Does this bother you?

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Apr 29, 2010
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Would it bother you if your significant other had crushes on celebrities? To any extent? What about to the point where they get jealous/irked when they find out "their it girl" of the moment has started dating someone?

I am not talking about simply finding people attractive. I am talking about fantasizing about them, caring/knowing about their "lives" (whatever the media tells you), talking about them..just randomly mentioning things about them in a conversation, defending them when people say something against them type thing. I feel like the person is investing too much emotionally to this when they should be investing more into their own real life relationship.

When I am in a relationship I am fully committed to that person. I don't have crushes on anyone even celebrities. They don't enter my mind. In fact I have gotten past celebrity crushes period...even while single. It just seems so pointless and childish to me.

This reminds me of this married woman with children who has a thing for that Twilight guy o_O I have never understood this type of thing. There was this girl who was obsessed with this rock star and followed him around, would talk to him, mention how hot and great he was allll the time etc. I asked her if she would date him if she ever got the chance and she said "noo I love my bf!". Didn't seem like it to me. (I am referring to monogamous relationships with these examples..not trying to bash on different types like open relationships etc)There are people that would like the chance to be with the celebrity. Sometimes their partner will allow them to be with them sexually if they ever met them. I don't understand that though. They are still people (just famous) why would that be an exception?

No offense to anyone but I have never understood this. Some people even say that of course people usually find celebrities more attractive than their own partners. Why? Just because of status, fame, because they have tons of makeup? I always preferred whoever I was with at the moment in real life.. I could care less about a dolled up celeb o_O Regular non famous people can be just as (if not more) attractive in any sense.
encounter said:
Would it bother you if your significant other had crushes on celebrities? To any extent? What about to the point where they get jealous/irked when they find out "their it girl" of the moment has started dating someone?

Well, it would probably irk me a bit...but not because of jealousy. I'd be upset that they CARE about something so trivial at all. I personally can't stand all of that TMZ and Insider crap. Who cares which stars are ******* whom? Seriously. So it would bug me, but only because I'd wonder why my significant other were focusing on something so pointless.

You should probably just thank your lucky stars that your significant other isn't idolizing someone NORMAL who lives NEAR you. That would be worse, I think. As long as it's a's probably unlikely that the person's going to run off and try to actually make it with the celeb.

I guess some people just need to focus on celebs like that in order to escape their lives sometimes. Some people do that by immersing themselves in hobbies, some do it by drinking/drugs...and some idolize movie stars. *shrug*

encounter said:
Some people even say that of course people usually find celebrities more attractive than their own partners. Why? Just because of status, fame, because they have tons of makeup? I always preferred whoever I was with at the moment in real life.. I could care less about a dolled up celeb o_O Regular non famous people can be just as (if not more) attractive in any sense.

I completely agree with this. Screw celebs. They're not doing anything for the world anyway. Regular people are a lot more interesting. :)
encounter said:
Would it bother you if your significant other had crushes on celebrities? To any extent? What about to the point where they get jealous/irked when they find out "their it girl" of the moment has started dating someone?

A crush i just ignore, getting jealous seems a bit extreme to me. Never being one to get that excited about celebrates, i couldn't couldn't really say. Just seems excessive to me.
I once had a GF who frequented I tried not to hold it against her :p
Badjedidude- That is one of the things that bothered me the most. Them caring about something so trivial. But I just didn't understand why someone who is in a relationship would care about some random girl getting a boyfriend? Them caring about this EVEN while single makes no sense. But you have a girlfriend yourself who cares if this other person has their own boyfriend?? Just don't get it.

This person is still a great friend to me but I am no longer in a romantic relationship with them. This celeb thing was not the only thing that lead to this but it was a reason. Something bigger really ended it though.
encounter said:
This person is still a great friend to me but I am no longer in a romantic relationship with them. This celeb thing was not the only thing that lead to this but it was a reason. Something bigger really ended it though.

Well, it always sucks to have to end a relationship... but in this case you're probably better off without that person. Someone who loses their perception and focus like that probably isn't the best type of person to be in a relationship with.

