Failed my tests.....and try socializing on ps3home

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Sailor Moon

Well-known member
Jan 28, 2012
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I tried socializing on ps3 home.....cant really talk with others well

I tried talking to people at work..doesn't go well

I keep my conversations so short and I walk away or just stand for long hours with awkward pause moments

I'm stuck at home paying bills cant afford to go out period .
I rent a room from a house hold but they always invite people over and I feel stuck and awkward in my room...sometimes they say to me

" oh wow...welcome back from vacation...haven't seen you in years.."\

some smart remarks like that...there's always parties here from another culture so they dont speak english and that makes things awkward

I dropped out of school a second time...due to grades...I feel like a failure...I keep trying and trying but words from the text book never seems to get in my head. People keep asking me why dont you go to school...........I cant say I keep failing because of my learning disability
I dont even know if the cap program could even help me.

I live on my own and barely affording rent...what do I do I talk to people.

I sometimes come off sounding stupid but I cant help it.
I'm sooo sorry I'm so different.

I feel so empty like a lost soul wandering the earth..........

I've been really depressed the pass couple of days..feeling alone and empty.

My dad made it officially that he cut me out of his life ....I tried but it keeps hurting me the rejection.....I cant keep asking my dad to talk to me..
My mom tries but it's hard for her too.

I'm just about to get fired from my job....I can barely do my work there because of lack of comprehension what should I do.

I feel so alone.
Hello Sailor Moon, I am sorry that you are feeling so alone. You mention that you are stuck in your room when the household invites people over. Could you join in with them? Are you invited to join them? I realise that there is a language barrier, but sometimes hand gestures and a few simple words (if the guests understand a limited ammount of English) can express a lot. And it beats sitting alone. You might make some new friends.
Maybe you could attend a special needs course specially geared for your learning problems. I haven't heard of the cap program, but assume it is something along these lines.
Maybe you would be happier in a different job, one where directions are clearer so that you know what you have to do. Could your local job centre (or equivalent) help you to find something more suitable?
I'm trying to look into local community colleges for it....and I might be moving back home too..

They dont speak english at's just there own language from there culture.
When one of them tries talking to me in english they mock the other person for talking to me in english.

I'm still trying to figure out if the government is going to pay for all this.

as for DORS they're not helping me out too much and my counselor is avoiding me right now.
She's like in hiding...I feel horrible.


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