Do you fall hard really early in romantic relationships?

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^Oh okay, haha. Yes, it's been a long while. :) I'm alright, generally speaking. Hope you are too!
Rosebolt said:
^Oh okay, haha. Yes, it's been a long while. :) I'm alright, generally speaking. Hope you are too!

I'm good thanks, if you ever need to chat you know where I am:)
This thread makes me feel a little better about my hasty thoughts and feelings when it comes to women, although i believe my desperation has reached a lower low, since i rush a thought out future with women who say "hello" over the internet regardless of age and location -_- i always put on my stoic act when i'm outside but the thoughts usually same around the same xD
VeganAtheist said:
sk66rc said:
When I was 19, I used to work with a girl that I got along really well... Apparently the feelings were mutual... It took us 4 days to move in together once we've decided to get into a relationship... So, yeah, I guess I've learned my lesson & still am...
4 Days? That is kinda scary!
But then again, I would have done the same thing with my last relationship. She was actually checking out schools in my area because she wanted to move in with me after a few weeks of knowing me... and I would have let her.

Yeah... Everybody pretty thought the same, about it being a scary situation... Well, back then, we both knew exactly what we wanted & after 3 days of hanging out & talking to each other was all it took...
sk66rc said:
Yeah... Everybody pretty thought the same, about it being a scary situation... Well, back then, we both knew exactly what we wanted & after 3 days of hanging out & talking to each other was all it took...

How long did it last, if you don't mind me asking?
VeganAtheist said:
sk66rc said:
Yeah... Everybody pretty thought the same, about it being a scary situation... Well, back then, we both knew exactly what we wanted & after 3 days of hanging out & talking to each other was all it took...

How long did it last, if you don't mind me asking?

4 years... It was pretty good run... I guess we both got lucky that the other one didn't turn out to be a crazy head case...
sk66rc said:
4 years... It was pretty good run... I guess we both got lucky that the other one didn't turn out to be a crazy head case...

That is an excellent run, assuming you both were happy for a good percentage of it.
I am currently in the only relationship that ever mattered to me. Now i am happy and plan to stay with my bf until death do us part. We have been together 22 years. But i am lonely in my head very much so all the time.
johnny196775 said:
I am currently in the only relationship that ever mattered to me. Now i am happy and plan to stay with my bf until death do us part.

I am happy for you! :)
I fell for my wife about 36 hours after meeting her online. I'd never seen her, hell, I'd never even heard her voice - Everyone didn't have digital cameras, mobile phones or webcams back in the mid 90s.

I told her I loved her and although it completely freaked her out, we kept talking every day and she moved across the ocean from the US to the UK to move in with me. From the day we physically met, we were already living together. Ended up married about 18 months later and then stayed together for another 8 years. Although it ended in divorce, we had a lot of happy times together and I still think she is/was an amazing person.

I've never fallen for anyone else that fast or even anything approaching it. Many years later and I've not even bothered having another girlfriend because I've never felt as strongly for anyone else as I did for her.

I realise this doesn't exactly help you in any way, but I just thought I'd share my experience.
VeganAtheist said:
sk66rc said:
4 years... It was pretty good run... I guess we both got lucky that the other one didn't turn out to be a crazy head case...

That is an excellent run, assuming you both were happy for a good percentage of it.

Towards the end, it got little shaky, hence why we're not together anymore... But yeah, good portion of that 4 years where great...
user 130057 said:
I fell for my wife about 36 hours after meeting her online. I'd never seen her, hell, I'd never even heard her voice - Everyone didn't have digital cameras, mobile phones or webcams back in the mid 90s.

I told her I loved her and although it completely freaked her out, we kept talking every day and she moved across the ocean from the US to the UK to move in with me. From the day we physically met, we were already living together. Ended up married about 18 months later and then stayed together for another 8 years. Although it ended in divorce, we had a lot of happy times together and I still think she is/was an amazing person.

