. Of course not talking to anyone in a meaningful way makes the situation so much worse, since this horrid pressure occurs that you desperately want to have meaningful relationships but this...
  4. U

    Alcohol problems

    Benzos are like narcotics where I am. I went to the clinic where my doctor is at, but he is on extended leave of absence, so I wanted to see another doctor at the clinic about my depression/anxiety, since I was left in the cold with no prescription renewal. No doctor would see me for the...
  5. U

    Alcohol problems

    Heavy problems, alcohol is the only thing that makes my day bearable. I drink non-stop all day, about 1/2 bottle of vodka a day, been doing it for years. I know its affecting my health but living alone all the time, no friends, no family, just work then home, there is a lot of emptiness...
  6. U

    Strategy For Battling Suicidal Thoughts

    For me, when the thoughts are getting really dark and I just want to off myself, then I turn to a technique that helps. Its called Emotional Freedom Technique, and I get a lot of benefit from it. There are people on youtube that do it, so check out this guy...
  7. U

    Loneliness to the point of obscurity

    Hello all, It is a strange thing that one simple afternoon, trying to figure out the depths of one's loneliness can lead to a place such as this. I realize how isolated my life has become, to the point of being obscure. I live a life of complete aloneness, no friends, no lovers, just myself and...
  8. U

    I wouldn't mind to date 5 men at long as they pay me well.

    Life is never kind ..... Love Because of you, in gardens of blossoming flowers I ache from the perfumes of spring. I have forgotten your face, I no longer remember your hands; how did your lips feel on mine? Because of you, I love the white statues drowsing in the parks, the white...