Drink and a Smoke?

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Sailor Jerry's

I never really got into them, only for rare celebrations. So whatever I can find that smells like it tastes good without it costing me too much money.
I like beer, light but some sorts of dark too. I'm not a spealict in it, so I can drink the cheapest one. Once in a month/two, too much calories((

Sometimes I drink red wine, mostly when I meet my parents, they like it.

Non-smoker, I tried once about 15 years ago and it was not tasty, to tell the truth it was very untasty, so I've never tried again.
I like beer, light but some sorts of dark too. I'm not a spealict in it, so I can drink the cheapest one. Once in a month/two, too much calories((
True, especially for beer.
Sometimes I drink red wine, mostly when I meet my parents, they like it.
I like Lambrusco because of my parents
Non-smoker, I tried once about 15 years ago and it was not tasty, to tell the truth it was very untasty, so I've never tried again.
I find cigars quite different from cigarettes, but it is an acquired taste for sure.
I find cigars quite different from cigarettes, but it is an acquired taste for sure.

I'll take your word for it) I think, I'm too old now to try cigars just in case they are tasty, when I tried I was in my early 20s and thought it could be cool, but now I think it can't be cool and if I don't smoke, it's better not to try anything.
I drink milk and smoke only weed. No alcohol, no coffee, no tobacco. I eat Gouda cheese like candy.
I thought it could be cool, but now I think it can't be cool and if I don't smoke, it's better not to try anything.
Yeah you shouldn’t do things to look cool. I only do it when I go camping to savour the moment.

I drink milk and smoke only weed. No alcohol, no coffee, no tobacco. I eat Gouda cheese like candy.
Ok. Interesting combination.
I have way too much health anxiety to smoke. I dont drink, either; or do drugs. Or gamble. I have a highly addiction-prone personality.
I still have two winter ales left over from Christmas.

I've been saving them for the end of having a really good week on all fronts of my life.
I guess it says something that that hasn't happened yet.

Better drink them (and have a beer-worthy week) before I forget 🍻

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