I've never fallen for anyone else that fast or even anything approaching it. Many years later and I've not even bothered having another girlfriend because I've never felt as strongly for anyone else as I did for her.

I realize this doesn't exactly help you in any way, but I just thought I'd share my experience.

Wow! That's actually pretty cool/sweet.
I actually had a relationship with someone from the UK recently. We also fell in love very quickly. We met online as well, though we used Skype frequently. We met physically twice and it felt near perfect for me. She seemed to think we were perfect for each other too at the time. I was actually going to move there - in fact, I would have moved there this very week - if she didn't end the relationship abruptly. She is with another guy now. I hope she is happy.
I am really jealous that it didn't work out similar to how yours did but life moves on.

I often feel like I won't feel as strongly as I did with her too. I am afraid that I am going to be chasing that same feeling, ruining relationships in the process.
VeganAtheist said:
I am really jealous that it didn't work out similar to how yours did but life moves on.

Be careful what you wish for...

The problem is that (much like romantic movies) my story went into detail about the good while leaving out most of the bad. Fast forward to the end when you're sleeping in separate rooms, barely speaking and wondering how you ever got to that point.

I haven't so much as spoken to her for around 7 years and there's still a piece of me that's missing. When I talk about her, I can feel this aching empty hole inside my chest that I tried to fill with food, alcohol and video games. I still occasionally have dreams about her that are so vivid that I'm convinced she'd still here.

They say it's better to have loved and lost, but I remain unconvinced...
I fell hard and fast for my long term ex and to be honest to this day I still love her and probably won't ever not love her. I would class that as true love/soulmate territory but then I screwed it up.

I dated another girl about a year after and fell fast but then just stopped dead in my tracks because I still loved my previous ex. and didn't feel right dating someone else.

I now don't fall at all, I just don't have it in me anymore because no one has a chance of comparing to my ex. Have been involved with a girl lately and I just feel sorry for her that I can't give her what she wants from me because I'm stuck in the past.
...these last few posts are incredibly sad. Almost makes you feel better about remaining single.
user 130057 said:
Be careful what you wish for...

The problem is that (much like romantic movies) my story went into detail about the good while leaving out most of the bad. Fast forward to the end when you're sleeping in separate rooms, barely speaking and wondering how you ever got to that point.

I haven't so much as spoken to her for around 7 years and there's still a piece of me that's missing. When I talk about her, I can feel this aching empty hole inside my chest that I tried to fill with food, alcohol and video games. I still occasionally have dreams about her that are so vivid that I'm convinced she'd still here.

They say it's better to have loved and lost, but I remain unconvinced...
That is painful. Sorry it went like that. I suppose you are right. Doesn't sound like what I want.
I have always thought "better to have loved and lost" quote was BS. The pain from lost far overrides any happiness you got while being loved. Also, the lose is ongoing.

Nice But Dim Jim said:
I fell hard and fast for my long term ex and to be honest to this day I still love her and probably won't ever not love her. I would class that as true love/soulmate territory but then I screwed it up.

I dated another girl about a year after and fell fast but then just stopped dead in my tracks because I still loved my previous ex. and didn't feel right dating someone else.

I now don't fall at all, I just don't have it in me anymore because no one has a chance of comparing to my ex. Have been involved with a girl lately and I just feel sorry for her that I can't give her what she wants from me because I'm stuck in the past.

I am still in love with my ex too. She once asked me if I would love her, no matter what. I said yes. I meant yes. And unfortunately it turned out to be absolutely true. She is gone and never coming back but she still has my heart. Doesn't seem fair but there isn't much I can do about it.

I hope you let the girl that you are seeing now know how you feel before it gets too serious. She will be brokenhearted if you let her fall in love with you and you have no intention of loving her back.

ardour said:
...these last few post are incredibly sad. Almost makes you feel better about remaining single.

I fall really hard for women that speak to me. Always ends up sending me into severe depression.

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