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Aunt Lucy said:
I see a few members backed and lead by the moderators and Admin staff start attacking him and he attacked back. They escalate and he escalates. They ban him. People like Badjedidude dance on his grave and laugh that he is banned - job well done. Eve and Minus and Steel fire a few parting shots.

I was there at the time and yes he was delusional and I have no idea what he was on about. The themes that resonated in his nonsense was questing, protecting friends, Mordor and (what until tonight I thought were vague uncontextualised abstracts) Eve and minus and Steel.

Eve, Minus, Steel. You have disgraced yourself at the way you dealt with this. There are some very nice young men and women here and they are vulnerable and sensitive and you used this opportunity to run over a vulnerable boy and I don't know how you could have handled this worse.

I hope in future the moderators stop stroking their egos or so quickly judging people and instead put such things aside and realise there is flesh and blood and heart behind each member. This should not have happened.

I guess you didn't see the nasty posts that your "nephew" made, eh? Know about something before you start running off the deep end. None of the admin or mods here owe anyone. So none of us have any reason to start "attacking" anyone. This is a moderated forum. Not some place for people to come and be nasty to everyone here. Why should we be easy on someone who comes here and is so completely nasty and mean to people here? That's not fair to the people he was mean to for no reason. Take the ribbon off your eyes.
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