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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. edamame721

    Things you should not tell a grieving person

    The death of a loved one is like your relationship breakup. The grieving person needs to move on even though the death happened a few days (make that ONE day) ago.
  2. edamame721


    Two more of my cousins just got married. Being older and perpetually single, I'm starting again to wonder if I should just settle for anyone who treats me well. I know I'm not in a good frame of mind to be thinking this. How do you stop yourself from getting out of the mindset of settling? Do...
  3. edamame721

    Do you ever just break down?

    I had one this past week. I turned off my phone and ended up sleeping most of my time. Today, I finally emerged and tried to do something nice for my family but it was unappreciated. When I get near to the point of deep depression, I reach out but am told I am tiresome, too closed, or refused...
  4. edamame721

    Potential new friend

    Met up with someone one-on-one after running into each other in a recreation group. We shared some personal stuff, more so on my part. I haven't felt this click in a long time. I hope I don't scare her away, but she sounds like she could be a good friend. Glad I opened up. Hope I can continue to...
  5. edamame721

    Taking things too personally

    I recently had a fight with a family member who thought I was taking things too personally. She didn't understand it and stated she had a blunt personality and that her friends were the same way. I thought about it and agreed with her, but thought some of her actions didn't match up to what she...
  6. edamame721

    How to deal with the silent treatment?

    Hi, so recently, I shared some concerns about my friend's behavior and how it was making me feel. He ignored me. A week later, I sent a text saying I was open to talking or that if he needed space, to let me know, so I could respect it. He tends to run away from unpleasant situations and has...
  7. edamame721

    Feeling left out?

    I've been trying to meet up with a friend and a friendly acquaintance for a while now. We finally said we'd meet for Halloween and I did research and even sent links. No one answered and when I went on Facebook, it turns out they had jetsetted to another state and city for a marathon. One of...
  8. edamame721

    Are people actually more social than you?

    Sometimes it feels like you're the one always getting left out because the person you call or text has other plans or just doesn't feel like hanging out. Going to social media sites like Facebook makes it seem like your friends are always doing something with someone...but is this really all...
  9. edamame721

    When your friend is in a bad mood

    How do you deal with a friend who is in a bad mood, either complaining or on a negative rant? I've tried pointing out the positives in their circumstances only to be overriden, not saying anything, and even getting angry. My last resort: it becomes too much and I have to cut the visit short...
  10. edamame721

    Spending a lonely birthday

    My birthday is next week. I felt out some acquaintances, but they seem to be going through rough patches in their life. I asked my family to have dinner together, but they haven't all responded. No one is is being pro-active. I feel pitiful having to ask for some attention. I feel like I don't...
  11. edamame721

    When your support network is also depressed

    What do you do when your support network is also depressed? For a while, I had my mother and a close friend, but then my mother became ill. My friend also became depressed and unfortunately, I reacted to some of his comments in anger. It wasn't fair to him so I still check up on him now and...
  12. edamame721


    Gaslighting is a tactic that people use to invalidate and deny your feelings by claiming your memories of events is faulty. This happened to me a few times and it really opened my eyes to how a former friend had been bad for me because she used gaslighting to try to convince me I was...
  13. edamame721

    Remembering you are lonely for a reason

    In case this helps anyone: So, I don't have much of a social life anymore but whenever I get down, I remember why I am alone in the first place. If I wanted to, I could still have a best friend who constantly complained about her life, said I was selfish, and told me she didn't believe in me at...
  14. edamame721

    Deciding to end a friendship

    I officially ended a friendship today that was negative for me. I had a falling out with this person years ago, held on, and now I realized we're just not good fits for each other. We're both negative -- she had no trouble complaining about me but didn't like me complaining about her. Right...
  15. edamame721

    Single with Friends

    I'm single and I have friends that are single. Sometimes, I feel lonely but I usually look forward to seeing my friends. It makes me feel unappreciated when we get together and they complain about being lonely. Maybe it's because I have family members that are ill, but I try not to take anyone...
  16. edamame721

    Close Friends

    So, lately, I feel like I have no close friends or actual friends. When my mother was diagnosed with her illness, a lot of people ignored me until I confronted them. I spend a lot of my time trying to stay in touch with people and they don't show me the same courtesy. Really, I don't think I...
  17. edamame721

    Friends disappear with bad news

    My mother was just recently diagnosed with a serious illness. I chose to share this with some friends of mine and they ignored me. I understand people have busy lives, but I don't understand why these seemingly "nice" people can't spend five minutes on a text or e-mail saying they're sorry to...
  18. edamame721

    Friends who want to catch up but not really

    Hi, so recently I have some distant friends who are sending me mixed signals. They don't really communicate about their lives to me but once in a while, they'll leave a message or e-mail saying they'll want to catch up. I've returned phone calls that go to message which is fine, but then they...
  19. edamame721

    Time running out on finding the one?

    So I just turned a milestone age not too long ago and now, I'm starting to feel the clock. My parents are telling me the pickings get slimmer as you age and my familial relationships and friendships are growing more distant naturally. I'm picturing 5 years down the line with some fear. Has...
  20. edamame721

    Broke bad news calmly

    Usually, I have trouble staying unemotional when I confess a problem I have. I become hurtful and angry and those emotions are reflected back at me. So today, I finally talked to a family member calmly. I tried to make sure they didn't become agitated and left them alone for 20 minutes so they...