Animals Don't Belong In The Zoo

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Well-known member
Sep 4, 2011
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Island Of Patmos
que pasa?

Being a personal who believes that animals are very important, the thought of putting them in a Zoo enrages me. It's my opinion that animals should be left alone in their designated places from God. I do understand that some treat the animals as good as they can, and that most of the employees are great with them, but using animals for financial purposes is appalling.

I respect animals a great deal. As much as I respect the late Steve Irwin
for all his good work, a small part of me feels sorry for the animals in his park. Just because we think that they are content or happy with the provided care doesn't mean they are.

If their natural habitat is being destroyed and threatening the animals lives, I'm more inclined to move them to another part of the wilderness as opposed to a Zoo. Have you ever noticed that in a lot of cases that we tear down trees and build houses in their living area and we have the nerve to call them pests?!

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
I'm kind of in the middle about zoos. I agree that it's sad to keep them caged and out of their natural habitat. I'd like to see people make more of an effort to restore their true homes and keep animals out there where they belong.

Then again, zoos do a lot to educate the public. I mean, yea... They have those darned fake koalas, but in other aspects. It's a lot easier for people to care about animals going extinct if they've seen them in person. A lot of people live in places where they have very little exposure to animals other than a dog or cat, and it's easy to feel very detached from them. The less you care, the more likely it is that you're going to send somebody out there to destroy its home for your new condo. A lot of zoos take rescue animals, too- critters that were injured, abandoned pets, that kind of thing.
LoneKiller said:
que pasa?

Being a personal who believes that animals are very important, the thought of putting them in a Zoo enrages me. It's my opinion that animals should be left alone in their designated places from God. I do understand that some treat the animals as good as they can, and that most of the employees are great with them, but using animals for financial purposes is appalling.

I respect animals a great deal. As much as I respect the late Steve Irwin
for all his good work, a small part of me feels sorry for the animals in his park. Just because we think that they are content or happy with the provided care doesn't mean they are.

If their natural habitat is being destroyed and threatening the animals lives, I'm more inclined to move them to another part of the wilderness as opposed to a Zoo. Have you ever noticed that in a lot of cases that we tear down trees and build houses in their living area and we have the nerve to call them pests?!

If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

Zoos are ossum, all putting animals in cages just so I can look at them.
PieBeNice said:
Zoos are ossum, all putting animals in cages just so I can look at them.

Zoos are ossum, we are put Pie into zoo so we can is watch him.

Seriously, though... zoos don't bother me. They really do educate people about animals, and if a couple of animals from non-threatened species have to suffer loss of freedom to do that... well, I'm OK with that. lol
Endangered species should be put into zoos in order to keep them from extinction.

Now if the animal is no-where near extinction then they should be put in their natural habitats.... Only for protection should animals be put in zoos.

Hell, if I'm in danger of dying I'd prefer to be locked in a semi-large area with food, water, and a controlled climate!
Depends on the setup of the zoo. Some really do try to mimic an authentic environment for the animals, which I think is good.

Places like Seaworld try to release animals they've rescued and keep them there only temporarily, which is also great. The animals that stay permanently are usually unfit to survive in the wild, so they are cared for and provide education to people about environmental conservation. Seems like a positive thing to me.

If we're talking rusty cages and tiny concrete enclosures, yeah, places like that shouldn't exist.
Some endangered species are put into zoos...into breeding keep the species alive, so I'm all for that. In the end, a lot of zoos try to match the animal's natural habitat and give them the mental stimulation and whatnot that they would get out in the wild. It's not like they're some side show in a circus being poked a prodded with a stick and forced to do tricks or they don't get to eat....
One day, I was at a store. In the parking lot were some tents. Signs said you could come and see some exotic animals. Kind of a mini zoo thing. They had nice low prices to have your picture taken with a tiger. Ooh! Then, I looked at the tiger... who was pacing in a too small cage, that she'd been in all day. The cage floor was wet and she kept slipping, but she kept pacing. Staring. At what? Her cubs, in another cage for people to take pictures, too. My daughter wanted a picture very much, and I had to tell her no way. Although it would be a neat picture, I couldn't support that.
I'm not the fence about a lot of these things really. Zoo's do some good work though they can be slightly depressing. Safari parks are maybe slightly better in that the animals normally have more space and are kept more wild. I personally can't stand the sight of caged birds as pets, makes me cry. The most awful and creepy thing I think are natural history museums. All those old moth eaten animals behind glass. Makes me shiver. I hate the one near me with a passion.
This post will sound a little brutal but due to forum rules, I can't post the video as it is too graphic. I really respect Elephants and their intelligence.
They also have a lot of patience and self respect. I once saw a video of an elephant in a circus who had enough and attacked the trainer and stomped that dude into mush. That dude had to be scooped up. Very disturbing.

This serves as a good example of what being in captivity can do to an animal. The trainer wasn't abusing it that I could tell. This post reminds me of another video of a zoo employee going into the area where the lions were kept to get a close up shot with what appeared to be a disposable camera.

A female lion jumped him from behind and she and a male lion ate him alive.
They put the lions down over this. Can you ******* believe that?! It's not the lion's fault. I'm not without sympathy for the poor victim and this truly horrible event, but he should have known better.

Wild animals are extremely unpredictable.I don't mean to sound cold, but
that poor soul who was killed, knew the risks involved. I still can't believe they put those lions down. They could have just sedated them and return them to their land of origin where they know how live instinctively correctly for them. Not us.
As you say at the end wild animals are "wild" animals and therefore are unpredictable. I don't think you can for instance say that the elephant attacked its keeper "due to being in captivity". Elephants have attacked people and vehicle in there natural habitat.
Its a fine line if animals should be put down after killing humans. I'm not sure if simply releasing them into the wild if they do is an answer as a lot of animals find it hard to live like that again after being confined.

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