So here's to hoping for better in the future, yeah? :D *hugs*
nah celeb crushes don't bother me. I lived with my Ex, and we had a framed picture of Ashlee Simpson over our toilet so he could look at it every time he went to the bathroom! Other than it being so trivial that someone would be so interested in some silly celebrity, it wouldn't/doesn't bother me at all.
I knew a couple who actually had an agreement that they could sleep with their celebrity crushes if the opportunity ever came up. (I think the celebrities were Hugh Grant and Kate Winslet.) One of my ex's had a crush on George Clooney, and I used to tease her by pointing out that Clooney had a pet hog which he sometimes shared his bed with.

Unless it becomes a pathological obsession, I think celebrity crushes are pretty harmless. After all, it's just a fantasy - most people know there's no chance they'll end up sleeping with a movie star. To equate it with cheating is going a bit far. As a couple, you can decide to have fun with these fantasies or not; but either way I don't think it's a good idea to insist that your partner shouldn't even think about someone else.
I also wouldn't likely be involved with someone that was caught up with all the celebrity nonsense (if I get control of the TV at the gym in the morning, Sesame Street wins over celebrity gossip shows every time) but it sounds relatively harmless unless your S.O. starts stalking the people he/she fantasizes about. As long as they come home to you and are faithful what does it matter? I think being jealous of something like this is a surefire way to bring a relationship to quick end. Don't let the green eyed monster get you...
I think that we can easily invest in a smile or a roll of hip more supposition of what a person is or is not. I wonder if I met Arwen in real life then I may invest a lot of exotic elvish qualities in her and let it transpose my seeing her as a complete person. Focusing on anyone, elf, celebrity and reading into them your wants is unfair. People are and will be people and flawed. Don't look for perfection. Embrace them flaws and all. this way you will give no spouse a need to be concerned about the crushes.
If anything was going to bother me, it would be the fact that I was in a relationship with someone who hasn't grown out of that sorta thing.
If my man were to have a celebrity crush or whatnot - I don't mind.
If he's "Keeping up with the Kardashians", buying tabloids, investigating the lives of these celebrities...I can't help but lose respect for him.
It just seems...not masculine...
Next thing you know, he'll start giving me fashion tips I bet...

(No offense to any gentlemen into celebrities and celebrity gossip turn me off...)
It would bother me. I'd be lying if I said that it is something I could just shrug off.

I guess this might sound jealous, controlling, insecure, or maybe all of the above, but if I am in a serious relationship, I want to be put first before any other woman. Even when I get old and wrinkly, I want to be my guy's number one.

I never want to be made to feel like I am standing in the shadow of someone else. I also would never expect something from my SO that I wouldn't do myself.
To me it seems that they feel like they are lacking in their own relationship..especially if it's to the point that they get jealous that the celebrity has a S.O. Why would you get jealous if you had your own real life relationship? Does anyone understand this?
Honestly, I have no idea why my ex was jealous. It's not like anything would really ever happen between me and Jeff Hardy. He's just my favorite wrestler. My ex had a lot of favorite bands, some with female singers and such, and I never called him out over it. I just think he's ridiculous.

Then again, I don't follow Jeff Hardy like that. I'm just a regular fan. I know a bit about him, and about his career. I watch him wrestle weekly, if I remember to watch TNA at all. Some people do go overboard with this whole celebrity thing.
Well I meant why would someone get jealous about their celebrity crush getting a boyfriend/girlfriend when they are in a relationship themselves. It seems like they must feel like they are lacking in their own relationship/self.
Possibly. My ex had trust issues, and some confidence issues. I guess, liking a celebrity to some people means your girlfriend/boyfriend likes them more.
I wonder if there would be an attraction between a hobbit and an elf? To me it is in the same realms of unlikeliness of anything occurring. Hobbit as much shorter and elf much taller and elven and human offspring not that plentiful. Celebrity suddenly showing up on your doorstep and competiting with your SO for your affections? What is the problem? I dunno. People are strange.

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